NPR has an enormous left lean nowadays, in the 90s and early 2000s they were as moderate as moderate could be.
The annoying thing about journalism these days is that each side only covers certain stories if they are effective for pushing agendas.
The even more frustrating part is journalists and other talking heads now constantly “fact check” each other’s stories.
>ministry of truth is now reality
All media is biased and more often than not the sides with the most extreme slants are the easiest to read as you can easily hear/read the loaded language and pick out the agenda.
All of this hyper partisan and biased journalistic nonsense started around the Nixon administration when journalists realized that Americans can’t differentiate between propaganda, sensationalism, biased sources and genuine news.
It was a slow start mainly appearing in news papers. Nothing really changed from the 60s to the late 70s until TVs and TV broadcast production became relatively cheap. Not to mention commercial satellites making live TV dirt cheap.
What we see now on TV started appearing in the mid 80s after CNN got big after their live car chase coverage (it was stupid but ground breaking at the time), however they needed to fill airtime and pundits are abundant and cost next to nothing as they live for nothing else other than hearing their own voices.
However some people didn’t like CNN as they had a slight bias at the time, so an alternative was created out of opportunity.
In the early 90s Fox was founded as a counterpart to CNN, it was actually decent (moderate) up until the Clinton era and then the Obama era broke it.
The Bush era broke CNN and led to all of the sensationalism you see today in all of the media. CNN caused a sort of race to the bottom with how reactionary they became.
Following CNN’s journalistic integrity meltdown, Fox became more inline with what you see today, a Limbaugh-esque mouthpiece.
But journalism got even worse after the rise of the internet in the early 2000s, the freedom to disseminate whatever information you want is incredibly dangerous.
Almost all news nowadays is nothing but political contributions and campaign donations without federal oversight.
And the FUN part is: you can’t do anything about it because the media will call you all sorts of -ist/ism if you dare to ask for them to be held accountable for their behavior.
If my freedom of speech is going to be undermined thanks to the talking heads and the shit they shovel, then I want their ability to function as mouthpieces crippled.