If you're unprepared for a situation as the reporter put Connie in it's normal to be totally steamrolled. She fired quick questions to bring Connie on the wrong track and if she had just answered to one question she would have jumped on that inquiring further and then tried to pry other answers with additional leading and flagrant or dishonourable questions. It's not a pretty method, far from it, but it usually gets the results and works best on people who are not quick witted; i.e. it works best against Connie's type, but much less so against Scarlett's.
It's also easy as a reader to fall into the fallacy to assume that you can just brush people off that easy, as we know the outcome and are not under pressure at all.
It's actually worrysome how unprepared Constance is against these things. Everybody does with her whatever they want because of that and she just can't depend every time of somebody saving her pushover rear. She doesn't have the leisure to be like before, but she doesn nothing to change that.
The reporter is playing with fire with those kind of sensationalist articles. With nobles not unwilling to employ poison and assassination it a miracle she's still alive.
And am I the only one who just by reading the commoners women group had the trope "Moral Guardians" camo to mind? Because this woman has practically tickled all boxes on that.
Connie got completely steamrolled in this chapter but...
Seriously her first opponent was a paparazzi who doesn't hesitates to tells pure lies, she had no way of winning that one. As soon as she tried to answer anything her words would have been used against her.
And the second was basically a modern SJW. Completely full of contradiction and unable to be reasoned with. Kate was the perfect character to answer that one. Scarlet would have been a terrible match.
Commoners are quite bold here, huh. Just strolling up to viscountess (a countess really, now that she's engaged, and possible future duchess) and start talking shit like it's nothing.