The only thing I don’t like about how Yokai handled this is refusing to sleep with Saito. It feels more punitive than constructive. I do think it’s in character though, given that he tends to overthink things and has his own issues with how to interact with others. He took things one step too far, which I can definitely relate to.
@TNT261 As @BusynessJin has pointed out, the title of this chapter and the previous one is likely a reference to The Spider's Thread, a story by Ryunosuke Akutagawa about Buddha lowering a spider's thread down to hell. A criminal grabs onto that thread and starts climbing up to salvation; when he realizes that others have started climbing below him, he freaks out and yells at them that the thread is his alone. Immediately after that, the thread breaks and they all fall back to hell.
I figure it was easier to draw something like a rope than a spider's thread; the Japanese readers would probably recognize what it is based on the title.
This was such a dangerous and tricky situation, I have no idea how I would have dealt with it. I don't think his solution was perfect, I don't think it was wrong though. This is so realistic, and so messy.