The translation is OK, I mean, it's not painful to read. So I'm OK with that.
The art is meh, but it doesn't make my eyes bleed. So I'm OK with that.
But damn this story is stupid.
This manga should be called "Cliché buffet of the Deus Ex Machina". Everything is too convenient.
The MC or the main girl got a problem, well... just wait for 1 or 2 panels and BAM ---> convenient spell/item/person drops from the sky.
Frankly, if the tiny icon after the title on MangaDex wasn't a red dot on a white rectangle, I would have thought this was a manhua. It reeks of the crappy Chinese style of storytelling.
Also... fucking Japanese and their fucking baths. That's clearly a goddamn Dutch-ish/Germanic-ish country.
The girl is called "Celestina Van Solisthea" for fuck's sake (van=dutch, von=german... I don't know if the translation is perfect).
What's worst is the "Washing before entering the bath is common sense"... no it's not, you dumb fucking moron. The only fucking place in the world where that's "common sense" is fucking Japan.
This shit is like... like... like an algorithm took every Isekai manga available and then spewed some randomly generated "new" one with bits and peace of the older ones...
Just another useless, talentless and uninspired mangaka trying to cash-in on the Isekai craze.
Fuck this, I'm out.
They have magic. That's way better than plumbing. Just "poof" the water and make a fresh batch appear from nowhere.