The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 26

Dec 5, 2019
@blob 1000000% agree on everything you said. I think it’s no ones fault really... nobles arent taught to show emotions or taught to be in love in a marriage. All these problems stem from lack of social support and lack of awareness to proper communication in a relationship. Harsen hid everything from her, including his feelings, politics, and hardships. Ercella has been trying to reach out but just has been taught to sit still. Loving the duality of the entire conflict. Very realistic
Jul 18, 2020
when ever harsen is ther standing with his wife she's just like "oh you're the best option for me"
she's always putting him in a zone , political marriage zone, always making him feels like she doesn't love him and she just needed him for the sake of her family
Active member
Jul 25, 2020
Everyone is just a victim of circumstances
No villains here just a broken hurting family

And the best story plot line: miscommunication (or the lack of actual constructive communication)
Group Leader
Jan 29, 2018
Oh no, she's slipping back into the bad habit
well, I guess it's just depression, not a habit
I just hope she doesn't let go of herself again after coming this far...
Dec 16, 2019
This webtoon gives us an interesting perspective between our FL and her husband. You would think at the beginning of the series they seemed to have quite a good relationship but I like that it’s not all sweet as it seems. I also like that the time period the author is touching base on is their marriage life rather than starting off with your typical storyline (girl meets boy, falls in love, they go through problems to strengthen their relationship, then get married, and it’s all happy at the end). I believe that a real relationship is put to the test after marriage, it’s where so many people fail and end up being distant. And the issues that they’re both dealing with, individually and as a couple, are quite realistic that even I can relate to. I’m very interested in how they will grow from here on out.
Jul 16, 2019
She is relapsing in her depression. Hansen never voiced his feeling of love and yearning for her, so she assumed that he did not love her. The lack of affection and reassurance broke her, since she was brought up on those values and lifestyle. That’s what drew him to her, the vitality and brightness she was surrounded of. I believe this story perfectly depicts the emotional, social and psychological state of noble ladies centuries ago. They were deemed young ladies who were to go to gathering and tea parties and have fun. They were then catapulted into marriages with random men who they barely knew and at a young age, when they were still almost children themselves, forced to conceive heirs. Both men and women of high society were taught that it was a family duty to marry but they were never taught how to keep a marriage healthy. The mental health depiction is also great.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 22, 2018
@shunnie lol

@blob While I understand that point, the literally one who got my full sympathy is Vincent, both Harsen and Vircade made terrible decisions which lead them to where they at now, I feel more sympathetic to Harsen because the reality is he went through so much more because he fell in love with the wrong person, which no one seems to understand that if he and Vircade never married, Harsen would have never gone through most of the tragedy that occurred.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2020
imagine how short these webtoons would've been if couple therapy was a thing back then lol
Jan 21, 2018
@Sky1029 Rather than putting him in a zone, it’s self defence to keep her own feelings in check. It’s what she convinced herself of to avoid getting hurt and disappointed. Initially she thought that it could indeed turn into a real relationship but literally everyone was talking about how he’s marrying her to avoid marrying the princess and he says absolutely nothing to make her see it’s not like that all while completely ignoring her and not making any contact till the actual marriage. And he never once actually told her he loves her with his own mouth. So yes it’s on both of them, not just her.

@kowoyoshi agreed, Vincent deserved none of the mess his parents put him into. He has my undivided sympathy. But I disagree with your point regarding Harsen, if he didn’t fall in love with her and get married she too would have avoided the mental turmoil and being left completely alone with no support while being pregnant and so many other things. She might even have had a better marriage with someone who didn’t actually love her but wasn’t forced to go away to deal with things that happened because of the marriage. The decision affected both of their lives.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2019
The amount of deep psychological issues in this is pretty great. Most other Shoujo would just glance over this stuff, but this goes all in. And the best part is that its also realistically portrayed, that you believe the MC can be a real person.
Quite frankly, the character development in this is quite amazing, and among the best I've seen in any series.

@anideki Unfortunately, couples therapy won't help at all. They all need personal therapy. Especially the MC. They all have some form of mental trauma or illness, and the MC has it the worst. She really needs therapy. Then, maybe if her depression gets better, work on the marriage. But at this point, its mostly personal.
May 21, 2020
They should get divorced (if they have a law that permits it) or something equivalent to it. In my opinion, Harsen did too much damage already, he never communicated with her, and he already saw her mental health going downhill when their son was born. Well, no one is at fault here really, it just how their society raised them.

She really needs someone that communicates well with her, if she wants to remarry again.
Active member
Jun 14, 2018
@monnapanda It’s not only nobles. Ask any Asian parents (who are boomers or older) if they ever said I love you to each other. I bet small percentage of people only did so. Now ask if the husband ever said I love you to the wife, you’ll find even smaller percentage of people who did so. Until now, I’ve never heard my parents say I love you to each other. They don’t kiss, not even a peck on the cheek, or even hugs lol. They hold hands only when my dad helped my mom to get up/down the stairs. You’ll also be surprised that even many parents never said I love you to their children and vice versa. I also only ever said I love you to my parents once in my life lol, and it’s even in the form of written letter lol. I think this is kinda cultural because Asian vulture is full of indirectness, although it’s starting to change, but for majority it’s still the same. In many Asian countries, they don’t really express affection verbally. Especially with old man, I think they find it unnecessary, extremely awkward, and embarrassing to say it. They just believe that the family will understand through their efforts, but they never gonna say it.
Apr 22, 2020
F**k whoever is reuploading this!!! Your putting one of my joys in danger ⚠️ Thank you TL for this wonderful work
Feb 12, 2020
It feels so suffocated,i think i know how she felt....

Thank you so much for translate ^^

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