The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Wear a mask or go to jail

Didn't help the Zip Tie Guy 🤭
Feb 11, 2018
You have vanishingly little political influence and every thought you spend on politics will probably come to nothing. Consider reading some nice mangas instead.
Oct 20, 2020
It's not about money "inmunizing", it's about reducing the number of people who get infected as much as possible to reduce the deaths to a minimum while getting around developing a vaccine.
I'm very well aware, that's why I contrasted it with the option that provides the quickest path to resolution that nobody wanted to take. Well, the Swedish tried and it didn't work I guess. Which should really tell you about what chances you have after the vaccine is actually released.

Your last sentence is a very stupid suggestion because I don't know you, but I wouldn't want to die for nothing when I can do something and live another day.
It's only stupid if you're trying to maximize lives saved from CO-VID specifically and not minimal time to herd immunity. No wait, that would actually be intentionally infecting people with it to cut down on transmission rates. Just give everyone CO-VID over the course a month, life returns to normal with 10s of millions dead or so.

To think a Century ago people gave a damn.
How is it possible to have so many bad takes? During the Spanish fly there were also huge numbers of people who resisted wearing masks as well.
I know you have an agenda to push, but god damn.

How does this line of thinking not also apply to reading manga? I sincerely hope you didn't think people don't enjoy being here. Even @Halo has nothing better to do with his life, and he doesn't even care.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Just give everyone CO-VID over the course a month, life returns to normal with 10s of millions dead or so.
That's the point of vaccines except you don't lose 10 million lifes with them.
Oct 20, 2020
Is that why 2 million are already dead? And again, you seem to be willfully ignoring my point, I already stated that it was the best option if you didn't mind killing lots of people quickly. I understand most people don't want to kill lots of people quickly, that doesn't defeat the point.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
it does defeat the point, it's needless death, it's not the "best option", it's an option, sure, but it's neither the best nor the most efficient option. 2 million are dead and more are dying, maybe more than in previous pandemics, but that isn't a reason to just give up and attempt herd inmunity with the virus at full strenght, you're more likely to die before getting close to developing resistance. We are doing our best to prevent as many cases as possible and even if some people don't believe in this virus or think it's ok to go around while infected, that doesn't stop the rest of us from attempting to save them. We already developed a couple of vaccines and are already being administered.

Maybe this willful ignorance I'm doing is just me not understanding your logic.

pando, you're not helping lmao
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
if you didn't mind killing lots of people quickly

yeah sure, if you don't mind only tens of people survive considering the alarming rate of virus' mutation. heavens, seriously.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Ini internet, temanku. Jika Anda tidak menentukan jenis komentar yang Anda tulis, maka hampir semua orang akan menganggapnya apa adanya alih-alih benar-benar memikirkan maksud sebenarnya.
Oct 20, 2020
If you really want me to prove it I guess.

Name one person on this forum who actually cares about politics. I'll wait... Whatever. I'll leave. Try not to get on the list with your memes.
Halo explicitly stating he doesn't care and that he believes no one else cares. Then coming back like a bitch later after fully stating he doesn't give a shit, because he literally has nothing better to do.

it does defeat the point, it's needless death, it's not the "best option", it's an option, sure, but it's neither the best nor the most efficient option.
I feel like you are fundamentally failing to understand the premise. For sake of hypothetical argument, meaning you don't actually have to believe this, assume you give absolutely zero fucks about how many people die, you only care about reaching herd immunity as quickly as possible for a "return to normal" as soon as possible. With no regard, again, for how many people die, the most efficient way to do so is not to wait for a vaccine, it is to intentionally spread said disease on a wide scale.

yeah sure, if you don't mind only tens of people survive considering the alarming rate of virus' mutation. heavens, seriously.
If the virus is mutating that quickly a vaccine doesn't work either you idiot. Why do you think you need a new flu shot every year? You're full of shit though because it mutates at roughly a quarter speed to the common flu.
Oct 20, 2020
Alright then, you've convinced me, waiting for vaccines is useless. Thank you for informing me, I'll start telling other people Coronavirus mutates too quickly for a vaccine to matter at all.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
@BrapEbony yeah, make sure to convince your friends to put their mask on so they don't get covid and add another possible mutation to the virus and killing us all, while you're at it.

goodness, do you even know why they mutate at all? because it's easy to spread, new prey new possible change. why do you think SARS don't NEED a vaccine? because it's controllable and it's useless anyway, covid is also possible to be controlled if not for idiots like you.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I feel like you are fundamentally failing to understand the premise. For sake of hypothetical argument, meaning you don't actually have to believe this, assume you give absolutely zero fucks about how many people die, you only care about reaching herd immunity as quickly as possible for a "return to normal" as soon as possible. With no regard, again, for how many people die, the most efficient way to do so is not to wait for a vaccine, it is to intentionally spread said disease on a wide scale.

Making a vaccine would help reach herd inmunity way faster than if you didn't, if it really was faster to just let people get infected and become inmune on their own, vaccines wouldn't exist because there wouldn't be a need for them in the first place. The purpose of disease-causing organsisms and viruses is to spread, with the side effect of killing the host. This being obviously in the case of a virus, if it were any other organism, then a different strategy would be used because vaccines are only for viruses.
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