The black hair guy on cover reminded me of Arwin & the Duke (who's name slipped my mind) from "miss-not-so-sidekick". Turns out it was both work of same artist Yumyum! Now I wanna read it even more!
i wonder if it's readable? seems like the solo group is putting it out faster, but there's also another group working on a higher quality version. i've been reading the fast ones for now, but i think i'll go back and read the better ones to get more context wwwww
No, don't believe it, both groups are doing an excellent job but only one of them claims with the legally right to translate this and every manhwas that it's release, while they're stuff and ass suckers likes to badmouthing the solo group, yeah that's "their community and their rules they say"
ho~ho~ho her sweet revenge starts as of now hahaha don't flirt with my fiance boy don't even get us started.OMG the look on that H*es face was gold take that B*** BE GONE WITH THAT HALF DITTEDDIMWIT BATS***T
I just came to say the guys on the current cover look like their mothers were drinking while pregnant with them. They look like they have bird in their genepool.
I don't know if the artist and author are different for this series. Because tbh the art is amazing even their other work on miss not so sidekick, the art is gorgeous.
But the story is just lame. specifically the characters. they have no substance. Both the plot development and character build felt like they were constructed by a kid.
Same with miss not so sidekick, tried to read more chapters hoping for a better story development but I guess this is also a no