Is this alright for only looking to one-side information?
if what you mean is "is it ok to be looking only at biased info" then yes. after all all info is biased so the best you can find is someone trying not to be but thats not somthing you can succeed at. but if instead you mean 'is it ok to only look at one sides bias?' then no, ultimately you will find yourself in the wrong somwhere if you refused to acknowledge that there is another side to an issue. look at both arguments and find which one appeals to you more, find out what makes sense to you
think foreigners should be able to enter and live in the country via legal means, I do also believe that a massive surge of immigrants is bad for many reasons
these two points arent mutually exclusive it seems like what your concerned about is the vetting process. if there are too many immigrants at once your concerned they wont be vetted properly
It would not surprise me if 2spirit is actually 37 and wants to seem “hip with the kids.”
it would not surprise me if it identified as a 2000 year old wolf and will sue us if we refer to it otherwise
"I'm fine with immigration as long as it's legal!"
the general view of a conservative towards immigration is they are okay with one of these two options:
1. plenty of social safety nets or government programs but very little to no immigration
2. little to no social safety nets or government programs and lots of immigration
if somone is willing to come to a USA that has no safty nets, no handouts, no nanny state then they are practically gaureenteed to assimilate but since we have alot of social safety nets and government programs a conservative is forced into the former. i would prefer the latter but getting people to give up their nannies teat is a difficult feat
'murican culture is all about not being a whiny bitch and telling your gubmint to get bent.
PREACH my man
decidedly anti-left, anti-democrat perspective
i dont like racism. i dont like murdering babies. and i dont like the government telling me what to do. so when democrats and the left support Prop 16 and say that the government should be allowed to discriminate against race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin i reject them in their entirety. when they say that its ok that an unwanted baby can be left to die if the mother talks with a physician about not wanted it i reject them in their entirety. and finally when they say for years and years that single payer health care(i.e. nationalize healthcare) is off the table but then do a 180 and support it how am i supposed to believe they wont try to nationalize somthing else? and so i reject them in their entirety.