The Day I Decided to Make My Cheeky Gyaru Sister Understand in My Own Way - Ch. 5 - Making my cheeky gal sister understand christmas

Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
Though the sister was deceived that only her friend and her are going to a karaoke, that ordinarily the sister wouldn't come if she knew that men were also going to attend, against her better judgement she still decided to stay.
She still decided to drink alcohol enough to be drunk.
She still decided to participate in the gang bang, she even liked it.

I don't understand why people aren't holding her accountable to her own action. Citing as "peer pressure" as reason to remove any agency of her own. She wasn't threatened with a knife or with a gun to do things, or even blackmailed to.

Imagine this : a boy tries to join a group of kids, who accept it on the condition the boy steal some candies in the nearby shop. The boy accepts even though he doesn't want to because stealing is bad, but he really wants to join the kids. In the end he gets caught. Even if the shopkeeper is magnanimous enough to hear the boy out, he still tried to steal so he will face consequence, his parents get called. Peer pressure isn't gonna save the boy from punishment.

Or another example, you join a party, you go there with your car. The party has lots of alcohol. People there pressure you to drink, so you're as merry as others. You succumb to the pressure and drink a lot. After the party, you have a lot of alcohol in your blood, but you still drive back home with your car. You get arrested by police, who notice the high alcohol content in your blood. Excusing yourself that peer pressure made you drink is not gonna fly.
In your first example, your case of "magnanimous" shopkeeper was too specific. In a matter of possibility, if the shopkeeper was magnanimous enough to hear the boy then he could also be magnanimous enough to just reprimand the boy and not call the parent. Which basically it's possible that by hearing the boy's story the boy would not get punished. So it's not an absolute case.

In your second example, the police didn't arrest you because you drank alcohol, but because you drove after that. People at the party just peer pressured you to drink, not to drive home while drunk. So of course peer pressure excuse wouldn't fly.

Peer pressure in Japan is different from other countries because they have different value regarding cliques and groups. In Japan, not being in cliques or groups would isolate you from any group activities. It's important not only in school but also workplace and everywhere else. "Common sense" in Japan dictates you to find and follow a group. At work you would literally antagonize the others if you refuses drinking parties. It's also common sense in Japan to do an overtime with all the others, even if it's unpaid.

Her liking the pleasure of the sex while being raped doesn't make the raping right. I can explain it to you using drugs as an example. Let's say I inject you with a drug. The drug obviously would make you feel good, and by your logic because you enjoyed yourself while being high then that means I didn't do anything wrong. That if you return back because you got addicted then it would just means that you're a junkie.
Apr 10, 2023
didn't know people were mad about this series and i have no idea why they would be
Because the author made an enthusiastic NTR gangbang in the fanbox, while also trying to convince us that FMC is some poor victim. You can look this up basically anywhere now.
Doesn't matter whether you agree with it, it's legally considered rape and people have been convicted for it.
Drunk people having sex with other drunk people isn't rape, and the idea that it is is part of the reason men don't approach women anymore.
Also the moment she was lured there on false premises it was already entrapment.
That's not what that means legally, and it's barely what it means colloquially. Not to mention the fact that the guys had no part in that.
Also you're an idiot if you decide to drive drunk instead of just sleeping in your car.
Yes, that's rather the point. The fact that other people "pressured" you to get drunk doesn't suddenly leave them with the blame if you decide to be a moron and drive drunk. It's a metaphor.
It's not rocket science. Making people do things they don't want to while under the influence of alcohol is a method of forcing someone. Especially when you're a group of men that significantly overpower a skinny short girl.
She desperately wanted to have sex, and she's not afraid of them.
At work you would literally antagonize the others if you refuses drinking parties. It's also common sense in Japan to do an overtime with all the others, even if it's unpaid.
Right, and you'll notice that nobody would call it "rape" if, at these drinking events, everyone got frisky.
Her liking the pleasure of the sex while being raped
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
Drunk people having sex with other drunk people isn't rape
Bro, it's rape. The males were clearly not as intoxicated as the sister. Those boys had enough working faculties to know that the sister was highly intoxicated and they still did it. Also, "Well, I was intoxicated, so I should not have been prosecuted for a crime," does not qualify as a defense in court. So the sister can actually claim rape, though she didn't because of peer pressure.

Right, and you'll notice that nobody would call it "rape" if, at these drinking events, everyone got frisky.
They would, as long as the one who's frisky wasn't the boss. You know what kind of drinking parties that's common in Japan culture right? They're not THAT kind of drinking parties.

While highly intoxicated, bro. She's mentally impaired.
Apr 10, 2023
Bro, it's rape. The males were clearly not as intoxicated as the sister. Those boys had enough working faculties to know that the sister was highly intoxicated and they still did it.
They're all wasted, that's the entire premise of the chapter! It's a drinking party!
"Well, I was intoxicated, so I should not have been prosecuted for a crime," does not qualify as a defense in court. So the sister can actually claim rape, though she didn't because of peer pressure.
"We were both drunk, and she did this herself" is exactly the kind of defense you'd raise in court if she ever tried it. All claims of rape immediately fall apart at

"You really like rubbing your clit on his head, don't you?"
"I do <3"



They're not THAT kind of drinking parties.
They are. These are specifically the kind of people that engage in THOSE kinds of drinking parties. It's literally the premise of the entire story. She is, canonically, a dirty slut.
While highly intoxicated, bro. She's mentally impaired.
They're ALL intoxicated. And she got herself drunk despite the fact that she's been able to walk away for at least a full hour, and knew what was up the instant she saw them there.
Group Leader
Jul 5, 2023
I'd just like to praise the guys for being able to pleasure the insatiable whore. Nobody ever thinks about their hard work.

Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
They're all wasted, that's the entire premise of the chapter! It's a drinking party!
The boys were not really wasted. They drunk, yes, but were clearly not to the extend of "wasted" when they started the gangrape. They had enough control and awareness to stop themselves from starting any sexual activities with highly intoxicated women.

"We were both drunk, and she did this herself" is exactly the kind of defense you'd raise in court if she ever tried it. All claims of rape immediately fall apart at
Actually, that kind of defense wouldn't be enough to null rape claim at the court. It might lessen the punishment if they can make a strong enough defense, which they don't actually have here, but even so it wouldn't make the rape claim go away. For further details, you can ask law experts. The explanation would be too lengthy to list here.

These are specifically the kind of people that engage in THOSE kinds of drinking parties. It's literally the premise of the entire story. She is, canonically, a dirty slut.
There are indeed those that specifically engage in those kinds of drinking parties, the boys and the girl who invited the sister were clearly those kind of people, but the sister wasn't. She might be a slut in limited sense that she likes the pleasure that sex bring, but she actually hates having sex with those boys. You can see it from chapter 3. Edit: Sorry, my mistake, it's chapter 4.

And she got herself drunk despite the fact that she's been able to walk away for at least a full hour, and knew what was up the instant she saw them there.
Like me and lots of other people has explained multiple times, it's because of peer pressure. You can find the explanations of how strong the effect of peer pressure in Japan from Google.
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Fed-Kun's army
Dec 17, 2023
The boys were not really wasted. They drunk, yes, but were clearly not to the extend of "wasted" when they started the gangrape. They had enough control and awareness to stop themselves from starting any sexual activities with highly intoxicated women.

Actually, that kind of defense wouldn't be enough to null rape claim at the court. It might lessen the punishment if they can make a strong enough defense, which they don't actually have here, but even so it wouldn't make the rape claim go away. For further details, you can ask law experts. The explanation would be too lengthy to list here.

There are indeed those that specifically engage in those kinds of drinking parties, the boys and the girl who invited the sister were clearly those kind of people, but the sister wasn't. She might be a slut in limited sense that she likes the pleasure that sex bring, but she actually hates having sex with those boys. You can see it from chapter 3.

Like me and lots of other people has explained multiple times, it's because of peer pressure. You can find the explanations of how strong the effect of peer pressure in Japan from Google.
The dude you replied to is a certified creep. He tried to invalidate my argument because of some minute mistakes. Apparently because you don’t have perfect spelling, grammar, etc. Apparently that makes your argument mean nothing. He also said that sex with peer pressure involved is not rape. When, by definition, it is. So, next time you see a group of men cornering a girl in the alleyway, turn the other way. After all, according to this Velomobiles guy, it’s not rape.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 17, 2023
The boys were not really wasted. They drunk, yes, but were clearly not to the extend of "wasted" when they started the gangrape. They had enough control and awareness to stop themselves from starting any sexual activities with highly intoxicated women.

Actually, that kind of defense wouldn't be enough to null rape claim at the court. It might lessen the punishment if they can make a strong enough defense, which they don't actually have here, but even so it wouldn't make the rape claim go away. For further details, you can ask law experts. The explanation would be too lengthy to list here.

There are indeed those that specifically engage in those kinds of drinking parties, the boys and the girl who invited the sister were clearly those kind of people, but the sister wasn't. She might be a slut in limited sense that she likes the pleasure that sex bring, but she actually hates having sex with those boys. You can see it from chapter 3.

Like me and lots of other people has explained multiple times, it's because of peer pressure. You can find the explanations of how strong the effect of peer pressure in Japan from Google.
found it, this is his reply to me:
But, if a girl is pressured into sexual acts, do you really believe that the act is now consensual?
“A: Yes.
B: We don't see her being pressured. In fact, we see her really eager to do this. People that are pressured don't do things eagerly. Just ask any kid that's told to do its chores.
C: "Believe" is an excessively formal way of putting it. You'd be better served using "think" instead.”
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2020
Doesn't matter whether you agree with it, it's legally considered rape and people have been convicted for it
From a quick research, if the two parties are drunk then the court will have to review.
Also the moment she was lured there on false premises it was already entrapment.
Again a quick research, entrapment is a thing only if a policeman or an agent of the government traps you, not by a civilian.
Ah yes, comparing having sex to performing crimes, really big brain argument
The argument you people advance is peer pressure absolve you of responsibility of your action, even if said action isn't something you want to do. Crimes are not something people want to do in general, so it fits the argument, but here let me propose another example :

You're with your group of friend, you encounter the village pariah (for the sake of this example, he is shunned by something out of his control, ie his mother is a prostitute/father committed a crime and is in prison). Your friends begin to hurl obscenities at the pariah, and goad you to do the same. You know this bad, but you don't want to upset your friends, so you insult the pariah anyway. Later, you meet the pariah again but alone this time. Feeling guilty before him, you blabber it wasn't your fault, you had to insult him because otherwise you'd lose your friends.

Except it's entirely on you. You decided you prioritize being part of your group of friends (in manga case the sister stayed with the party even though she was deceived and there were men in the party) rather than not doing something you know to be bad (in the manga case, it's likely the men want to get in sister's pants, and she further put herself in a bad situation by accepting to get drunk).

Also you're an idiot if you decide to drive drunk instead of just sleeping in your car
Yes it's indeed idiotic, isn't it? Just like the sister idiotically decided to stay after being deceived, and after accepting getting drunk when I'm sure she knew in her head the men were after her body.
You do realize that entirely independent choice made afterwards is the issue there, not an adult drinking too much because his friends spurred him on, right
Yes, drinking is a side issue, your argument is the fact you're peer pressured to do something makes you a victim, I disagree.
And for your fictional boy, have him be bullied and forced to shoplift if you want it to be comparable.
The guys were telling her to drink, even giving her a can, but if she wanted to she could have refused, handed back the drink, she did not. If the men physically forced her to drink, then I agree, but that's not what happened, she accepted. So the example of the fictional boy I gave fits, the only pressure on the boy is being asked by a group of kids of doing something he knows is bad, and the possibility of not being welcome into the group if denied.
It's not rocket science. Making people do things they don't want to while under the influence of alcohol is a method of forcing someone. Especially when you're a group of men that significantly overpower a skinny short girl.
It's true alcohol lowers your inhibition, and you can do stuff you never wanted to do while being in full possession of your mind. But it's also true that it's entirely on you for deciding to drink knowing this fact. Drinking while knowing the men are around you, and you're a skinny woman. If only the sister decided to leave immediately after being deceived, she wouldn't have participated in the gang sex. If she's victim of anything, it is of bad decision.
Apr 10, 2023
The boys were not really wasted. They drunk, yes, but were clearly not to the extend of "wasted" when they started the gangrape.
They're all wasted. If your big point is that the author, who explicitly wrote an orgy, to the point of putting it in the title, for a canonical slut, didn't expound on the exact level of drunkenness of men at a drinking party relative to FMC, then you're wasting everyone's time. They all drank, they all got wasted, and FMC wanted the D.
Actually, that kind of defense wouldn't be enough to null rape claim at the court.
It would. They all drank, they all got wasted, and she begged for the D. An enthusiastic participant can't possibly be raped.
There are indeed those that specifically engage in those kinds of drinking parties, the boys and the girl who invited the sister were clearly those kind of people, but the sister wasn't.
Yes. She is. This is literally the premise of the story.
You can see it from chapter 3.
What? My brother in Christ, she has expressed nothing but enthusiasm during the act up until chapter 3, and in Chapter 4, she goes back for seconds while stone cold sober.
Like me and lots of other people has explained multiple times, it's because of peer pressure. You can find the explanations of how strong the effect of peer pressure in Japan from Google.
"Peer pressure" does not make rape. Especially when she's enthusiastic. All of you keep bringing up that she's been "pressured", but the fact that she's eager to do all of this seems to slip your minds. People who are being pressured to do things they don't want to do don't show this level of eager participation. The only thing you can say she was pressured to do was drink, and that only happens in the free part of the chapter, since the author wants to draw an unrepentant slut, but also make us feel bad for her; trying to have her cake and eat it too.

This woman still has agency, and she can choose to do literally anything else, since she's under no duress whatsoever.
It's true alcohol lowers your inhibition, and you can do stuff you never wanted to do while being in full possession of your mind. But it's also true that it's entirely on you for deciding to drink knowing this fact. Drinking while knowing the men are around you, and you're a skinny woman. If only the sister decided to leave immediately after being deceived, she wouldn't have participated in the gang sex. If she's victim of anything, it is of bad decision.

And you're granting the premise that she doesn't want it. She very clearly did.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2020
he could also be magnanimous enough to just reprimand the boy and not call the parent. Which basically it's possible that by hearing the boy's story the boy would not get punished. So it's not an absolute case.
Even if it's too gentle of a consequence, reprimand is still a consequence.
In your second example, the police didn't arrest you because you drank alcohol, but because you drove after that. People at the party just peer pressured you to drink, not to drive home while drunk. So of course peer pressure excuse wouldn't fly.
Yes the police arrested you for drunk driving, not drinking alcohol. You drove into the party, so you know it would be stupid to drink, yet you let pressure from others to drink. It's a bad decision on your part, just like the sister did when being in the company of guys who made their intention clear that they want her body.

Peer pressure in Japan is different from other countries because they have different value regarding cliques and groups. In Japan, not being in cliques or groups would isolate you from any group activities. It's important not only in school but also workplace and everywhere else. "Common sense" in Japan dictates you to find and follow a group. At work you would literally antagonize the others if you refuses drinking parties. It's also common sense in Japan to do an overtime with all the others, even if it's unpaid.
Japan may have different values, that can explain people's decision, but it doesn't absolve you of the agency of your actions.
Her liking the pleasure of the sex while being raped doesn't make the raping right. I can explain it to you using drugs as an example. Let's say I inject you with a drug. The drug obviously would make you feel good, and by your logic because you enjoyed yourself while being high then that means I didn't do anything wrong. That if you return back because you got addicted then it would just means that you're a junkie.
Even though I did mention the sister enjoyed the act, I did not use that as an argument that the men were in the right doing what they did. They are entirely scumbags, they most likely know the sister doesn't to do the thing, but they pressured her anyway, prioritizing their sexual needs over the well being/wants of the girl.
But this is not the issue, the issue is treating the sister as a "victim". I don't agree to that. She was full control of her decision, from the moment she found she got deceived, up to when she was asked/pressured to drink. She could have left, she could have refused to drink, she did nothing of that. Twice she made a bad decision, and that entirely led her being manipulated by the guys (and her friend incidentally, what can of friend is she by throwing the sister to wolves?).
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
They're all wasted. If your big point is that the author, who explicitly wrote an orgy, to the point of putting it in the title, for a canonical slut, didn't expound on the exact level of drunkenness of men at a drinking party relative to FMC, then you're wasting everyone's time. They all drank, they all got wasted, and FMC wanted the D.
Like I said, she's a slut in limited sense that she likes the pleasure that sex bring, but she actually hates having sex with those boys. Though you can see that from chapter 4, not from chapter 3 like I mistakenly typed.

It would. They all drank, they all got wasted, and she begged for the D. An enthusiastic participant can't possibly be raped.
Enthusiastic participant that was only started being enthusiastic after getting highly intoxicated?

Yes. She is. This is literally the premise of the story.
No, it's not. The premise was clear with how awkward she was at the beginning of chapter 1 and how she acted in chapter 4. Even the boy who asked her for a blowjob said in his inner monologue that the girl is weak against pressure. And he also tried pressuring her again when she wanted to go home.

What? My brother in Christ, she has expressed nothing but enthusiasm during the act up until chapter 3, and in Chapter 4, she goes back for seconds while stone cold sober.
My mistake, it was chapter 4, not 3. And she didn't go back for sex. She went there to pick up something she forgot, and the boy pressured her to give him blowjob. They literally said that.

"Peer pressure" does not make rape. Especially when she's enthusiastic. All of you keep bringing up that she's been "pressured", but the fact that she's eager to do all of this seems to slip your minds. People who are being pressured to do things they don't want to do don't show this level of eager participation. The only thing you can say she was pressured to do was drink, and that only happens in the free part of the chapter, since the author wants to draw an unrepentant slut, but also make us feel bad for her; trying to have her cake and eat it too.

This woman still has agency, and she can choose to do literally anything else, since she's under no duress whatsoever.
Bro, lots of people has explained that peer pressure in Japan is in a whole different level than at most other countries. Different cultures and common sense. Also, peer pressure can make rape, because there are people who are weak against pressure. For those people, strong pressure is enough of a mental attack to make them under duress. It's even stronger after combining it with clique culture in Japan. You repeatedly used her enthusiastic and eager as the reason, but she only showed those eagerness while highly intoxicated. In chapter 4, while she's sober, she obviously showed her reluctance. So obviously her eagerness was because she's mentally impaired, like how other intoxicated people can become crybaby or hostile.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
Even if it's too gentle of a consequence, reprimand is still a consequence.
True, but I was just trying to explain how the severity of punishment varies.

Yes the police arrested you for drunk driving, not drinking alcohol. You drove into the party, so you know it would be stupid to drink, yet you let pressure from others to drink. It's a bad decision on your part, just like the sister did when being in the company of guys who made their intention clear that they want her body.
Bro, I knew that. I was separating what the people at the party pressured you of and what the police punished you of, because your example mixed that.

Japan may have different values, that can explain people's decision, but it doesn't absolve you of the agency of your actions.
Obviously. But peer pressure played the major factor that forced her to make those bad decisions.

Even though I did mention the sister enjoyed the act, I did not use that as an argument that the men were in the right doing what they did. They are entirely scumbags, they most likely know the sister doesn't to do the thing, but they pressured her anyway, prioritizing their sexual needs over the well being/wants of the girl.
But this is not the issue, the issue is treating the sister as a "victim". I don't agree to that. She was full control of her decision, from the moment she found she got deceived, up to when she was asked/pressured to drink. She could have left, she could have refused to drink, she did nothing of that. Twice she made a bad decision, and that entirely led her being manipulated by the guys (and her friend incidentally, what can of friend is she by throwing the sister to wolves?).
You clearly underestimated the significance of peer pressure and cliques in Japan. Generations of holding back, feels of necessity to be in a group and have connections, and dragging others to suffer the same sufferings shapes their common sense to become as it is. It's technically their culture to be extremely wary to not be too assertive in any way. Japanese are different in that way.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
For anyone who falsely assumes entrapment is only when cops do it, you're wrong:

Catching someone in a trap is entrapment, the term is just also used for law enforcement doing it. In fact, the examples on the entrapment page even mention "entrapment in an unhappy marriage" in case you still think I'm wrong. So yes, getting a girl to lure another girl into a drinking party against her will is entrapment.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 15, 2023
she was intoxicated so yes its still count as rape in my book and the law
You're going to have to argue with the author then because her premise is that FMC is a slut and that's why she called it an orgy and didn't put any rape tags on it.

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