And then comes the revenge plot where the Emperor who is obviously the male lead that the MC is going to get with, kills her parents in front of her. And then the crappy plot, writing, and romance comes in. Since this is now going to be the typical love redemption thing. The MC is going to forgive the piece of trash Emperor, and they are going to end up together. Yes. This will happen. Why? Because whenever korean writers use this plot line, it always, always happens. Not once, in any series, have I seen the MC not get together with basically her enemy if they are a love interest. It just doesn't happen.
Now the plot and forced reasoning for becoming the empress is sooo god damn stupid. Its obvious that its to force the romance between the Emperor (who mind you, is a murderous psychopath that killed her parents). I hope to god, this won't happen, but it will.
There is so much plot forcing. It doesn't make sense why she has to be the empress to kill him. The emperor also wants to die. So just give her the god damn magic sword and let her stab you, you shitty emperor. But no, we can't, because there has to be stupid plot reasons to stretch out the stupid plot, where she can't kill him as a kid, or he has some stupid auto-defense skill, or he can only be killed by a certain weapon that can only be wielded at a certain age in a certain ritual, stretching out the revenge so that the MC and the Emperor can get together because that's always the goal of this type of romance story, except the author keeps forgetting one thing:
Everyone hates the Emperor and wants him to die (including himself), and he killed the MC's parents when she was basically at her happiest moment in her life (she was basically lonely and finally accepted her family), in which case, no one, in their right mind, would ever fall in love with the person who killed them, especially when they know who it is (so you can't pull the killer reveal card). But, no, the plot is going to try and make the emperor "pitiful" (won't work, because we, as the audience still know and remember that he killed the MC's parents and basically the whole empire) and slowly make it so that the MC ends up forgiving him (readers will never accept it, because, once again, HE KILLED HER PARENTS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER), and they end up falling in love.
Why do I keep repeating this? Because its the most stupidest thing ever. And.... HE KILLED HER FUCKING PARENTS! Why, and I mean, WHY WOULD THE AUTHOR EVEN THINK THAT WE WOULD WANT TO SEE THE PARENT KILLER AS A LOVE INTEREST? A psychopathic blood thirsty serial killer is one thing, but the guy who willing killed the MC's parents "just for the luls" is entirely different altogether.
I really, really hope that all the foreshadowing and setting up flags is only a trick to make us think that, and the MC actually kills the emperor when she becomes queen.
Oh right, here's the story evaluation:
As for the writing in general, its all over the place. The tone doesn't know if it wants to be dark and depressing or a light heart-ed comedy. It doesn't mix well.
There's a horrible use of time skip where the MC doesn't develop in anyway, except maybe her skills (but not as a character), and remains the same.
The characters are pretty one note.
Too much time is devoted to trying to make the MC do stupid shit that is out of character just to make him pitiful. I guess hes bipolar cause his personality and character traits change at the will of the romance development.
There is no character development. For like, 7 years or so, we still have no idea about the characters except the MC and the Emperor (Male lead?)
There is no world building so far. 7 years pass, and we still basically have no idea what the rules of the world are.
Everything, the plot specifically, is incredibly rushed so we could get straight to the romance between the Antagonist/Male Lead Emperor and the MC.
I literally don't care about any other character but the MC, because the author so far, hasn't given us much of a reason to care for any side character since... we don't know about them.
And yes, I know, its only 16 chapters in, but this is not good writing. You have to develop characters and the plot slowly. You can even develop romance slowly over time, there was actually no need for the time skip, because we couldn't see the MC change in the time skip. Good thing she didn't change... at all, so I guess the time-skip didn't really matter.
To be honest, I would have rather preferred to read about happy fun times with her family, than this convoluted plot to kill the Emperor in a forced revenge/redemption romance. I don't mind fish out of water series, especially if they are about dragons turning into little girls and trying to learn about family. Its really cute and endearing. This would probably have made for a more fun and interesting story than what we would probably get.
I'll forgive it, though if the MC actually ends up killing the Emperor on the wedding night, like the plan goes, so we can skip this dumb Emperor stuff, and get to well, the MC doing more fun things. But, in all likelyhood, the plan fails, and we will get another 100+ chapters of "trying to kill the Emperor" only for MC to fall in love (gross). And the author is going to dedicate quite a few chapters to try and make us forget that the set up was that she wanted revenge for killing her parents.