Cheers for the scanlation BobsBurgers team

Its nice to see a cool story getting put up for us poor readers who cant translate things ourselves to be able to read for free - so thanks heaps
Also cheers to the original scanlation team who brought this story to us in the first place so we could all become attached to it
From a readers point of view - its nice to see things being brought up to date nice and quickly so we can enjoy the story again

I personally dont care what version of a story I read so long as its translated well and - for fun, depending on things - i'll read multiple versions of the same chapter to see what one i like best. Options are cool - free is cool - im thankful its available
To the people who all want to claim a side and cause drama - do us all a favour and go cool your heads by holding them underwater for 10 mins or something helpful like that - "we" (the readers on this site) don't care about your manufactured dramas - we just want to read - and lots of people will read a good translation of it no matter who puts it out - its not like anyone is trying to make a living off this and earn money by translating these things for us readers now is it? Why so serious? Going by your logic - you'd only want one group to make a thing and think that its copyrighted to that group to make it - so does that mean - say - only one car company should make cars - nope - people get a choice and they choose what they want to choose no matter what anyone else tells them to do usually.
Read what you want to by whoever puts it up and if you don't like it - don't read it - why bleat about things?
What is the ACTUAL damage being done to any other scanlation teams trying to work on a story if someone else decides to speed things up?
Seriously - how can someone claim to be offended when what they are doing is for free - this is all done for a hobby by people who just want a cool story and are willing to share it with the readers here - we should be thankful that its available at all in our chosen languages at all.
*meh* - anyway this will vanish into the comments history and no one will really see it - it will only go to show that people don't care about comments and they will continue to do what they want to anyway
have a great day peoples