The NPCs in This Village Sim Game Must Be Real!

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 5, 2020
This is a LN adaptation right?
It looks like it could be a really fun read!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Wow! This actually sounds interesting and fairly unique from the summary. I almost forgot what those words meant. I’m just going to dive right in; hopefully it doesn’t disappoint.
Mar 7, 2019
This is a really interesting idea, and the art is pretty solid.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops.
Dec 9, 2019
I'm hyped to see what's gonna happen.. please upload Vol.2 ASAP !!!!!!!! 🤗
Jan 28, 2019
Ch. 6.2 really hit too close to home, but in a good way.

This adaptation is really doing a good job with relating personal issues in real life to a fantasy setting. I haven’t read the web novel yet, but I will and hopefully I’ll keep cheering on our protagonist.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2018
The art is good, but why human garbage MCs are so popular recently?
What the train of thought you should have to create such MC? Probably something like 'I need to make MC that every fan can relate to. Oh, I got a perfect idea! I'll make him a low-life scum that yells at his mother, looks like Chewbacca, and have a nature so weak/sensitive that just failing to get a prestigious job served on a silver platter was enough to make him into a NEET.'
Mar 12, 2019
Ah, it seems like you're a new reader. Yes, the MC is scum, but that gives us a good base for actual character growth and development. The worse the MC, the more room they have to grow. If the MC was confident and outgoing from the start, then the growth wouldn't necessarily be as interesting. Plus, he had been unable to get a job for several years, and
has some ongoing trauma from getting attacked by his sister's stalker or something (it's not made entirely clear what happened to him mentaly).
You can think of the main character's journey in this not so much as the traditional pussy MC who gets everything through "fantasy world means I op hur dur", and more of a journey of rehabilitation through interacting with characters in a game to help him get used to reconnecting with the people around him.
The idea with him isn't so much relatability, but just creating a shitty person to redeem. Kinda like Grid from Overgeared, or the MC from Re:Life, but to a more extreme degree. If it is supposed to be relatable, it's might be for the sake of inspiring others to grow as well as the MC will inevitably develop through the course of the manga, but I doubt it. Relatability isn't the most important part of an interesting main character, so just assuming that the main character was designed to be trash just for the sole sake of being "Relatable" is a bit misguided and kinda condescending towards the demographic of manga readers/ people who play games.
(also which human trash mcs are you referencing as being popular, I'm genuinely interested cus I haven't been able to find much of this genre)
Feb 10, 2019
im only mad that he stood there like a fuckin idiot screaming and pissing his pants and doing nothing while gam was dying...besides that it’s a good premise but other points of the plot are somewhat worthy of critique
Sep 19, 2019
After reading the LN, i can really relate to the MC in sort of circumstances cause it really hit back home. Although it take him too long to realize (which is 10 freaking year) but i guess the scar is too traumatizing. All i can say is not everything is how the MC perceive especially things that happened between his sister and father.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2018
You right. I wrongly assumed I'm reading isekai, I wasn't really expecting any development in our world, so I wrote it off as a lame try to make MC relatable.
I also agree that to show the development, you must give MC a starting point. But isn't it a little overkill with how pathetic MC is? I'm not saying that there are no people living off their close relatives and suffering from social pathologies. What I mean is this MC feels artificially distorted. Just look at him, he got a nice education, he had friends, he had a family member to protect, he had an exemplary functional family without any discords or financial problems. I see no reason why he would become a NEET after a job interview. I see no reason why he would run, leaving his sister in danger even when stubbed. You make these wrong choices when you have some reason behind, like shitty childhood (when we talk about NEETs), or bullying (a reason to be afraid of knives). But not in MC's case. He is unjustifiably pathetic, to the extent of being scum. This artificial distortion became especially obvious when MC sold his possessions to help game characters after playing for just a day. It shows that he was made into garbage artificially by the author.

>also which human trash mcs are you referencing as being popular
It's hard to remember... Mushoku Tensei (no, he had balls to give his life for someone) Moto Sekai Ichi'i Subchara Ikusei Nikki? Sorry, it's really hard to remember. I would like to scroll my posts to find something specific for you, but Mangadex has no feature like that.
Mar 28, 2019
@vodkavodka EDIT: Jesus this turned out way longer than intended, but reading may help you enjoy the manga more!

TL;DR I don't disagree with you and I do agree with the backstory being filled with holes, but I provide a few points and try to string them together to make the backstory feel less "artificial" and more enjoyable. Hope this helps, happy reading!

Although I do agree that the MC is definitely NOT someone I would expect to have started off THIS bad, I can still understand it. Single, drastic events like the stabbing caused a lot of pain and changed him, but not because of the event itself but rather the days after. From what I can see (and what I assume based on chapters up to 6.2), he originally perceived himself as competent as a person, a friend, a son and a brother, but the stabbing event caused the brother crumble away, his failure at the job hunts caused the son to crumble, and the isolation he forced onto himself let the friend crumble as well. All those led him to believe that he, as a person, was worthless. It appears to have been a culmination of small failures triggered by one single event that domino'd out of control. The problem is that he accepted those events as proof of his worthless nature, and began habituating it until it was unconscious. He feels worthless because he failed the people he cared about.

It's not like his family or friends would be able to easily fix this, if they could have, he would have already been fixed. I would venture a guess that the comfort and support from those he failed just make him feel worse and retreat even further, even if the intentions were kind. At this particular point, the "game" provides completely new, unrecognizable stimulus that allows him to use his kind and protective nature in a "low stakes" environment where people won't get hurt when he fails (he initially thinks it's a game). His first success inspired confidence from a place he didn't know of before, from a source that he doesn't feel guilt from, and so he runs with it because this is who he was before the spiral. Think of Anakin/Darth Vader: he could not be redeemed by his fellow Jedi because he retreated and rejected them, only by his son who was completely unknown to him and foreign, but still accepted his father and believed in Anakin's redemption.

Just like the stabbing was something completely irregular and "artificial", and led to the spiral downwards to where he was in chapter 1, so too is this "game" something irregular and "artificial" and will cause that same domino effect, except it will spiral in the opposite direction.

I understand where you are coming from, like it makes no sense how someone as guilt-ridden and kind could continue like that for 10 years to this point, but the only "artificial" part in the story that I can see (so far up to 6.2) is the stabbing which caused the initial domino. I can see how someone that is basically an upstanding guy can fall so far from this one event. What I cannot see is how the stabbing occurred and (so far) it can only be explained as "the author had to start somewhere."

Is it frustrating, annoying and even unbelievable from our perspective? Yeah! The MC is a caring, protective and loving person, how the fuck did it get this bad?? We are missing a ton of pieces IMO from his backstory (that probably should have been included but weren't so that this wouldn't get info-dumped and axed), but the pieces we were given do string along a barebones story that, at least in my opinion, do show a believable and proper backstory to have the MC reach this point. The backstory is WAY too barebones and most people wouldn't piece it together (I didn't get there until I saw your comment and started thinking), it SERIOUSLY needs more fleshing out, and readers shouldn't have to do a "MatPat Game Theory" episode just to make the MC believable, but now that I did, I can accept the MC's starting point and backstory as believable and mostly natural (the stabbing still makes no sense, same with the game but that's not backstory).

Shit this was a lot longer than I was expecting it to be, but after thinking, writing and re-reading this all, I like this manga a bit more know. I stand by what I said: the backstory is way too skeletal and makes readers throw out huge assumptions to make the situation believable. However, if this comment has helped bridge those gaps until the Author properly addresses them, then I think it is a "good enough" situation as it is only chapter 6.2 so far.

I hope this helps both you and other readers enjoy this manga a bit more, even if it is mostly my opinion and """theories""" regarding the backstory. Hopefully the Author fixes this in the next chapters, happy reading!

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