You can’t vote against immigration anymore if you’re a Senator. It gets you labeled the big bad scary R word, especially if your a white male Republican senator. Big business will also bribe you to keep importing cheap labor for big business.
When your populace isn’t reproducing due to a shit economy, you need to import poor people who are going to reproduce regardless of “proper economic timing.”
Americans are too stuck up to do manual labor, even when all of the decently paying desk jobs are disappearing due to automation and AI. Young Americans are also garbage when it comes to their own money nowadays
A lot of this stems from young adults not realizing that you aren’t supposed to be wealthy at a young age and keeping up with all the new toys and gadgets is a terrible way to plan your wealth.
Here’s an example:
Kevin from San Francisco, California won’t fix a toilet unless he gets all sorts of unrealistic demands. Kevin will continue to waste his life believing he needs a college degree. He’ll take on massive debt and chose a degree with zero employment opportunities. Kevin will then blow his $15/hr paycheck earned at Walmart on games, drugs and service apps. He will then go on Reddit and Twitter and complain about not having enough money and how this is all capitalism’s fault.
Kevin fails to see who caused all of his problems.
Juan from San José, Costs Rica will happily fix your toilet for $10 an hour simply because it’s more than he’d make back home. Juan won’t waste his money on stupid shit because he’s used to eating “low quality” food. Juan knows he can’t afford certain things with how much he’s earning. He knows all of his stupid decisions are his own fault and no one else’s.
Juan knows hard work doesn’t always pay off, Juan knows things could be so much worse, Juan knows money isn’t a toy and chasing useless highs is pointless.
Be like my totally Rich Homie, Juan.