The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

May 16, 2019
@Heenimakira @pimentinha112 My thoughts exactly! glad I am not the only one hahaha

so in this chapter, I am a bit angry with the Queen... she could change the bad future she saw by educating Pryde and Tiara well. Why so extreme as to avoid her altogether? *sigh*
Jun 23, 2020
wow the mother didnt even try huh.......................and the father just keep excusing her actions....?🙃
Active member
Jun 12, 2018
Uh... I don't know if you can excuse her bad mothering like that. If I had a premonition that my child might turn out bad, I would try my best to raise them with love and respect. You cant just throw your child aside cause that would just ruin them even further. It is extremely hurtful to be rejected by a parent. She's lucky her kid is still somewhat young enough to forgive her. She freaking gave up on her kid without even trying to correct their behavior.
Aggregator gang
Nov 7, 2019
I don't know why I was tagged but reading the new comments, I have to wonder.

Did any of y'all even read @EffigyX 's post? It said there that the queen DID try to change OG! Pryde's fate but she kept getting the same result. It came to the point she had given up. What's bad in this manga is that it doesn't show the extent that she had tried but if all your efforts were for nothing, would you have kept going regardless of the result that, to your own perspective was firmly set in stone? It literally took a random variable like a transmigration to actually change Pryde's fate.

And keep in mind some time after Pryde's father dies, she tricks her step brother into a slave contract then forces him to kill his own mother. And the father had doted on her enough that there wouldn't have been a jump to psychopathy, and grief isn't an excuse for this disparity between mourning and cold blooded murder.

And if I read the last couple of informatic posts, OG!Pryde was straight up lying to the queen and again the manga doesn't show this, but was she lying to her mother during the time she was being doted on or during the time she was only interacting with the Queen?

Seriously smh, people are acting like the queen is the next Yui Ikari or Ragyo Kiryuuin it's disgusting.
Aug 15, 2020
If I was Pryde and reincarnated in this story, I would rather ignore the queen ( A.K.A the worst mother of the year). I just hope this Pryde addresses her as her majesty not MOTHER when they are alone. Honestly, her mother was the cause for Pryde to go on psycho. I just feel really bad for Pryde.
Jan 26, 2020
SO, this chapter actually explained why the younger princess become how he became. The queen who learned about her older daughter decided to leave her as a strait dog because she knew she would turn a bad person....hello, who TF do you think is the fault for the first princess to become a Moth** F** queen, a evil and sadistic queen?! It was ALL YOUR FAULT. INSTEAD OF USING YOUR POWER TO GUIDE HER AFTER THE DEATH OF HER FATHER, YOU DECIDED TO ABANDON HER AND SAY, YOU ARE NOT WORTHY...TOO MUCH WORK. I ALREADY STARTED SHAPING AND GUIDING THE SECOND CHILD, SO I WILL GIVE UP ON YOU. What a mother. I hate her!

@Falgabird the only way for Pryde to be just evil is she was mentally ill/crazy. She was not. She wasn't born a psychopath. She became like that because she knew her mother was avoiding her. It all started with her mother's refusal to see her. The first princess only has 13 years old. Are you saying that the queen did everything in her power to help her? She didn't. Their power is the power to see the future, it is not to go back in time. She can't change nor help people's behavior at least they interact with them. The first princess never saw or rarely to the point to say she never saw nor lived with the princess. This is why I think her brother/or prime minister considered Pryde as a loser.

She should have scolded her, but the queen never did it because the first princess was a princess before she was her child. That is the problem. The first princess is and will only be a princess when she is in public but inside the palace she should be her first child. If the mother would have scolded her and keep her in her reach things would have been different. The princess only got the eyes of the queen. It is never the same. A mother/father loves can't be substitute by having other people are their eyes.

The father loved the first princess but was trying to compensate the absent of the mother. This is why he allowed the first princess do whatever she wanted. He was a husband before a father. Yes, the father got a partial fault. As the father, he should have demanded the queen to teach the older child instead of putting all her "hopes" on the younger child. I am just glad that the real princess died and never got to learn that the "royal" magic is the one thing to blame for her mother's cold behavior.

I don't consider the transmigrated soul to be the princess who went to our time and then went back. The reason to why no? simple. She saw and played the game on her PS. If she was the real princess, she would have saw it as a memory instead of remember watching it when she was in her living. I think that was a bad translation of the artist/author forgot the consistency of the story. I hope the transmigrated soul never get to learn and/ or if she does, she would be older to be able to understand and forgive this bad mother.
Aggregator gang
Nov 7, 2019
Here's the thing you have to keep in mind. This situation? This is actually close to being historically accurate.

Unlike us plebian commoners, it's a historically known fact that royal children aren't actually raised by the parents for the most part. They are more often than not raised by servants like a maid or nannies or heaven forbid, raised in the countryside with their own manor and household full of servants. This only changed within the last century. But even the UK's own Prince Charles, actual modern royalty and son of Elizabeth II, still barely saw either of his parents. IIRC, his own father didn't even attend his birthday parties until he was either between 4-6 years old, and he barely saw his mother on top of that. He had to actually wait in line to meet his mom when she returned from a trip and even that didn't last long before she was gone Queening around again.

Hell, it was even worse if we go back a couple hundred more or so years back, where royal children were basically currency, either to be traded off, married off, kidnapped, or killed. It's exaggerated in Crusader Kings 2, but the practice of having lots of kids to be used for political power is an unfortunate historical fact. If you were the heir apparent, you were groomed since you were a baby by an advisor or councilor to be the heir, have a strictly controlled regimen based on your status as heir, and interactions with the parents are scarce and mostly in an official capacity as part of your upbringing. If you were not the heir, you were either the spare in case the preferred heir died, or on standby to be married off. Or sent off to the countryside to either die or just live in anonymity, basically free to do what they want until the king or queen found some use for them later on, once again either as marriage prospects or maybe knights or courtesan for some political move.

Pryde was extremely lucky her mother actually tried before her visions traumatized her, and being the Prince Consort, the father didn't have any other duties than being shoulder beefcake to the queen, sometimes acting as an extension of her will on her behalf, making some minor decisions in court, or if not doing any of those, was left alone to actually attend to the kids. Hell, if this isekai kingdom wasn't a matriarchal monarchy or at least a meritocratic monarchy based on your magical ability, Pryde and Tiara wouldn't even be heirs to the throne and would be used for marriage fodder to other countries or influential noble families. On top of this, the queen still at least goes through with seeing her daughter even if only at royal meetings where the princess and heir has to attend. She tries even if her visions broke her. Yet people and their misconceptions are already calling her the worst mother and I honestly don't see it because the mother tries. For gods sake she's not Yui Ikari, Marianne vi Britannia, or Ragyo Kiryuuin

Effing hell, I even went and read a little ahead and found out
her visions still unfortunately came true to her horror because the princess, you know, the one who was reincarnated and knows what should happen next, was brainwashed into being the OG Pryde by some secret ending last boss with a mind control ability.

It's annoying that people seem to be applying modern child-raising practices on a field that, until the last century, never was hands-on with their children in the strictest sense. Compared to actual historical royalty, the other is still basically being the equivalent of a doting parent even if she can't show affection because of her status as queen. She also at least has her husband, the Prince Consort, to try and convey her feelings through.
Jun 10, 2018
@Falgabird no, you don't have to apply the history as a fact in a fictional work. As a modern person, the only duty you have for history is to learn from its mistakes. it's natural for modern people to not like a fictional work so mixed up with history, it's natural they don't like slaves, serfs, butt naked statues, and no modern child-raising practices. It's up to the person if he likes or dislikes these things. I think it's just that the author's fault for attracting the "villainess" troop, where they are used to fantasy settings fictions and not used to historical fictions.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Oooh. Okay, I can accept mom's reasoning surprisingly easy here. It's only natural for someone with future sight to want to change the future, and her worries are both understandable and adorable.
And I assume the reason she didn't die this time was because she died in the original story of heartbreak after her husband died, which is pretty sweet in its own way.

...But also, she's totes wrong. Should've been there for Pryde to guide her personally instead, and just because she acknowledges that it'll be difficult doesn't mean it's okay. If I were in her daughter's shoes, I'd refer to her as the empress and never as a mother.
Feb 22, 2019
The mother is absolute sh*t, she's no better than the og!Pryde :(((

I'm just happy that Stayle is there for our Pryde :'')
Dec 3, 2018
Holy crap thank god I read the comments, I thought I was going crazy for a second because I could not sympathize with the mother.
Active member
Mar 23, 2019
Anyone know if there is an English translation for the wn? Or if it was a ln then that too. Either or :)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Oh, shit, the precog ability was always supposed to be infallible, so no one ever just tried changing the future. Yes, you're a horrible mother - fething fix that, lady.
Jul 10, 2020
So you're telling me that Pryde turned into a terrible person because her mother saw in the future that she would turn into a terrible person? Genuinely wonder if her power has ever actually changed something before or if her seeing the future causes the future to happen. Sounds like a pretty useless power.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
re-reading this coz a new chapter came out and i forgot which series it was but imma say it again....the queen is a dumbass, self-fulfilling prophecy and all

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