The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

I think the fact that all media is getting more progressive and distinctly pushing more leftist thinking, and that we even get things like Coke A Cola teaching its employees Robin DiAngelo, the fact the left consistently is able to get people deplatformed, fired from the jobs, and unable to express their political views. Not to mention you have Antifa and BLM-an expressly Marxist organization-rioting for months at a time and all the major corporations pander to them. (They deplatformed a sitting president, for fuck's sake.)

It is not the business of coporations to be expressly political like this, which is why I don't eat Chick-Fil-A's or Papa John's unless in circumstances where I have no other choice, because they used their platform for political purposes which I do not support. (COVID and college has made that more common, unfortunately.) You cannot boycott goods from the companies who virtue signal for political movements because they all, even their competitors, do it, and small businesses are increasingly closing due to the lockdowns. I have come to conclusion that Big Business need to be given the Roosevelt treatment, as big tech like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube, etc. needs to be broken up for their domination of the market and undemocratic policies of censorship.

The hypocrisy I have issues with are due to the left being in bed with big business as it advocates for Marxism, seeks to make society less racist, sexist, or generally bigoted by making it more race conscious, misandrist, and generally bigoted, and the fact the majority of the voices on the left don't practice what they preach. Harris said she believed the victims of Joe Biden, but as soon as she became his VP of choice, she went silent. It is like the the priests of yesteryear who would speak with both sides of their mouth and whose blatant corruption and decadence lead to the protestant reformation.

Taoism teaches that you have to be careful about those who preaches morality, for they often use it to justify their actions rather than making people more good. It also has the effect of creating more of the opposite reaction in society, as people begin to pushback against your preaching, leading to more tension and hostility. It's for that reason that I am worried that the left becoming this cathedral of ideology which they use to determine right and wrong according to their beliefs.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
I don't eat Chick-Fil-A's or Papa John's unless in circumstances where I have no other choice
I'm now imagining Tamerlane being surrounded on the street by a bunch of dudes who hold a gun to his head and force him to eat Chick-fil-A.

I agree with the rest of what you said though.

yeah youre wrong all the way to the core of human being that goes time travel to when humans doesnt even exist at all, because youre wrong kiddo, just accpet it you little sh***t while you're drifting your legs trying to prove that its the same shit while in reality it's not even the same thing not even near it.

- Lao Tzu
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018

I agree with most of that though. Big business isn't in bed with the left. They hate us. Hang on...we might be having different definitions of what the 'left' actually is. I think you might mean what I would call liberal, not leftist. And I certainly don't see anyone in the business world advocating for anything even close to approaching Marxist, unless you are using the term 'cultural Marxism' which is a whole nother kettle of fish.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
I cannot kneel any harder.

And I certainly don't see anyone in the business world advocating for anything even close to approaching Marxist, unless you are using the term 'cultural Marxism' which is a whole nother kettle of fish.
What Timmy Turner is trying to say is that corporations are kowtowing to internet “intellectuals” simply because social media has radicalized smooth brains into believing up is down and 1+1=3.

Companies and politicians live in fear of the social lynch mob. I’ve had it turned on me once when I had my name on a Twitter account.

And the people in the mob increasingly feel empowered and validated in their beliefs and continue to shovel their shit without regard for consequences.

Regardless of lean/bias/whatever social media and tech companies now dictate national policy indirectly via amplifying and drowning out voices depending on company bias.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

I have been those situation because we have restaurants at the campus center, but a lot of them are closed and I can't use the money for food anywhere but specific places. Luckily I think it's owned independently, so I'm not contributing to the corporation. Still I try not to eat there unless I have to.


It's more that I'm used "left" more colloquially for the sake of conversation, more that I'm making the distinction between everyone on the left versus the left that is currently spearheading the movement in the West. I tend to mean "leftists" when I say "The left," but saying "leftist" every time is repetitive and I like having a diversity of word choice.

Generally I believe soceity is healthy if it has a diversity of ideas and beliefs to choose from.
Jan 21, 2021
@Kaldrak socialism, in a nut shell, can be described as the type of society they are fighting against in the Manhwa Iron Ladies. seriously, I don't know how the writer is still alive other than maybe the CCP is not interested in such forms of propaganda.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
And I certainly don't see anyone in the business world advocating for anything even close to approaching Marxist
the BLM movement is marxist by the admission of its leaders and businesses all over the country came out in support of them. does that count?

I think you might mean what I would call liberal
in america what we call 'liberal' are people like dave rubin, tim pool, carl benjamin, eric weinstein, joe rogan and so on. when catoon network tells kids to be 'anti-racists' via racism, gillette makes a commercial about men being toxic, etc we call them leftists.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
when catoon network tells kids to be 'anti-racists' via racism
It sure gets my noggin’ jogging when all of the “examples” Cartoon Network provides are only perpetrated by white people.

It also gets my melon a tellin’ when people claim to be anti-x. It’s always a tell that they aren’t.

I can’t wait for the “unforeseen” consequences of this stuff...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
the BLM movement is marxist by the admission of its leaders and businesses all over the country came out in support of them. does that count?

To be fair the leaders made that statement and then nobody said anything about it. So it is likely that a lot of people don't know about the fucked up shit the current folks running it did to get the Copyright.

As a TL;DR for the story, a black man in LA first made the copyright and was harassed by white leftists in and out of court before a court sided with the white leftists. I'm leaving out a lot of context and detail here but the original guy had planned to use the donations for community development projects in black neighborhoods.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Unironically, that steven universe advert is one of the worst

It's on Youtube kids. It's straight up indoctrination. If this was any other ideology, the world would be up in arms and rightly so.

If you know human psychology, you'll know that people naturally form in-groups and out-groups based on identity, and so the idea is to move society away from basing their ingroup on immutable characteristics like race or gender, but on a shared set of principles and values. To me, we should see race as something no different than what color someone's hair is or what color their eyes are, something arbitrary and that doesn't determine how an individual develops.

One of the tactics I've noticed is that puritanical groups will define themselves as against something understood to be bad so the implication by opposing them is that you are that thing, even though it creates a false dichotomy. Against the anti-satanic movement? You're a devil worshiper! Against the council for Unamerican Activities? You're a communist!

It's a witch hunt. The ideal is to be non-racist, as racism will die off naturally if we teach people it's bad. But if you teach people that their core of their identity is race, that their race defines who they are, not the content of their character or the actions they take, then you will naturally end up forming into enclaves based on that proposition rather than on a united identity that transcends such arbitrary distinctions.

Part of comes from the Taoist in me, that sometimes nonaction is better than taking an action, as embodied by principles like "Wu Wei." It's better not to force anything, to let racism die off in the vestiges of fringe society rather than to go on a crusade to purge it utterly. By giving racism such unnecessary attention, you end up only making your own worst enemies, for they are the shadow you, yourself, cast.


I don't think you even needed them admitting that the founders were Marxists to cast the movement into doubt. When the leaders talk about "black people" as a class, or about abolishing things like the Nuclear Family and their obsession with community over the individual, I think its safe to call their beliefs marxist and collectivist at the very least, especially as they see capitalism as inherently racist.

Ironically, it reminds me of Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, which is one of the books that resonated more than any other about a black person trying to find his purpose in life and realizing that it was just everyone telling him who to be rather than treating him as an individual, and that all the Marxists and ideologues weren't going to give him any meaning or solve any issues in the world.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
a black man in LA first made the copyright and was harassed by white leftists in and out of court before a court sided with the white leftists
really? honestly thats the first i heard about it "original guy had planned to use the donations for community development projects in black neighborhoods" oof and then they went and used that money to burn down community development projects in black neighborhoods. id laugh if it wasnt sad

If this was any other ideology, the world would be up in arms and rightly so.
to be fair, i learned about MLK's ideology in 1st-2nd and i dont think thats a bad thing. but i get where your coming from
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018

I honestly don't know much about BLM. Not my wheelhouse, really. And I would think most of what you are describing as business 'supporting' them, is probably just virtue signalling.

in america what we call 'liberal' are people like dave rubin, tim pool, carl benjamin, eric weinstein, joe rogan

Most of those people are self styled 'classical liberals.' They stole the term and just applied it to themselves. With the exception of Joe Rogan (and maybe Eric weinstein? Don't really know him), they are rabid antifeminist/anti-SJW/anti=leftists, and if you listen to them for too long well, you'll likely believe *looks up at previous comments* that our culture is under attack, and that leftists and SJW's are trying to foment a civil war (Tim Pool) that we are losing everything that matters in our culture, and that everything you know and love is going to be destroyed by the left.

I can see this SO clearly from what you write and post. I've watched these people. They are essentially fanatics in that they will never shut up about it, and never change the subject. Again with the exception of Joe Rogan. He's alright.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
@EzWeeb As opposed to the non pot smoking pandering grifters that are the rest of them? Sure, whatever. I've listened to his podcast a few times. Seems okay.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
our culture is under attack
this is undeniable
standing for the flag is considered racist now, schools are being petitioned to teach the 1619 project, the steven universe advert, racial bias training is rampant in businesses, cancel culture is everywhere, every right wing concern is a conspiracy theory while every leftist conspiracy theory is 'fact'

and yeah tim goes a little too far somtimes.

And I would think most of what you are describing as business 'supporting' them, is probably just virtue signalling.
and where is all the "capitalism is good" virtue signalling? all the companies posting blue lives matter flags? its almost as if there's only one side they are scared of
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Rogan bent the knee to the people he criticized after YouTube threatened to deplatform him. YouTube deplatformed him anyways. Spotify bought him on the spot and spent a few months rebranding him.

After Spotify bought the rights to his show, he became the most woke person on the planet.

He’s a b-rate comedian who went to podcasting after getting blacklisted from Lose Angeles’ comedy clubs for not being funny and using “inappropriate” dark humor.

His show was an attempt to hang out with his comic buddies, eventually he got too big and needed a host. He slowly sold himself out over the years.

All he did he was thrive off controversy pre Spotify and then one day after being bought by Spotify he suddenly became a good little boy worshipped by the regressive left.
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