The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

Jul 6, 2018

How he treated Euph was pretty massive. He committed a massive insult against the most powerful man in the kingdom, who was also his greatest supporter and the core of his faction. Like, that's the stuff that got Robb a Wolves' head.

He's also not mediocre. Mediocre kings are quite good for a country that's as peaceful as their kingdom seems to be. The prince is reckless, prideful and lacks self-awareness. Those are qualities that lead to him making stupid decisions in vainglory like destroying his relations with his biggest benefactor and talking of killing a dragon (Anne has more of a chance of building an F16 than he does of killing a dragon).

It's also qualities that have popped up a number of times in our own world.

Louis XVI was incredibly prideful. Even when he'd been caught by the revolutionaries, he did little more than pay them lip-service. A little
known fact is that the Revolutionaries originally only sought greater liberties in France. Wanting something similar to what Britain had, where the King's powers had been limited many many years ago. But Louis attempted to escape thrice and even wrote a letter where he made clear that he would never accept anything the Revolutionaries put forth and would make them all pay as soon as he was back in power. So they killed him.

Victor Emmanuel III of Italy was very much similar to the prince. He was rather lacking in most regards, but in no way a terrible leader. But, he didn't like the political strife that was brewing in Italy due to different factions like the Fascists and Communists. He decided to make Mussolini the leader of his country (under him) and was the man's staunchest proponent all the way up to when Mussolini was dragged through the streets and hanged. He allowed for Italy becoming Fascist, for Italy joining the war, for atrocities to be committed there and even tried to have the Fascists remain in power after Mussolini was killed. His continual mismanagement lead to Italy, which had been staunchly Royalist, to turn against the king. Even then he refused to make any of the appeasements that his ministers begged him for. It wasn't until the motion had been made to remove the royal household entirely that he made some attempts to save the Royal household, to no avail.

And finally there's Wilhelm II of Germany, who took the incredible position Germany held on the international stage as the supreme nation of the world, and led it into a losing war, bankruptcy and the removal of the Royal line. He in fact was so terrible, he forced age-old rivals like France and England to join together.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 14, 2018
@dokidoki but the manga IS following the Light Novel since is what is based off, and this is one of the changes between others done, to try and flesh out these characters more, the way you are talking feel more like you did read the Web Novel instead which is what is getting fantranslated tho

@skilodracus the talk between prince and the king is a change in the LN and it even got a illustration for it lol, manga is based off LN and not WN so there is those differences and changes between them

@FeBriz yeah that is the WN, which is kinda invalid by now, since manga is based off the LN (author polished it more, fleshing out characters, giving them more developments, and not much a power fantasy, since the WN are usually drafts instead of an actual and proper work like the LN)

tbh with all these manga adaptations nowadays, people should know already that they are always based off the Light Novel instead of the WN, so if people see any change in the manga, is most of the time because it was done in the LN instead of the manga (unless, well, the LN dont have a WN and viceversa), and it don't help either that most of these fantranslated novels, have the WN translated instead of the LN (and sadly the LN of this is not even licensed in english for people that can't read japanese)
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2019
@dokidoki "why couldn't they just follow the LN, like how fucking hard is it to follow LN's these days"

Who said they aren't? You haven't read the LN. All you read was the WN which is not the same as the LN.
Jan 13, 2021
Also about Algard, it's not easy for a kid to ignore and go on about everything around him in his situation. From one side, there's the pressure the as a son of a king, he will most likely be the next king, and so people push him into this role. Then, when he grows up, he starts to see that his sister is more capable, people around start whispering how he comes short compared to her. You need a considerable strength of character of certain degree in stupidity and denseness, or just be completely egocentric to not care about anyone else to "just ignore it". Kinda like bullying in school. The way I see it (for now, I don't know what happens in the ln, maybe his motivations are different from what's shown now) he's thought up plan to show everyone he has his own capabilities, even at the expense of some other people.

Tldr, he strikes me more like a chaotic neutral character than your everyday evil-scheming asshole
Mar 9, 2019
In Anne-Sophia's defense, she's a member of the guild and therefore pretty much obligated / duty-bound to move out against the dragon with or without her father's permission. :p

Not that she needed much defending to begin with, though. >_>
Nov 2, 2020
I can see what Algard is aiming for here (to be left in the dust) but the engagement mess still isn't answered, and I am curious what was going on there. It feels like it is still backfiring on him.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 31, 2019
I liked this chapter! It's nice to set the stage for just what sort of impact Anne is having on the world with her escapades as well as the context for what the fallout will be from the dragon subjugation. It's also nice that we're getting more info about the supporting cast, I feel like it makes the whole story better
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
@tseng yea thx for the comment, didn't really realize I read the WN but like man they really needed to flesh out the chars??? they picked a really fucking shitty time to flesh them out

and my biggest issue is
the fucking dragon bike???? are you telling me the LN MC doesn't ride to fight the dragon with the dragon bike? that sounds so fucking stupid especially since she got the dragon tats from the dead dragon which she also later used its bones to make the bike and then the dad liked it so much that he keeps riding it that also never happens??
its also kinda funny cause they just threw it in that she's a gold rank member of the adventures guild at the end like its a fucking joke and meanwhile in the WN it was supposed to be a surprised wow shock factor because it was a big deal and instead they used it as a not noticeable comedy......

man all in all i'm disappointed
Apr 1, 2019
oh god! so much monologue from the king to conclude 1 basic plot...
for just 1 scene taking a whole chapter! this is piss me off man.
I need some action, not a recap monologue.
Apr 24, 2018
Seems people don't get what the prince wants. He wants to be known as a Dragon Slayer, that way people will start to respect him and actually think that maybe he will be a good king (also stop comparing him to his overachiever of a sister). Simple as that, and I fair enough of a reason.
And sure he also wants something from his father, we don't what tho.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 11, 2018
This chapter was, unfortunately, wasted!
All thanks to Al being an attention hog, as usual... (manga only though)
Active member
May 11, 2018
i don't know if the brother's mind was sprinkled with little dark magic then that's why his eyes and reasonings do not sparkle dreams and hopes OR MAYBE THAT ENVY IS REAL


tho I thought we are going to get some plot with the girls anyway...

thank you for translating
Dex-chan lover
Jul 7, 2020
Hm, I think they're doing a better job of delivering on Al's insecurities here than in the Web Novel.

I think the Baron's Daughter might be another reincarnator? Who knows, I'm not *that* far ahead in the WN

Though we've also swept under the rug Anise' "Dark" Personality.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2020
@tremor3258 Perhaps it is to feel and seem powerful. With someone as talented as her, the original fiance detracted from his own image though their contrast in abilities. Plus, he may just want someone who he knows he can control rather than work with, since the game's heroine was the daughter of a baron, much lower on the social ladder.

He wants the spotlight and does not want to share it with anyone.
Aggregator gang
Mar 21, 2019
@venomesh I dunno man this prince has a similar situation to me when I was growing up. My brother was someone who was a lot more intelligent than me and our peers. So throughout my life I would always hear people, including my parents, talking about how I couldn't measure up to my brother and how I was the shame of our family. Of course I felt irritated towards those that said those things, but never once did I hold contempt for my brother since, like the princess, has only ever tried helping me. Does that make me someone that is stupid and dense? I don't think so. I also don't think I'm the only one that is alone, I feel like most people in my situation would react the same way as me. The prince is acting like a child unbefitting of his age and position.

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