The Politics Megathread

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Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
"Most people protesting were not Japanese. Japanese people ignored us or said ウールーサーイー as they walked by."


Americans need to stop exporting their overly exaggerated dramas to other countries. They already have bad enough stereotypes in some places.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
you act like we want the drama even at home. the people behind the drama dont like america so obviously they get along with people in other free nations that dont like their country either creating an echo chamber, so they start the same nonsense where ever they are. people fail to realize the political aspirations of SJW until their on the train to the reeducation camp
some quick sources:
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
>camp to convince me I’m racist
>education camp
>camp for my supposed thought crimes
>camp for racial crimes
Why do I feel like I’m watching Nazi Germany rise in my own backyard?

Seriously, is anyone else at all alarmed by this?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Since when having a link on your toolbar makes it a "quick source"?


I suppose Vox is just as credible for you then.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
i do not find the opinions inside of vox credible no but if they had proof of an event then im going to look it over. 'did they misuse data to find a predetermined point?' 'did they use outdated information?' 'did they lie?' these are the quetions people ask when reading info from biased news sources. vox can say that water is wet and ill agree but if they say that its a sign of white supremacy then i wont

the first link includes a video of a ex-PBS employee saying "Even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, Homeland Security will take their children away" the only reason he was fired is because he was busted by veritas. how many people arent busted by veritas and think that? makes one concerned especially considering my additional links
link two is from "Christopher Rufo, director at the Center on Wealth & Poverty at Discovery Institute" who shared the story on twitter the blaze is just reporting what he said if you dont trust Rufo then fair enough but that has nothing to do with the news site
and the third link is quotes from a newly elected DNC member while he doesnt use the exact words "reeducation camp" when he says "deprogram 75 million people" referring to peoples opinions it seems like he's calling for reeducation camps.
(also BBC is center LOL)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I suggest using duckduckgo for News stories because it tends to report smaller/more local organizations instead of what Google does which is curate based on media corporations.

Also try to go straight to the source as much as possible and try not to go through intermediaries like certain news organizations. Just because Cable News thinks something is true, doesn't mean that it is, even if everyone reports on it as if it is.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
NPR has an enormous left lean nowadays, in the 90s and early 2000s they were as moderate as moderate could be.
The annoying thing about journalism these days is that each side only covers certain stories if they are effective for pushing agendas.

The even more frustrating part is journalists and other talking heads now constantly “fact check” each other’s stories.
>ministry of truth is now reality

All media is biased and more often than not the sides with the most extreme slants are the easiest to read as you can easily hear/read the loaded language and pick out the agenda.
All of this hyper partisan and biased journalistic nonsense started around the Nixon administration when journalists realized that Americans can’t differentiate between propaganda, sensationalism, biased sources and genuine news.

It was a slow start mainly appearing in news papers. Nothing really changed from the 60s to the late 70s until TVs and TV broadcast production became relatively cheap. Not to mention commercial satellites making live TV dirt cheap.

What we see now on TV started appearing in the mid 80s after CNN got big after their live car chase coverage (it was stupid but ground breaking at the time), however they needed to fill airtime and pundits are abundant and cost next to nothing as they live for nothing else other than hearing their own voices.

However some people didn’t like CNN as they had a slight bias at the time, so an alternative was created out of opportunity.

In the early 90s Fox was founded as a counterpart to CNN, it was actually decent (moderate) up until the Clinton era and then the Obama era broke it.

The Bush era broke CNN and led to all of the sensationalism you see today in all of the media. CNN caused a sort of race to the bottom with how reactionary they became.

Following CNN’s journalistic integrity meltdown, Fox became more inline with what you see today, a Limbaugh-esque mouthpiece.

But journalism got even worse after the rise of the internet in the early 2000s, the freedom to disseminate whatever information you want is incredibly dangerous.

Almost all news nowadays is nothing but political contributions and campaign donations without federal oversight.

And the FUN part is: you can’t do anything about it because the media will call you all sorts of -ist/ism if you dare to ask for them to be held accountable for their behavior.
If my freedom of speech is going to be undermined thanks to the talking heads and the shit they shovel, then I want their ability to function as mouthpieces crippled.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
NPR has an enormous left lean nowadays
If you say so.

Personally, my sources of choice are Routers, AP and sometimes WSJ. Partisan bullshit, on both sides, can go fuck itself. I have hentai to fap to.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
the proper way to look at the news is to recognize that it is written by a human and all humans are biased. the question therefor isnt "is it biased?" the question is "where are the facts?" and article can say "infamous politician engages is [buzzword]" then you need to read the story and ask "so what did he do?" somwhere in the article may be a tweet that says "just met with a constituent that is concerned about voter ID and he made some good points" i would say in this case that [buzzword] is wrong. but if he said "There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust" then i would probably agree with the [buzzword]

theres normally a factoid somwhere in the article the question is: are you willing to dig for it?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
You know, I've always felt bad for Greta given the fact that being raised by a super manipulative household like that will fuck you up. Also, lol NPR centrist.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
I don’t really like India and their weirdly unsubstantiated hubris in regards to joining the global stage but I also don’t really care for Ms. Death Glare and the morons who blindly lap up her schlock.

Either way, imagine being a country and suing an autistic child because you fear her words.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019

The SPLC has now labeled black separatists and black nationalists as impending threats in drastic need of surveillance and possible necessary federal actions.

Eat shit plebbit, faceshlock and shitter! Got banned on all platforms for pointing out that hate has no skin color and now I’m proven right.

>inb4 SPLC is deemed a hate group
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

It basically confirms she’s being fed lines and opinions on what to say rather than her own beliefs or views. We kinda already knew this because of who her parents were, but they basically politicized their children


Or maybe the Overton window in the media has shifted so far to the left that what was considered “centrist” or “center left” is now considered “far right” because they still believe in things like Free Speech and a market economy.

Also that appeal to hypocrisy just because someone didn’t capitalize a word is hilariously reaching.

Also I can’t find anything from NPR that suggests they said that, and can only find articles from them saying Antivaxxers are dangerous, so it seems that you’re either taking a quote out of context or ignoring a larger point about how education level doesn’t necessarily correlate to how well informed someone is generally on specific issues, and largely depends on the kind and quality of education received.

Even then, one quote doesn’t disprove a general trend
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
@Tamerlane I mean, maybe? But your links confirm nothing.

First image: activists ask to post shit on social media and annoy unrelated celebrities with their cause, examples provided.
--- which was retarded: people would just copy-paste like bots, with their posts easily getting filtered out.
Second image: google docs link with a "toolkit" (toolkit: set of tools, especially one kept in a bag or box and used for a particular purpose)
--- even more stupid: google links opened documents to your account if you logged in, can be quite dangerous for those who are at work
Third image: their plan and what they did so far.

This is her new post:
Here’s an updated toolkit by people on the ground in India if you want to help. (They removed their previous document as it was outdated.)
The new link leads to a cryptpad doc, a preferable way of sharing this kind of information.
It has the same "prior" and "urgent" sections, same content.
Unrelated people and examples got removed, but they still ask to post shit on social media.
Has hashtags. She explicitly says it was made by someone else.

I suspect the original link, just like the new one, was made in the context of this post:
We stand in solidarity with the #FarmersProtest in India.
Here's a toolkit if you want to help
Here’s an updated toolkit by people on the ground in India if you want to help. (They removed their previous document as it was outdated.)

Gee, I guess she exposed herself a second time 🙄 (for Timur: this last sentence is a sarcasm)
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