The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018

and where is all the "capitalism is good" virtue signalling? all the companies posting blue lives matter flags? its almost as if there's only one side they are scared of

It's literally everywhere you go online or outside, on the billboards, on the radio, on the side of buildings and vehicles. You're so used to it you don't even notice. It's like white noise. We live in a consumer culture, the idea that capitalism is good is baked into the cake of that.


Don't know much about him. Only listened to him a few times.


Oh you. Playing all hard to get. I see what you're up to. :p
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
@EzWeeb @wowfucktron
listen, joe rogan has actually listened to conservatives and doesnt pull out all the 'ists' and 'phobes' so i still consider him a liberal. he got cancelled and is making do with what he has left give him a break

spotify employees even threw a fit about having to carry him so i doubt the leftists are 'worshiping him' its probably more 'tolerating'
May 16, 2019
@Kaldrak For once you post something not half retarded, America is a country of diseased consoomers, wasting their mcdonalds paycheck on funko pops and soylent. And when they inevitably end up struggling to scrounge up enough money for rent they'll go on twitter to screech how much of a struggle their life is and how they're being oppressed. Also stop using emoticons, it makes my skin crawl.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@EzWeeb Ah, man. You always know how to sweet talk me. XD

This is a major part of the culture you want to preserve though. *shrugs*
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@wowfucktron And how does me acknowledging that that is part of our culture intentionally misrepresent anything so it will be easier for me to argue against instead of someone's actual argument?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
steven universe advert

Still I try not to eat there unless I have to.
Well, I can relate to the sentiment. There are a few brands that I automatically rule out buying from due to whatever overstepping of morality policing/virtue signaling they partake in. It's not some significant statement or anything, I just prefer to spend my money on alternatives when they're available.
Luckily I think it's owned independently
Idk if you're referring to Chick-fil-A, but their stores aren't owned independently. The operators ('owners' but not really) of the individual stores are chosen through a competitive and lengthy process, and can be yeeted out by the bigwigs at any time if they drop the ball hard enough.

Not to get too political, but I personally eat there a lot due to the fact that their chicken has a considerably higher protein(g)/calorie ratio than its competitors. Chick-fil-A's nuggets have over 10% protein (in grams) of their calories, while McDick nuggets clock in barely above 5%.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Give it to me straight lads, will we ever see modern day machine guns and burst fire weaponry legalized for use by private citizens?

I just want to be able to own and operate a fully automatic FN FAL...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@CyanHide Are you Argentinian? Because while I too love the FAL, it's a bit too much of a beast on full auto for me?

Also I feel its necessary given how people are saying they are 'anti-capitalist', what definition of Capitalism are y'all running with because as far as I run with it its private property.
I'm not saying I think you guys are particularly wrong in identifying problems in our society, I just wanna know what y'all are running with when you say what you say. Lock down definitions as it were.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Dems don’t know jack shit about firearms, and they’re already acting like they know what’s best for em, just like they do with little kids and confused teens

Nope, just a Filipino in America. You guys get to have unmolested FALs over there? I was thinking of getting specifically an Stg58 model FAL with bipod and using that whenever, if ever, I can set it to full auto.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@CyanHide I'm stateside, I was mostly joking about Argentina using the full auto FAL in the Falklands as I think they were the only country to use full auto FALs as standard.

As far as the type of gun you were looking for, you ought to try and look at picking up a build kit if you can. Immediately looking online I was able to find some on Atlantic Firearms but they're pretty pricy compared to other options.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
@M0NST3R yeah I heard a bit about the Falklands war, supposedly the Brits would nab Argentinian FALs after action just so that they could have a select fire weapon, since their FAL, the SLR, was rendered to only fire is semi-auto. I just thought you were implying that Argentinians had better gun rights lol.

Also, I have been planning on building a FAL myself in the first place, but I’m somewhat scared of fucking up the process. I’ve been lurking /k/ and considering getting into the FAL FILES forum to counteract this fear. DSA FALs are the easy way out, but there’s been a lot of complaining about their product quality.
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