The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018

i dont like racism. i dont like murdering babies. and i dont like the government telling me what to do. so when democrats and the left support Prop 16 and say that the government should be allowed to discriminate against race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin i reject them in their entirety. when they say that its ok that an unwanted baby can be left to die if the mother talks with a physician about not wanted it i reject them in their entirety. and finally when they say for years and years that single payer health care(i.e. nationalize healthcare) is off the table but then do a 180 and support it how am i supposed to believe they wont try to nationalize somthing else? and so i reject them in their entirety.

The hell do you call all this, then? I don't support any of this (except universal healthcare). I don't know anyone who does.

Edit: @wowfucktron Shoo. Not talking with you at the moment.
Jan 21, 2021
@readingsit just remember that the moment they say "you're racist" you can simply say "So you've finally realized your argument is invalid? Congratulations *confetti* you've taken the first step towards freedom of thought!"
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
@readingsit A few months before it was due, yes. As to not cause harm to the mother as well. While it's still considered to be a fetus.

Also, let me say this in advance in case someone try to be smart and guilt trip me: I'm not budging.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019

You WILL notice me, Senpai~
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
According to the Guttmacher Institute, the average cost for a first-trimester abortion is in the US is $508 (anywhere between $75 and $2500). The median cost for a second-trimester abortion is $1,195. Later term abortion can cost $3,000 or more.
The Child Tax Credit offers up to $2,000 per qualifying dependent child 16 or younger at the end of the calendar year.

Saving 30k~ on average in tax credit. Dunno, free abortion looks like a pretty good deal if you actually care about your tax money.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
you asked why people in this forum(which i am a part of):
approach things from a decidedly anti-left, anti-democrat perspective
and so i explained why i do, i never said you support those things! i sure hope you dont!

ill keep that in mind XD

if the baby can be safely removed from the womb alive then why not just put it into an adoption center? why does it have to die? actually nevermind because thats not the point. because the first quote i had made was about killing a baby AFTER it was due. it was born and northam was all like "yeah, you can still kill it"
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@readingsit The whole sentence was this:
I get the distinct feeling that you and most of the other people around here approach things from a decidedly anti-left, anti-democrat perspective.

It was just that, a feeling, based off of what I've seen people posting. And I was specifically asking Tamerlane...Jesus I should've just DM'd him. Never mind!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
...if a baby is removed from the womb alive a few months early you said you support it being killed. and now your ok with it being sent to an adoption center instead but also "dont guilt trip me I'm not budging". well im glad i convinced you i guess?
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Defeats the whole purpose of abortion.

Women’s brains get flooded with happy brain drugs when they hold their newborn for the first time, most women decide to raise the baby after its born even when they initially wanted to put it up for adoption.

A mother holding her newborn baby is actually really important in regards to the child’s development, doctors aren’t going to let her not hold the baby.

The central logic of abortion nowadays is to forgo adoption and women second guessing themselves.
Jan 21, 2021
@readingsit I also used to send this link to people CONSTANTLY when I politically debated over the internet -.-

You can always tell the people who actually watched it and those who didn't because those who did could suddenly put coherent sentences together like some magic was cast upon them, while the others were still stuck at the "gacha" and "because my teacher said you're stupid" debate level.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

I would probably define myself more as a Jimi Hendrix-style individualist and a liberal. In terms of philosophies, I'm a mix of absurdist, Buddhist, Taoist, and liberal with a few other beliefs mixed in.

Probably my two most important values is freedom of expression and the value of the the constant pursuit of truth and reassessment, followed closely by lack of discrimination or oppression by the government and corporations.

Most of my positions align (or aligned) with the left, but the overton window has shifted much more radical, leaving me disenfranchised. I'm still in favor of adding sexual orientation or gender identity to the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment just to be certain, and I still have a ton of positions that are traditionally align with the democrats. (Pro-choice, in favor of environmental regulation and the legalization of weed and ending the war on drugs, and in favor of the right for consenting adults to do whatever they wish to their bodies, as the right to bodily autonomy is the most primeval of rights.)

The issue I'm having with the left is not just this sense of hypocrisy, but the religious dedication progressives seem to have to their ideology. There's common sense that they've been feed talking points and specific phrases so they don't have to think about their ideology. Individualism, freedom of expression, and the rights pivotal to America are actively suppressed and thought of with pure disdain. Ideas aren't engaged with honestly, instead they are shutdown and silenced. It seems like a puritanical witch hunt, much like how conservatives did in yesteryear, full of self-righteous indignation of differences of beliefs and insular doctrine.

In my opinion, if I am to be consistent with my values, I must oppose the current direction of the left as it uses corporations and government power to oppress the individual and their seeming constant attack on all parts of society and culture.

My issue with the democrats is the worrying corruption, constant obsessive pursuit of power and erosion of our civil rights. Not to mention the stonewalling, lack of transparency, lack of accountability, and bold-faced lying. I have the same criticisms of Republics, but they're on the defensive right now.

I have a lot of other takes, but I still consider myself on the left, but more of the individualist left that is against big business (which seems to be merging more with government and promoting one ideology) and big government. But when it constantly seems like what little power the people have and what few rights we have are being destroyed by tyranny, I think we need to do something or speak out against the increasing hegemony of the establishment.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
@readingsit @wowfucktron The purpose of someone getting an abortion is because they don't want to have that baby. Not because they have the urge to kill one. You can get it out of the womb safely? Cool. Do that. Works out for both parties, no?
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
That goes without saying.

I was just highlighting how it’s easier to give up the child via abortion than it is through putting it up for adoption.

It’s easier to hurt someone if you can’t see their face.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I have no idea what I did lmao @pandascepter


My line is that it should be done before the embryo becomes a fetus, meaning it can survive independently outside of the womb. That would be about 11th week of pregnancy or 9 weeks after the first term, so plenty of time before hand.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
@pandascepter This is weird... A Ben Shapiro video was recommended to me on the right, among the other anime videos. And I'm at work, browser I'm using has no history.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018

In my opinion, if I am to be consistent with my values, I must oppose the current direction of the left as it uses corporations and government power to oppress the individual and their seeming constant attack on all parts of society and culture.

Where are you getting this idea from? I agree with most of the rest of what you said, and there are loud, obnoxious elements on the left that certainly try to control everyone, but they have very little practical power, except in large groups to harass people online, and that happens on both sides, depending on where you go. If it's the corporations...we can't really influence them much. They just do whatever they think they'll make money with. If they're doing something, that's likely the cause, whether it's deplatforming or cancelling people, or 'woke branding' or what have you.

The issue I'm having with the left is not just this sense of hypocrisy, but the religious dedication progressives seem to have to their ideology. There's common sense that they've been feed talking points and specific phrases so they don't have to think about their ideology.

I have this specific complaint about the right, to be honest. They do this shit all the time. Are you sure the people you've been reading, watching, and listening to aren't just projecting? From what I've seen of a lot of anti-SJW, anti-feminist, right wing shows, they take a particularly ridiculous example of someone doing something, and then pretend it's literally everyone and that the left and democrats are coming for everything you hold dear. I've seen some of that on the other side, but it's not nearly as much. Then again, I'm less into the social issue side of things and more into the class issues side of things.
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