The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 53

Double-page supporter
Mar 26, 2019
Seems dumb to just do what the Sperados want. Its not like they have listening devices and all their servants hate them so they probably don't have spies.

Just explain the situation to Leslie and then lie to the Sperados. Once the Sperados get caught red handed trying to Kidnap Leslie again, they will most likely lose their positions due to already being one thin ice from the abuse trial.

[I dom't know if this actually happens, just kind of seems plainly obvious]

This is getting to obvious and dumb ngl. Just want the Sperado stuff to be over with and move onto something new.
Aggregator gang
Jan 30, 2019
@asdfghjkk12 I'm not disagreeing with you.. I'm just not understanding how you don't see it. I guess, I didn't explain it properly xD Sorry... I mean, the Duchess family are not idiots. They managed to win a "fair" Noble Trial that was guaranteed for them to lose.

@maisonaustyn Exactly what I said. Makes absolutely no sense, they lost the noble trial because even with the help of the Empress so that alone shows how smart the Duchess family is at taking the necessary steps, why trust the people that are using your child to kill another child. Makes no sense.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 25, 2018
She's probably being controlled but at least she's trying to make sure Leslie is prepared hope she isn't punished.
Double-page supporter
Mar 5, 2019
@codydub03 She is probably being followed, so if she deviated from the plan at all her baby would be killed. Even if she wasn't being followed, she wouldn't know that and with how tense her situation is she likely would assume that she is indeed being followed. If nothing else, if she spills the beans to Mama Bear and they storm the Sperado estate they could kill the baby then and there, so that risk is also present. There is very little that can truly be done in a hostage situation. Once the perpetrator has a knife to the victim's throat(either literally or figuratively) it all boils down to diplomacy and whether or not someone can get close enough to disarm the perpetrator once the negotiator gets the perpetrator to drop their guard and, in turn, the knife from the victim's throat. Even if negotiations were to fail, so long as there is someone nearby in the shadows then should the perpetrator make a mistake there will be someone who can capitalize on said mistake and save the hostage.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
This is some bulllshit, why did the maid agree to do this? Wtf.
Aggregator gang
Jan 30, 2019
@Svelandria I definitely get what you're saying. & I could definitely see that desperate family at the end of their ropes doing something like that. I honestly think that the Duchess has people keeping an eye on that sh**ty family so they are preparing for something.. I also think if the Duchess were to find out what was going on the last thing she would do is storm that mansion because of the reason you just gave.. I'm just complaining on how poor the author is executing this crap. I was enjoying this so much.
Aggregator gang
Jan 30, 2019
@Okatama I'm not disagreeing with that, I guess I should edit my thing, because everyone is assuming I'm not understanding that her child is the one being held hostage... However, to go off of what you said, if I was in her situation I would do my absolute best to make sure if anything at all my child was able to make it out alive regardless of my own life. Now, would the people that kidnapped her and threatened her life give her back to me after I did what they wanted? Hmm, most likely not.. They wouldn't want any witnesses as I've said, they're doing this to a child of higher status than both her and that sh**ty family. So, what option do I have left? Hmm, go to the family is known to be the strongest family in the empire?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018

Put it this way, any competent kidnapper/blackmailer wouldn't put the child in their own mansion, there would be no proof that they're keeping her child, and it would be easy to dispose of someone with no backing if she took to long or went against their orders.

Ofcourse most nobles would still get rid of the maid and her child, after all dead men tell no tales. But as a mere former maid with no one else to rely on and no realistic alternative action she doesn't have any choice but to jump to the Sperados tune. Just that she still empathized that Leslie should take a protector with her speaks of the Maids character.

(Still, I expect that the former Nanny will be the one to ruin the Sperado's plan, while trying to prove her worth.)
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 16, 2018
... If she was really sent there to lure Leslie, then damn, I gotta hand it to the ex-maid, she sure knows how to manipulate the flow of the conversation as well as Leslie's behavioral pattern, because that'd mean she got Leslie to be the one to take the initiative to visit her, as opposed to inviting her. Sure, given the context that wouldn't be too hard, but those aren't the skills I'd expect from a maid (then again, maids from noble houses, due to their constant immersion in political intrigue, may very well be of a different breed).
Feb 12, 2019
@maisonaustyn You see this is the problem with not being able to write smart people. It is a problem for all authors. Any character smarter than themselves will always be limited by the ability of the author to be devious.

However in this case the Maid doesn't know the how much information the Sperando's have access to. We as the Audience knows, but she doesn't.

She is in a situation where the Sperando's have leverage on her. She doesn't know if there are anyone in the salvador house who is compromised, so running to them for help might come back to the Sperando's. That is why she need to be very careful.
Aggregator gang
Jan 30, 2019
@Mangareader I was actually about to say that xD the whole "delayed information" (I.E. no cell phones/internet) is what is going to be the sh**ty families undoing, since there's no way that crappy father and sister are sitting in their living room with a knife to a childs throat... I was just venting a little bit about how good this manga is(been awhile since I've been able to really enjoy something like this) and they ruin it by crappy cliche bad guy behavior when it can be easily thwarted by a flick of the Duchess wrist.

I do, however definitely agree with you. I think, once it gets to the point of no return for the maid, she's going to choose to "save" Leslie.
Jan 7, 2019
Well. i guess we can only pray that other than the sperados, everyone else's gonna be okay
Jan 16, 2020
We know she is forced to lure Leslie but I think the maid don't want her to get hurt so she urge Leslie to being bodyguards to hopefully minimise the damage.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@codydub03 Luckily for the Sperado scumbags, you aren't there. It's just a lowly maid living in a very strict class society. It's a world where the nobles have everything and the majority of the people have very little, be it wealth or rights. It's easy for you to say what the maid should do when in reality the maid knows that if any trouble arises, she and her baby would lose their lives very easily and nobody would bother to do anything about it, whereas the marquess can do whatever he wants, and any punishments would be very slow and unlikely to hit him. That's the kind of world the maid was born into and grew up in, so it's not easy to suddenly become all badass and fight the power. North Korea has been a hell on Earth for many decades because it's not easy to change things unless millions of people rise up to do it at the same time.

We know the Salvatore ducal family is great, but for most of the population they are extremely scary people. There's no way the maid would think of seeking their help.

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