The Careful Empress

Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2020
This is dogshit, the emperor is an asshole. I will not feel sympathy for him, because he is an asshole with no redeeming qualities
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
Ok so u got the strongest dragon,wisdom and all that crap under her belt so she should know that the best revenge would be saying "nope, i aint taking that sword lmao even though u waited 7 years" also she shouldn't be afraid of death (perks of 1 being a fuckin dragon 2 already died once lmao)
But wot wi gut, or the remnant we got from a dragon traits are basically 2 things
2- lol i say u r humans instead of people LMFAOOIOOIOOO
Oct 26, 2019
They changed the cover so I didn't realize its that one that i didn't like.
Wish there was a way to filter select manga out of your view because I don't want to just filter the entire fantasy genre.
Apr 25, 2018
@Kurbo Same, i’m following you.
@mangabunpie Ikr, exactly why i dropped this, at least for now. The mc’s personality/decisions does not backup her prev life as a powerful dragon who has lived for a long time...
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
I'm having a hard time enjoying this. Even worst, this so bad I can't keep up with what's going on.
There are many flaws. The red-haired male lead such an arrogant and the author makes him looks so pitiful so we can justify whatever happens to him. And the soon-to-be-the-queen female lead not much different. She is consumed by anger for the sake of revenge.
The plot is rather useless too.
Well, it's impressive, really. In a bad way.
Mar 23, 2020
I'm just guessing here based on the chapters posted...
If he hasn't aged then he might just be another monster like being... like her.

I'm guessing all the mentions of her heart being good and her wielding the sword means the monster needs to eat the hero's heart.
he can't die and only a hero with a good heart can kill him.
he can only have kids or whatever with a person that wields that sword, has his fighting capabilities and his heart at the time the curse hit him. So like some monster cursed him and since then he's been "suffering" trying to cure himself of the curse. Then he finds prophecy girl and proceeds to go from hero to a demon to cure himself.
I think I just recalled a dozen different movies, tv shows and books that follow a plot similar to this. I feel like this was adapted poorly to webtoon. Does this story come in any other format?
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2019
To be honest, when I started reading this, I felt like I got jipped. I actually wanted to see her life with the knight. But nope, now we have to go through a shitty romance with the king who killed her MC's parents.
Because, knowing korean romance, I know thats going to happen. It always does.
Nov 20, 2019
These are all theories but imma place them in tags just in case.
I'm guessing the emperor is actually that large fire dragon we see at the start. Maybe he reincarnated with a similar wish for revenge but has found himself stuck inside an immortal human body which causes him to suffer daily. That would explain why he doesn't mind killing people so easily and why he killed the Knight as well. He probably even thought he was doing MC a favor.
Rather than wife grooming, I'm guessing he's actually assassin grooming MC. The empress with her psychic powers foresaw her being the white dragon, the most powerful of all dragons, and thus the only one capable of defeating.
It confuses me that this series is actually called the careful empress when MC is actually the queen. I wonder if the empress has come from another world and, rather than being a seer, is actually just aware of how the story goes. That or maybe she's going to end up being the main villain all along...
Dec 3, 2018
I really want to like this but I really find the MC unlikeable. She's consumed with revenge, she's somewhat arrogant and she's impatient. I know that she became like this because the knight and her husband died but still. I thought she was a really powerful dragon that lived a long time. But I guess living a long time doesn't give you wisdom..

The emperor on the other hand lacks empathy but maybe he just doesn't understand people.

Also I don't trust that chef but we'll see...

Imma stick with this see what'll happen and I hope that there will be good developments in the future chapters.
Apr 21, 2020
I can't really put my finger on it but something about this story just isn't sitting right with me. I've read plenty of manga/manhwa with similar plots but this one... Maybe the characters just aren't handled right? maybe it's their personal relationships with each other? I don't know but something about it just slightly ticks me off. I'll just wait it out, it could just be a bumpy start.
Apr 22, 2020
@K00K13 same! I feel like the characters relationships are whack but oddly passed off. Can’t put my finger as to the main reason but I’ve let it slide cause I wanted to wait it out too...

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