The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - Ch. 39

Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
I now get what annoys me about this arc. Anis at least understands her responsibility as royalty and is trying to handle things properly, but these dumbasses instead of supporting her emotionally and logistically to lighten her burden are too concerned about that she doesn't really want to be queen, and the results of that won't be pretty because Anis herself is being neglected and isolated by these morons. The heir problems that they were complaining about in a previous chapter are way overblown, not urgent, and there's n ways of dealing with it that don't involve Anis marrying someone she doesn't like.
With what you know so far, what do you think Euphie should do exactly? What kind of emotional and logistical support do you mean?

All these talks from the last four is leading up to how Euphie will emotionally support Anis the best she can. What that best is will change whether it's coping or a solving the problem. This part seems self-explanatory from how the characters have been "poking" Euphie to do something, and that something will somehow involve the duel teased on chapter 37.

Anis the only heir of a kingdom that see having magic as symbol of authority. Even if she doesn't become a monarch for another 60 years, this will still affect her because the powerful nobles would want her to marry someone with magic to continue tradition and magicology would will their position of power.

I doubt the manga will tell her parents to have more children no matter what, so I'm not sure what ways to escape forced marriage are you talking about. Can you please tell me?

Well i'm not as annoyed at her parents or at least her dad as i am at her mom and especially the one who should've been her emotional support, Euphie. Anis took her out to town to cheer herself up, see the things that are important to her and find motivation to rise up to the role, and all Euphie did was frown, fixed her sword, got scolded by the local blacksmith and keep some distance from Anis. Basically the people around her, Euphie in particular have been so useless and so drunk on their pity that they missed what was important and are doing jack shit to help her, i'd argue the dad and to some extent the maid are the only ones doing anything for her because as long as the king is healthy and running the country Anis can continue to have some time and freedom and this chapter Lainie is practically begging Euphie to go help her as she doesn't feel it's in her place to do so.

Really, we've had three chapters now with people calling Euphie out, first Tilty, then the blacksmith then Lainie but she's still stuck saying she doesn't want Anis to be queen drunk on pity which makes her no better than the other nobles who don't want her taking the throne. Tilty gave a practical solution, the blacksmith warned her that this will make Anis unhappy and Lainie is begging for her to support Anis...

If being queen means she'll have more responsibility and less free time then go freaking help her with that job, lighten her burden, you are a high ranking noble too. If she's concerned about having to have a heir, find some solution to the problem. Wouldn't be the first series to have a Yuri baby if the author wanted to go that route. If she wants to spend more time doing her magicraft well guess what, being a queen means she could dedicate the country's resources to it and maybe change the current paradigm about magic or have more resources to develop and spread magicraft around. What are you even doing being a sorry mess when Anis needs you the most, useless.

**DiscIaimer that i didn't watch the anime or read the LN, so what i'm writing might seem silly to those who did because they know what will happen later
I don't understand why her dad is blamed less than her mom, how they react seems to be the same from Anis' perspectives. If anything, I thought he'd be blamed more since the king almost seem like he wants to ignore the trouble his daughter is facing entirely.

What is Tilty's practical solution? I've reread ch. 37, but it seems to just be her explaining the politic, nothing about a solution.

Whatever "yuri baby" solution she can find in this situation will require magicology, which has been mentioned is an issue on ch. 37 due to the Ministry of Magic and the nobles believing in Spirit's Faith seeing it as heretical. So basically, likely no studying, researching, and developing magicology in Anis' future.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 11, 2018
With what you know so far, what do you think Euphie should do exactly? What kind of emotional and logistical support do you mean?
Give her a hug? Tell her she'll be there for her no matter what? Help her with the new duties she's had to deal with? Anis had to greet other nobles on her own to give a good impression, where was Euphie?

What is Tilty's practical solution? I've reread ch. 37, but it seems to just be her explaining the politic, nothing about a solution. Page 9. Basically adopt someone to become the new heir. She also elaborates on every ramification of this and how Euphie's father and Anis's grandfather created so many problems that they're going to have to deal with eventually, from a conflict with the ministry to how magicraft shakes the foundation of the country.

I don't understand why her dad is blamed less than her mom

I doubt the manga will tell her parents to have more children no matter what, so I'm not sure what ways to escape forced marriage are you talking about. Can you please tell me?

Because he's done what's expected of him as a king in keeping the country running. She's already going through all that just from being appointed as the heir, now imagine if she had to take over all duties right at this point? As for her mother, she went to Euphie instead of trying to support Anis emotionally. Her dad is helping in some ways, her mother delegated any sort of emotional support she could've given to her daughter's lover. And another potential solution to Anis's problem would be for her to have another child who would then be the heir, but that has not been brought up or thought of, would that really be impossible for her?

And as for escaping forced marriage, she can delay it long enough to change the inner workings of the country and do a number of things. After subduing the ministry she could just as an example turn the country into a democracy. She could also in the event her brother has a child, adopt them and have them be the heir. Another solution would be to look for children with high potential in magic and adopt one to become the future heir. From the spoilers i read none of the above will happen though.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
I want Euphie to find her inner Anis reckless tomboy and just run away with Anis
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2023
If there is one thing I learned from Code Geass is that you use "Majesty" for kings/queens, and "Highness" for princes/princesses.
That's when referring to a person in a position, not the position itself. (As far as I understand)
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
what do you think Euphie should do exactly?
Euphie is a genius mage, right? So she should find out a way to summon the Demon Lord from Slime Isekai and then the two lesbians go on an adventure to defeat the demon lord with MAAAGIC items

And then when she defeats the demon lord an isekaied Japanese dude turned god creates a door near her and trains her into level 9,000,000 demigod. That’s how we’ll connect the Magirevo Cinematic Universe with the Cain Harem at age 12 Cinematic Universe.

And then the hand reaches out from the sarlac pit…
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2023
I fucking love how people blame all those around Anis, without understanding one important point...
She is too hard headed and closed off to accept their help in the current situation.
All those "gestures of encouragement" mean shit in the situation, where she has to face something she resists on almost nuclear level of being.
She hates being put in a position of responsibility.
She hates the idea of being wed to a man and all that goes after that.
She hates that she will be shackled down regarding macicology and interacting with public.
And she hates that everyone around her knows that she hates it.
All the "gestures of consoling and encouragement" will seem to her as pitying, which is the last thing she wants. Which is why she put on another mask on top of a mask, which ironically makes everyone even more worried.
And considering how much this country's political structure is stagnant rotten to the core, all the ordinary ways to deal with this problem will at best, solve nothing, and at worst - lead to a civil war, which is what Anis had just prevented.
So the only thing left are unordinary ways, which we will see soon.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2023
This wasn't in the anime, why was this not in the anime?

Only time the vampire powers have been used exactly how I wanted them to be used since the day it was revealed vampires were part of this world, and it wasn't animated? Why?
Because volume 3 of ln (which is about current arc) only got 3 episodes in the anime. (Compared to 5/4 of the first two)
Which led to a bunch of stuff cut, restiched and well...
You will soon see even more differences, considering that so far manga was very faithful in depicting all that/how it was in ln.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2023
While the Anime cut a lot of stuffs, I can at the smallest degree understand why they have so much trouble convincing Anis

She's hard headed to a core was and always been and now, her guilt is overtaking her after what happened to Algard

Recalling what happend in the last Volume, no safe strategy any one of them could employ that wouldn't lead to a Civil War because the Kingdom are lead by a bunch of conservative old shit who doesn't want to compromise and act like their way is the right way
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
This clearly shows that king and queen do absolutely nothing to alleviate either siblings suffering / problems. They might be good rulers but they are most certainly, terrible terrible parents.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
I fucking love how people blame all those around Anis, without understanding one important point...
She is too hard headed and closed off to accept their help in the current situation.
All those "gestures of encouragement" mean shit in the situation, where she has to face something she resists on almost nuclear level of being.
She hates being put in a position of responsibility.
She hates the idea of being wed to a man and all that goes after that.
She hates that she will be shackled down regarding macicology and interacting with public.
And she hates that everyone around her knows that she hates it.
All the "gestures of consoling and encouragement" will seem to her as pitying, which is the last thing she wants. Which is why she put on another mask on top of a mask, which ironically makes everyone even more worried.
And considering how much this country's political structure is stagnant rotten to the core, all the ordinary ways to deal with this problem will at best, solve nothing, and at worst - lead to a civil war, which is what Anis had just prevented.
So the only thing left are unordinary ways, which we will see soon.
do you know that many things in life can be solved if people sit the fuck down and have actual heart-to-heart conversion? I will quote @Fuhgeddaboudit here as they put it more eloquently:
one of the main problems with this series is that it tries to have a heavy focus on communication without ANY of the characters actually communicating with each other, let aloe be good or even somewhat decent at it. at most they scream and cry at each other in till someone backs down.

Anis is not a child, she's nearly an adult who can clearly express her own feeling, but she chose not to because the people around her are already fucking panicking about the situation so she felt she had to close herself off and did her duty to make people feel less worried.
What they should do to help Anis instead of just fucking panicking and being angry at her is to have a conversation with her about what she wants to do, what can be done to the current situation to improve or fix it, what can they do to help her.

And if a civil war is needed to cleanse the damn country then maybe they should fucking do that. Look at "I'm in love with the villainess", they have an entire drama about nobles vs civilians and they handled that so much better than whatever this is trying to be.
Active member
Apr 15, 2024
do you know that many things in life can be solved if people sit the fuck down and have actual heart-to-heart conversion? I will quote @Fuhgeddaboudit here as they put it more eloquently:

Anis is not a child, she's nearly an adult who can clearly express her own feeling, but she chose not to because the people around her are already fucking panicking about the situation so she felt she had to close herself off and did her duty to make people feel less worried.
What they should do to help Anis instead of just fucking panicking and being angry at her is to have a conversation with her about what she wants to do, what can be done to the current situation to improve or fix it, what can they do to help her.

And if a civil war is needed to cleanse the damn country then maybe they should fucking do that. Look at "I'm in love with the villainess", they have an entire drama about nobles vs civilians and they handled that so much better than whatever this is trying to be.
There's nothing to simply "talk it out". This isn't a case of miscommunication. They all know what's at stake. Talking doesn't change the fact Anis is the only heir left, or that the line of succession has to continue, or that she has negative capital with the nobility because of her lack of magic and her refusal to take part in politics before now.

You can't just ambiguously claim that something else can be done with no idea what it is. A civil war isn't a viable answer either. Not only is embracing unknown numbers of deaths for your own well being selfish as fuck, there's a good chance they'll loose right now. Even nobles sympathetic to their situation aren't going to want to relive the chaos from Anis' grandfather's time.

The only reason that worked in ILTV is because the infrastructure was already there for a rebel force and transition of power. (And even then they needed the help of a natural disaster to get momentum and some powerful nobles + the royals.)

MagiRevo's world doesn't even have high education accessible to commoners yet, and magic is still exclusive to nobility. It'll take at least a generation or two before their country is in the same position ILTV's was.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
This wasn't in the anime, why was this not in the anime?

Only time the vampire powers have been used exactly how I wanted them to be used since the day it was revealed vampires were part of this world, and it wasn't animated? Why?

I want Queen and Ilia hypnotized animated, someone knows any animator I can commission that can make it look like official art from the anime?
Because most things after the dragon's defeat was a rushed mess. The anime cut out so much world building and nice character moments like this. Or how it skipped Euphie breaking her sword to stop Anis and Algard. Or how Anis hid behind Euphie's back when that noble confronted them prior to the presentation, which was the first big showcase how she really just puts up a front but is actually pretty fragile when confronted.

Compared to the novels or manga the anime was a big step down even if it added some nice anime original scenes.
Active member
Apr 15, 2024
Because most things after the dragon's defeat was a rushed mess. The anime cut out so much world building and nice character moments like this. Or how it skipped Euphie breaking her sword to stop Anis and Algard. Or how Anis hid behind Euphie's back when that noble confronted them prior to the presentation, which was the first big showcase how she really just puts up a front but is actually pretty fragile when confronted.

Compared to the novels or manga the anime was a big step down even if it added some nice anime original scenes.
I think the anime did the best it reasonably could with the 12 episode limitation. And there are some great additions. I miss when seasons were 24-26 episodes. Having only 12 episodes to tell a story hurts so many adaptations, especially light novels which are paced in big book-sized chunks.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
Give her a hug? Tell her she'll be there for her no matter what? Help her with the new duties she's had to deal with? Anis had to greet other nobles on her own to give a good impression, where was Euphie? Page 9. Basically adopt someone to become the new heir. She also elaborates on every ramification of this and how Euphie's father and Anis's grandfather created so many problems that they're going to have to deal with eventually, from a conflict with the ministry to how magicraft shakes the foundation of the country.

Because he's done what's expected of him as a king in keeping the country running. She's already going through all that just from being appointed as the heir, now imagine if she had to take over all duties right at this point? As for her mother, she went to Euphie instead of trying to support Anis emotionally. Her dad is helping in some ways, her mother delegated any sort of emotional support she could've given to her daughter's lover. And another potential solution to Anis's problem would be for her to have another child who would then be the heir, but that has not been brought up or thought of, would that really be impossible for her?

And as for escaping forced marriage, she can delay it long enough to change the inner workings of the country and do a number of things. After subduing the ministry she could just as an example turn the country into a democracy. She could also in the event her brother has a child, adopt them and have them be the heir. Another solution would be to look for children with high potential in magic and adopt one to become the future heir. From the spoilers i read none of the above will happen though.
Euphie has been by Anis' side this whole time though, it's not like she leaves her alone. We see more monologue and characters talking without Anis, but I'm pretty sure this is pretty much what the relationship between them has always been like.

And it has only been days, right? Chapter 37 and 38 are both in the same day and in the latter chapter they hang out together, and then they have a talk with the mother a few days later.

And as I've mentioned, Euphie is still deciding whether she should help Anis cope or solve the problem. Hugging Anis and saying "I'll be there for you no matter what", I believe, is the former because it accepts the situation as impossible to change and Anis has no other choice but to suffer through it.

Anis had to greet other nobles on her own to give a good impression, where was Euphie?
It might be cut, but in the anime (episode 11, I think) the meeting between Anis and the nobles are styled in an interview-like manner than party so it's probably exclusive to some people, and the topic was about
whether she can continue magicology (no, it's heretical) and about how she should marry someone with magic no matter the age to preserve the magic in royal bloodline whilst she's still young (and fertile, probably)
. This is just an assumption, but I doubt Euphie can join it. Page 9. Basically adopt someone to become the new heir. She also elaborates on every ramification of this and how Euphie's father and Anis's grandfather created so many problems that they're going to have to deal with eventually, from a conflict with the ministry to how magicraft shakes the foundation of the country.
Unless they're planning to start another civil war, what Tilty said is not an option at all, I'm pretty sure they establish that in that same chapter.
Because he's done what's expected of him as a king in keeping the country running. She's already going through all that just from being appointed as the heir, now imagine if she had to take over all duties right at this point? As for her mother, she went to Euphie instead of trying to support Anis emotionally. Her dad is helping in some ways, her mother delegated any sort of emotional support she could've given to her daughter's lover. And another potential solution to Anis's problem would be for her to have another child who would then be the heir, but that has not been brought up or thought of, would that really be impossible for her?
Her mother works too. I think they mention during her introduction that she has been gone because she was working as a diplomat so she's clearly a politician, and the exposition in chapter 37 shows she is a pretty major player (instead of just being the king's wife).

More child is probably not an option. It maybe safe to assume that the king, the queen, and duke (Euphie's father) are probably in their 40 to 50s, since the queen is mentioned as looking younger than she looks back when she's introduced and I kinda doubt she becomes famous for her fighting capabilities when she's pregnant, and I think a commenter said that her pregnancy with Al was difficult and having more kids will be dangerous for her.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2023
Euphie has been by Anis' side this whole time though, it's not like she leaves her alone. We see more monologue and characters talking without Anis, but I'm pretty sure this is pretty much what the relationship between them has always been like.

And it has only been days, right? Chapter 37 and 38 are both in the same day and in the latter chapter they hang out together, and then they have a talk with the mother a few days later.

And as I've mentioned, Euphie is still deciding whether she should help Anis cope or solve the problem. Hugging Anis and saying "I'll be there for you no matter what", I believe, is the former because it accepts the situation as impossible to change and Anis has no other choice but to suffer through it.

It might be cut, but in the anime (episode 11, I think) the meeting between Anis and the nobles are styled in an interview-like manner than party so it's probably exclusive to some people, and the topic was about
whether she can continue magicology (no, it's heretical) and about how she should marry someone with magic no matter the age to preserve the magic in royal bloodline whilst she's still young (and fertile, probably)
. This is just an assumption, but I doubt Euphie can join it.

Unless they're planning to start another civil war, what Tilty said is not an option at all, I'm pretty sure they establish that in that same chapter.

Her mother works too. I think they mention during her introduction that she has been gone because she was working as a diplomat so she's clearly a politician, and the exposition in chapter 37 shows she is a pretty major player (instead of just being the king's wife).

More child is probably not an option. It maybe safe to assume that the king, the queen, and duke (Euphie's father) are probably in their 40 to 50s, since the queen is mentioned as looking younger than she looks back when she's introduced and I kinda doubt she becomes famous for her fighting capabilities when she's pregnant, and I think a commenter said that her pregnancy with Al was difficult and having more kids will be dangerous for her.
I'm not sure if it's mentioned in the anime or manga, but the queen is effectively barren. Her pregnancy with Algard was difficult and having another child would put her life at risk. It's one of the reasons why Algard wishes he was never born, as it took away the possibility of another heir
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2019
That's when referring to a person in a position, not the position itself. (As far as I understand)
If you are talking to the person, you can just use just "you", "husband", "wife" or call by name, whatever, but in an "formal event", if you are referring to a King or Queen, and they are not using just "you", then it should have been "your majesty". For example, the Queen mentioned her husband, but it was translated as "his highness".

As the mother of the princes, she can just refer to them by name, yet the King is hierarchically above her, so she calls him by the formal term, so we can be sure that she is referring to his Majesty the King, not her son, but Highness is the term used for Princes/Princesses

The point is, the queen is being called as Highness, the King was also being referred to as Highness. The MC is also Highness, but she is the princess, so it's correct.

If everyone were to becomes Highness, the term would just make things more confusing.

In the same way, you don't use "Highness" for non-members of the Royal Family, so the Duke and his family are not "Highness". For those you can use other terms like Excellency, or Lord, there are probably others that don't come to mind.

Members of the church also have their own, like "Your Grace" (You can check Game of Thrones for that)

Oh, here, I found a wikipedia article about this:
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2023
This clearly shows that king and queen do absolutely nothing to alleviate either siblings suffering / problems. They might be good rulers but they are most certainly, terrible terrible parents.
At least they are aware. However many points it gives them
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2023
If you are talking to the person, you can just use just "you", "husband", "wife" or call by name, whatever, but in an "formal event", if you are referring to a King or Queen, and they are not using just "you", then it should have been "your majesty". For example, the Queen mentioned her husband, but it was translated as "his highness".
Ah, I thought you were talking about that last page mention of using "king" when referring to the position Anis would have to fill in and changing it to Queen, unlike it was previously. My bad.
(Tho tbf, I didn't notice this, not did you refer in the first comment to your reason)
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2023
do you know that many things in life can be solved if people sit the fuck down and have actual heart-to-heart conversion?
Anis is not a child, she's nearly an adult who can clearly express her own feeling, but she chose not to because the people around her are already fucking panicking about the situation so she felt she had to close herself off and did her duty to make people feel less worried.
What they should do to help Anis instead of just fucking panicking and being angry at her is to have a conversation with her about what she wants to do, what can be done to the current situation to improve or fix it, what can they do to help her.

And if a civil war is needed to cleanse the damn country then maybe they should fucking do that. Look at "I'm in love with the villainess", they have an entire drama about nobles vs civilians and they handled that so much better than whatever this is trying to be.
Except as @AuraLily put it, as it is, at this point in story, there is nothing that can be done regarding heir. Because:
1) Royalty actually have basically divine rights passed by blood, due to first spirit-king or however it was called;
2.1) Anis being left the only legitimate heir...
2.2) ...that has no magic of her own;
3) (thx to @testro ) Royal couple can't produce another one, due to queens complications.
Which leads to Anis having no choice but to:
1)step on to the stage;
2)crown the head;
3)bang a man and
4)make a kid.
At least 2 things out of 4 will make her absolutely miserable.
And, in case you didn't know, civil wars are the most stupid, bloody and pointless wars there can be.
In ILTV, it was basically scripted in to the world, and Rei had no power to prevent it. Here, Anis and Co can, they just have done so against stupid little prince. If they go that route, first to suffer will be those regular people, whom Anis has protected and bonded with this entire time.
She will never put them in that meat grinder. Therefore, she stuck her head in the beehive. Figuratively.

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