Letters missing, wrong words, wrong typesetting, no punctuations, I rather think this deserves better but no one else is probably ready to take this manga so I guess thanks for the work.
he should deny that request, if you think with cold head, he had just gave high fire power to an unknown noble of an unknown nation, that's a lot of bad news if other noble or the king gets wind of that.
for those who said the translate is bad i ll gladly send them PSD files if they want to help fixing it
by the way English is my third language so maybe that's way the English is bad and i m working in this series alone just me for 24 hours for chapter try to imagine how hard it can get by trying to extract japanese from bubles with the help of some programs and then use google translates for every single sentence and you go to the translated web novel to see if the translation is right or not
and when done translating you fight again with cleaning the raws and type sitting so thank you for your support
@izayamikaelis@apricotsoda I'm pretty sure that might've been a mistake in the translation - he probably meant to say a top player, or 1 of the best, not number 1 (that's my assumption, I haven't seen the raws)
@Rizkyarief The chapter explained how creating new spells was more or less like rudimentary programming in the game. Considering he was one of the top players, he would know the system already thoroughly.