Thanks for the translations Leslie 😍
I don't see the problem to be honest, at the end of the day readers have the choice of reading from whatever source they want - whether here, discord, Instagram or some secondhand site. No one is forcing you to read from a certain scan group or translator.
Readers are just being ungrateful at this point. They are getting FREE translations that people have taken the time and effort to do.
And what's wrong with the quality? Am I missing something? The images are clear, sentences are understandable and as someone who does CLRD I can see that the chapters are well done. Before y'all go attacking other people why don't you experience what it takes to translate and then you'll be grateful. What it takes a whole scan group 5 days to translate it takes 1 person a few hours, plus they're doing so at a great quality.... deserves a pat on the back from me in my opinion.
And then regarding the sniping? *cough cough* unless I'm blind, various groups have worked on this project. And a certain scans seemed to snipe as well.
At the end of the day, no one owns the manhwa apart from the author and artist etc. So I dont see the need to fight over a manhwa. AREN'T WE ALL HERE WITH ONE COMMON INTEREST? TO READ MANHWAS WE LOVE!!!
Also can Haevn scans NOT use TIMES NEW ROMAN for narration bubbles before y'all go attacking on quality