The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Restarting Makes No Sense (6)

Aug 14, 2019
I think you're great. Such a fast, stable and high-quality release that the whole group cannot do. I am on your side like many other readers.
I hope you will continue to work on this project. Thank you so much!
Apr 28, 2018
Keep the translations coming! The most interesting series I’ve read in a while and seeing a group that can’t even release consistently even after claiming it is bs. Most of the readers will agree with this. You make alot of people happy with these great releases so don’t stop now.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
Keep doing what you're doing translator! If that other group wants, they can release their own translations. Otherwise, I'm very grateful for your work!
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2018
Thanks for the chapter!
doesn't matter if you join the other group or not ! as long as you enjoy it !
Jan 13, 2019
aww, poor children, they will now realize how lucky they are to have a kind step-mother.
Also, thanks for the chapter.
May 7, 2018
Thanks for the chapyer and all the hard work! Don't push yourself too much! You should also beware of getting cease and desisted or sued, because that has been a problem around the KN community, and so joining SLC, which has a private discord, could help protect you!
May 12, 2018
@bobsburgers The other group is clearly several chapters behind, and if a group of 3 is able to pump out 4 chapters in two days WITH good quality work, they sure as hell shouldn’t have a problem with it. It’d be a different story if this chapter had just been released and they hadn’t had a chance to work on it yet, but that clearly isn’t the case. I’m in support of your side.
At the same time, an OFFER to join their group is reasonable, not an ORDER.
Sep 14, 2018
Please don't stop translating this series! Honestly the other group should focus on their other projects so they can have less work, it's a win win situation
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2019
as much as i like the other group i think them taking too many series at once is not going to help them due to how much more effort is needed to deal with translating typesetting redrawing and all
May 22, 2019
Hi, I just wondering what did happened. Well if there were 2 group is translating a manhwa, that okay right. Many manhwa have more than 1 group translator
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
I've heard it's somewhat reasonable to snipe if the raws have been available for over 2 months the previous group still hasn't uploaded their work. Also, an offer to work together with them is reasonable as well.

I believe that the logic behind those guidelines is that not all small teams like yours stick it out for too long. They have a passion and get a lot done, but then they petter out as just life happens. Imagine people from a small team needing to go back to school or job that take a lot of man-hours out of their week. Or have a kid, or get into an accident, or just generally get burnt out from all the things involved in the scanlation work.. it happens more often to small, new, teams than it does to longer established ones.

That all said, you do you. Seriously, life is what you make of it. There will be people that disagree with your methods and those that support you, even those that have no idea you ever existed. All in all, the most important opinion will be you own (unless you're commit genocide or curing world hunger, either end of that spectrum has some pretty solidly pre-established Good Vs. Evil morality to them.)
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
Comment section got way too toxic and the scanlator's note sounds way too much like a promotion for hating and starting drama to the other group when they messaged them privately. It puts a sour taste in my mouth which I just can't support, man.

This is by no means a civil way to do things, sad because I hoped it'd be civil in my previous comment. Peeps also shouldn't argue with me that it's SLC fault for pursuing bobsburger, when they messaged them PRIVATELY, they're not the one promoting a 70+ comment thread brigade. You can support who you want but trying to push hatred on another group is a no from me dawg.

Edit: Removed some stuff bc felt like I was too mean and petty. But I still stand by that bobsburger could've worded it better, if they were seeking advice instead of turning the comment section into a dog piling hub. I'm gonna remove myself now and probably follow my own words earlier, as a reader I'll read and follow who I like.
Mar 18, 2019
Personally I'd like you to continue. The other group seems to have bitten off more than they can chew so I don't really understand why they have an issue with you taking over.

As for joining them, that's up to you guys. See about negotiating terms you could live with and if they don't go for it... well the raws have been out there for quite some time.
Aggregator gang
Apr 16, 2018
Unless they can force you at gunpoint, do what you want, as long as you don't have a centralized distribution that's public no one can stop you from translating stuff if you actually want to translate stuff.
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
@semicharmed How is anything in the note starting drama? They were just giving an update on the situation. The other group still wants to translate this series and is willing to work with them to get things done. How is any of that trying to make the other group look bad? xD
Apr 7, 2018
keep at it ur great.. dont let the other sites or ppl decide what u do.. u can do it. its great. and if trouble arises make a patreon. ur awesome dont let the other ppl get u.
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
@Despada It's manipulative, and they literally used the word "drama" mate. Started the note with "I got told that what I was doing is not OK" which a negative contotion to insue that they were being attacked. There's just too much hate in this chat that started it, which you can see we can't deny.

And this is coming from a person who could careless about sniping. There is literally no heroes amongst theives, and yes sure it really hurts ones pride when one gets sniped but there are plenty of support these scan groups and they wouldn't read shit from a sniper. Those supporters understand whatever culture there is scanlation and have no care for those who don't. Especially in SLC's case since they have a large following. We can't deny this has gotten way out of proportion, double the numbers of comments on any chapter, and most of these comments just aren't great. From both sides and I can't deny the start of is that from that note.
Mar 13, 2019
Thank you very much for the fast and amazing release! I'm eternally grateful to you.
Please don't stop translating this series! If the other group wants, they can release their own translations. It's not rare for a series to have multiple translation in a same language.
Keep up the good work!! 😀

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