The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018

Socialism is NOT social programs. That’s a common misconception.

No matter how much social programs you have or state-funded/subsidized, if you still operate on a market economy in which the workers do not own the means of production, then you’re still in a capitalist system.

Maybe you could try explaining this concept to @wowfucktron sometime. I don't think he gets it.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@wowfucktron @Halo

It's okay, we've all been blocked by her at this point anyway.

(In all seriousness, I was memeing)


What I find funny is that I'm confident 2spirit buys into the ACAB/Defund the police narrative, so her calling those institutions socialist only hurts her own position more than anyone else's
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@Tamerlane Agreed.

So...SO. If I were to stop dicking around for a bit and decide to talk about things in a more serious fashion, what, if anything, would you want to discuss? I get the distinct feeling that you and most of the other people around here approach things from a decidedly anti-left, anti-democrat perspective. Why is that, in your case?

Note: I won't be arguing strenuously or defending anything. I'm just curious about your specific point of view. Take that for what you will.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
Is this alright for only looking to one-side information?
if what you mean is "is it ok to be looking only at biased info" then yes. after all all info is biased so the best you can find is someone trying not to be but thats not somthing you can succeed at. but if instead you mean 'is it ok to only look at one sides bias?' then no, ultimately you will find yourself in the wrong somwhere if you refused to acknowledge that there is another side to an issue. look at both arguments and find which one appeals to you more, find out what makes sense to you

think foreigners should be able to enter and live in the country via legal means, I do also believe that a massive surge of immigrants is bad for many reasons
these two points arent mutually exclusive it seems like what your concerned about is the vetting process. if there are too many immigrants at once your concerned they wont be vetted properly

It would not surprise me if 2spirit is actually 37 and wants to seem “hip with the kids.”
it would not surprise me if it identified as a 2000 year old wolf and will sue us if we refer to it otherwise

"I'm fine with immigration as long as it's legal!"
the general view of a conservative towards immigration is they are okay with one of these two options:
1. plenty of social safety nets or government programs but very little to no immigration
2. little to no social safety nets or government programs and lots of immigration

if somone is willing to come to a USA that has no safty nets, no handouts, no nanny state then they are practically gaureenteed to assimilate but since we have alot of social safety nets and government programs a conservative is forced into the former. i would prefer the latter but getting people to give up their nannies teat is a difficult feat

'murican culture is all about not being a whiny bitch and telling your gubmint to get bent.
PREACH my man

decidedly anti-left, anti-democrat perspective
i dont like racism. i dont like murdering babies. and i dont like the government telling me what to do. so when democrats and the left support Prop 16 and say that the government should be allowed to discriminate against race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin i reject them in their entirety. when they say that its ok that an unwanted baby can be left to die if the mother talks with a physician about not wanted it i reject them in their entirety. and finally when they say for years and years that single payer health care(i.e. nationalize healthcare) is off the table but then do a 180 and support it how am i supposed to believe they wont try to nationalize somthing else? and so i reject them in their entirety.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@readingsit Not asking you, fam. You're just basic conservative, through and through. Already know everything there is to know about your viewpoint, and unlike you, I don't strawman the hell out of it like you just did.
May 16, 2019
@immortalartisan Oh here we go "America doesn't have a culture!", Yeah not anymore retard, what do you think happens when hundreds upon thousands of immigrants flood your fucking country every month?
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Already know everything there is to know about your viewpoint, and unlike you, I don't strawman the hell out of it like you just did.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
you asked
most of the other people around here
and we can speak for ourselves so i did

is it a strawman if i can point to an example?
shirley weber, a democrat, was the person to push prop 16. its real. thankfully it lost but how did it even come to a vote?
ralph northam, a democrat, about children born with sever deformities:
“The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
if thats not enough here xavier becerra, nominee for secretary of Health and Human Services ala biden on why he voted against a ban on partial-birth abortion:
So, I will tell you that when I come to these issues, I understand that we may not always agree on where to go, but I think we can find some common ground on these issues because everyone wants to make sure that if you have an opportunity, you're going to live a healthy life.
and the official democrat party website lists universal healthcare as somthing they want to achieve.

didnt notice until after i posted but doesnt:
Already know everything there is to know about your viewpoint
mean that your strawmanning me? because i havent discussed my every viewpoint on this thread. kinda ironic that your strawmanning me while claiming that you dont do that
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@readingsit What, you don't like other people assuming they know your positions on things without even asking you? My, how annoying. I wonder what that feels like....
Jan 21, 2021
@readingsit you're trying to argue with a bunch of Miruls (Live Dungeon Chapter 21 page 24 for a good image of what I'm talking about but the whole fiasco she causes is a good explanation) It's best to just sigh, shake your head, and tell them "you're the ones who voted for them" every time their life takes a turn for the shitter for the next 4 years.

"For the past 50 years they've promised to buy you out of poverty; perhaps you should start looking for answers somewhere else."
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
I mean if we could figure out a way to create and maintain a non-governmental and non-corporate Universal Healthcare system I'd back that.

I just don't want the United States 'Forcibly sterilized Native American women well into the 1970s, aided Monsanto in covering up the negative effects of Agent Orange in Vietnam, routinely denies the legitimate claims of Military veterans on the sources of injuries to avoid paying to treat those injuries in the VA, actively colludes with major corporations to push ineffective or unhelpful dietary and medicines' Federal Government involved.

I just flatly think it is best if you put people who live in the community in charge of caring for their community. Government really only serves to act as a vehicle for special interests to push their interests.
Corporations you can trust to be greedy, governments can be fucking evil when given the chance and they'll pretend they are doing the right thing while doing so.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
What, you don't like other people assuming they know your positions on things without even asking you? My, how annoying. I wonder what that feels like....

this confused me, did i ever assume a position of yours? i looked through a few pages of my comments but didnt see me do that? could you give me an example?

i read that manga so i understand. but dont worry i dont really think im changing any minds via text i just like to debate. if somone is excessively insulting i give my response but alert them i will reply to them no longer otherwise even if i disagree i like read and share

even if the baby is in the middle of being born? or was already born? even then?
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