“Because you, and those like you, believe women to be the equivalent of retarded children when it suits you.”
Oh brother, this guy stinks! She can be a whore, I’ve already said that. There’s women who are whores. That being said, it is the framing of that chapter that makes it seem like rape. I don’t think entrapping your “friend” into a party with a group of men is necessarily morally right. And, because of her ”friend” doing that, it could be seen as rape on the basis of that. She is visibly sweating, has a nervous look on her face and it only her who is seen drinking, not only that, it seems as if she is pressured into committing those acts.
By definition, it is rape.
Did you have the capacity to consent?
Any person who’s consenting to sexual activity must have full power to make that decision. You can’t consent if you’re incapacitated.
People who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol may have diminished capacity.
An intoxicated person can consent as long as they’re able to make informed decisions without pressure or coercion. Here are some signs of intoxication:
- slurred speech
- stumbling or wobbling when walking
- exaggerated emotions and gestures
can’t be given by someone who’s incapacitated. Some signs of incapacitation include:
- speaking incoherently
- not being able to walk without assistance
- confusion, like not knowing the day of the week or where they are
- passing out
Likewise, people who are incapacitated in another way — for example, they may have an intellectual disability — may not fully understand what’s happening. They can’t, in that case, provide consent.
Any sexual contact, without proper consent, could be considered rape.
Was your consent freely given?
Consent is an explicit agreement. It should be given enthusiastically and without reservation.
If you’re being threatened in any way, you can’t give consent. Being threatened with force, manipulation, or coercion means any “yes” is involuntary.
Sexual contact that happens after a coerced yes is sexual assault or rape.
I said no but they kept asking, so I eventually said yes to get them to stop
Saying no over and over again and then saying yes may be considered coerced consent. In that case, consent isn’t freely given.
Any sexual contact could then be considered rape or assault.
It’s true that some people say no, then change their minds freely. However, that should be a decision that’s made without nagging or pressure from another person.