The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

1) Yes. They want him to go to the supreme court. It's very clearly the intention of the Trump-appointees to get him to the upper levels because the rulings will affect the entire nation. This is how politics works.

The eyewitness testimony doesn't matter when the security footage shows clearly they were processed in front of observers earlier in the day.
1. The video shows the observers were roped off and unable to fulfill their duties as ballot inspects in a meaningful way.
2. The cases of ballots under the table were not processed by the ballot inspectors earlier, so whether or not the inspectors were present earlier does not make a difference when these
3. That does not invalidate that they were put through the machines multiple times, which is evident from the video itself. You are objectively and demonstrably wrong, and trying to project that criticism onto me does not make you correct.

Let's ignore all she said during the hearing and focus on her affidavit because she wasn't under oath during the hearing and was free to say whatever she wanted. Her affidavit was included in the lawsuit in MI attempting to block certification of the vote
You don't know what an affidavit is. If she signed it and she was found to be lying in her testimony knowingly, she would go to jail for 10-15 years in federal court.

3) Also, judges are not the arbiters of truth, and are not always right. Just because one judge ruled this way, especially because said judge's reasoning does not enforce the spirit of the law, nor the understood meaning, as the purpose of having inspectors of both political parties to meaningfully observe the ballots is to serve an equal protection as it is both parties' vested interest to see and account for each vote. Merely having them being in the same room doesn't ensure that the votes are being counted in a fair way. Additionally, considering this is a case alleging local corruption, it is not surprising a judge for Wayne county would rule against them. Additionally, the findings do not mention Melissa in the slightest, and only gives the judge's reasoning, but he is not the authority on if the claims are true. Did you even read what you have just linked?

This entire point is sensationalist and ridiculous. I can't believe you think the only avenue of relief is to disenfranchise every single voter not to mention throwing out all the down ballot races. That's all you're going to get from me about it.
This was not my argument, nor does this even address my argument.

Additionally, a contingent election is not disenfranchising anyone because it's entirely constitutional and using our elected representatives to weed out any possibly of fraud. You may not be taking the idea of fraud seriously, but if there is fraud, that disenfranchises everyone's votes. See the Supreme Court ruling in United States vs. Throckmorton.

The hearings aren't worth a minute of your time. I don't even waste my time reading the news' reaction to the hearings. No one is under oath during them. They are glorified press conferences with the added benefit of republicans cannibalizing themselves on live tv.
It was at this line where it dawned on me that you have no interest in hearing the arguments from the other side. No only are you wrong in that no one is under oath because what is happening is the witnesses in questions are repeating what they have already sworn to within their affidavits, so it is by the transitive property, but the purposes is to show their evidence to state legislatures. This is the issue if you only look at the rulings because you have missed all the statistical evidence presented by not only by expert testimony, such as that the only way Biden could have won in Maricopa County Arizona is if there was 130% Democratic turnout and if the votes were weight so 10 votes for Trump would only be counted as 7 votes for Trump and 3 votes for Biden, as per the Voter Integrity Fund, which has begun to reach out to the FBI. (Plus there's not really Republicans cannibalizing themselves and they're not being widely reported on. Again, I'm starting to suspect you've only got your information from secondary and tertiary sources and haven't watched them yourself.) If you can just brazenly dismiss them as "not worth your time," without even addressing how a single point is wrong, nor being aware that you don't swear testimony for a public hearing like you do in a court room, (which again is irrelevant because they ARE sworn. That's what an affidavit is.) then I may be starting to think this entire argument is not being had in good faith.

They've already done a hand recount and a machine recount. Simply rescanning the same ballots over and over would have been revealed during the hand recount. Not sure what a "forensic" investigation into the machines would achieve.
A forensic investigation would be able to do several things such as determining if signatures were legitimate, which has not been done in Georgia yet, would be able to determine if there was any tampering on the machines, or if the machines themselves would be suspect. It would also be able to tell if any ballots were mass printed, as the more recent affidavits from the recounts indicates. Again, seems like you really didn't watch the hearings because this is what Col. Phil Waldron said SHOULD be done. A hand recount wouldn't detect theses issues, and it also ignores that during the hand recount, more votes for Trump were found than in any other recount in US history. Where there's smoke, there's fire as they say.

Pretending fraud occurred here, the spike in votes wouldn't have done anything. Biden was already leading Fulton and wouldn't take the lead in GA until days later.
Yes, he was leading in the major city but not in the state, but the spike in votes-the vast majority of which were for Biden to the point of near statistical impossibility-did flip the state. It wasn't about the county turning, but about the state turning as well, which seems to be what happened.

Please don't bother replying to me about election fraud anymore. It's a waste of both of our time.
I would agree, but I feel I have a duty to defend my arguments and let the general public know about this information. If you want to resign from the argument, that's fine, but I feel still that there's a discussion to be had and just dismissing the point outright or trying to shut down the conversation is irresponsible and inserts your own biases too much into the point.

Final statement on this topic, stop pinging Zephyrus to get the conversation shut down. It just makes you look bad and makes it look like you're trying to get the entire argument shut down entirely on the grounds that you disagree with it or that you believe the argument is settled when it very clearly is not, and only goes to weaken your position.
I wouldn't qualify as being informed necessarily, especially because of the bias within the media and the slant they take. Being a misinformed voter does not necessarily mean they are not a low information

Honestly I was in the middle of my reply before I saw him post that and I just kinda thought that one last reply would be good. I will not respond anymore unless he posts something pertaining to it or vague posts about it
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Daily pings for no reason other than you don't like a thread is a good way to get comment banned for a month.
Jan 18, 2018
I was about to be anal about definitions but then reread your answer and saw that I misunderstood it. Yeah, misinformed is not necessarily low-information and vice-versa.

Please, your mod-ness, don't do that just because of someone else's temper tantrum. It also seems like that specific line of conversation is closed (for now...).

Let's calm down and listen to a rap ASMR.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Oh no, that's the opposite of my position, just because that's literally the definition of a low-information voter, but I would say there's a venn diagram between people who know very little and those who are only informed poorly. But that's not really important, because it describes the same issue
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Yes because I trust the legal console of Legaleagle, who specializes in commercial litigation matters and not fraud or the other specialties more relevant specifically to this case, and who has repeatedly demonstrated bias in his cases, such as with that infamous video on Captain Marvel where he claimed that "The Don" tapping her map was enough to justify a superpowered heroine to extort him for his motorcycle and everything he had.

Needless to say, an argument from ethos here is lacking given citing just some random lawyer who has a presence online isn't enough to make a solid argument, nor do I think companies like MSN who have consistently shown a vested interest in being against Trump themselves are sources that should be depended upon, especially when they're interviewing Mitt Romney, who has always been the spearhead of anti-Trump movement and neoconserativism within the Republican party. (Who I'm glad got obliterated by Obama in 2012.)
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
The PCM memes are something new that I enjoy very much.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Would someone explain to me the Biden meme/drawing of him eating an ice cream with sunglasses on? Where did it come from?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
If you are just going to spout nonsense kindly return to your AI DM thread and wait for a human to show up and stay there.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
I’m bored alright I fucking picked back Isekai managa so let me just say fuck you to the people who are the reason everything around me sucks
Jan 19, 2018
If you are just going to spout nonsense kindly return to your AI DM thread and wait for a human to show up and stay there.

God damn dude even I felt that one.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Once in a blue moon
a man sheds his poetry
in pursuit of truth.

let me just say fuck you to the people who are the reason everything around me sucks
If you unironically believe that others (let alone over 40% of the country's population) are responsible for your own problems, then idk what to tell you except that if you still believe that in five years then you still have a whole lot of growing up to do.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
I’m talking about the fact out school system fucking sucks I don’t want to even try and imagine how much worse everything else is. I’m tired of the fact everything else was gutted for military and rich people who run everything now. There’s no statespeople left it’s all fucking politicians. Conservatism is simply being content which the current people in power are determined to keep the status quo which benefits them. I hope the next generation of people who run for office learn from this. I hope democrats and republicans die a grisly death for standing for nothing

TLDR I’m just fucking tired of everything

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