@zDarkness You should never yell at children like that. She may have been in the village when the attack happened, but that doesn't mean she understands what was going on. She probably believes that "God" and Gams are going to protect ger like last time, and that's understandable BECAUSE SHE'S A CHILD. You have to be patient with children and not yell. I understand why the dad was upset, but you shouldn't blame the small child for acting like a small child.
@DorothyGale123 I understand that you shouldn't be too harsh to children but being too nice will often result in them undermining your authority. Especially considering the danger of the situation, yelling beforehand is much better than suffering the potential consequences afterword.
Fuck mc was the me of two years ago, i reached a point where i looked myself in the mirror and just said you need to get your shit together even if it kills you