The Politics Megathread

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Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
You know they gave extra money to people with children during the pandemic. You know who didn’t count? Pregnant women. HAHAHAHAHA. If that doesn’t show that Republicans don’t really think embryos aren’t people I don’t know what will. Also I’m amazed the party that wants smaller government wants government big enough to control the specific part of health care. Also as for the moral argument I’m a materialist and if I had to choose between keeping a worker or possibly upsetting them by forcing them to give birth to a child they don’t want I would buy the best quality medicine and have my top Docters get to work immediately.

Edit: site with a q&a for stimulus checks back during April. Apparently they don’t actually believe unborn children are people and deserving of stimulus checks
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
At least, the Republicans spearheaded by Romney and Mitch “Senior-Aged Mutant Ninja Turtle” McConnell are.

It’s basically a unaparty where corporate interests and money rules, and they throw the American public a juicy wedge issue for everyone to fight over whilst they line their pockets and make out like bandits with Chinese-backed currency.

I’m hoping that MAGA taking over leads to a more libertarian and liberal Republican Party that is more about populism and anti-establishment politics, but I feel that’s too optimistic given the circumstances. Really I want both the parties to be split apart under anti-trust laws if anything
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
>wanting populism

>wanting a more liberal Republican party
Every time people push for this, the parties become closer and closer to being the exact same thing...
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
maybe that means that most people are liberals
In terms of optics, most people are supposedly liberal. However in private, most people are pretty conservative in my experience once you ask them about hot topics or get some booze in them.

Social shame and peer pressure from people around you are a strong force for pushing people to rely on lip service in order to avoid being made uncomfortable by overly impassioned activists and social posturers.

For example, most people are still against lgbt stuff, the acceptance rates have continually gone down every year in the US since 2012.

I’m sure the slippery slope being proven correct didn’t play a role in this.

Or the rise in social facism used by ideological extremists who refuse to confront the reality in front of them.

Or watching this stuff be promoted via forced fake acceptance and faux validation over things that really shouldn’t matter in the long run...

big corporations trying to guard their profits
Yeah...that’s both parties.

Democrats love bribes and taking it up the ass from Wall Street and Silicon Valley.

Republicans love deep throating the military industrial complex and other industrial complexes.

Two sides of the same coin, the only difference is how fast they progress social garbage.

Democrats have no self control when it comes to “oppressed peoples” and the word “no” isn’t found in their vocabulary unless it’s used to shame people they disagree with.

Republicans are worn down over time on everything in this country. They know how to say “no” but they always come around and change their language to “maybe.”
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
I can’t wait until this whole COVID thing Is over so I can leave the sinking ship we call America. I’d call the American less government and more money drainer
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
So let me get this straight, you want to escape the US and move to a lower level developed country (first world technology, third world citizens. exactly like the US) that is next in line for being bought out by China?

I...wish you well in your endeavors...
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
I mean I’ve been there on vacation it’s genuinely nice and honestly a better place to live than the us. I can also walk across the entire country in a day. Also they speak English over there if I could I’d just move to Iceland but I can’t learn a language to save my life.
Jun 2, 2019
Lmao Singapore is very safe and wealthy. The US on the other hand has a debt-to-gdp ratio of 130+%, and life expectancy near the bottom of barrel when compared to other developed countries.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
A vacation does not give you the full picture of a country, only the idealized commercial version.
Singapore is the Asian Mexico. The touristing areas are all nice and clean, but outside of those areas its third world middle class and poverty.
If you're complaining about the US being a dump and too expensive, well, good luck being able to afford living in the nice parts of Singapore because it costs as much as living in New York City, New York.

I’d just move to Iceland
.........have you ever been to Iceland? It is the most expensive country on the planet to live in.
A single cheeseburger from McDonalds costs $15. The prices of medicine and other basic services in Iceland are outrageous even with their government subsidizing everything.
There is a reason young Icelanders move overseas and only move back once they are economically stable.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Really, I think the Republicans to liberalize in that the fights over Gay Marriage, Abortion, etc. are essentially over and only exist as wedge issues, and so conceding those issues to move to more pressing issues like immigration or protecting the constitution , which will ultimate make them seem more appealing in the eyes of many
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
I understand the logic of increasing broad appeal by conceding on social issues, but continuing through with that just highlights the validity of the “what exactly are you conserving” criticism that people seem to have conservatism. It also encourages the slippery slope by proving that with enough victim stance taking you can get whatever you want.

At a certain point both parties will become exactly the same and we will have a bizarro version of the unitary executive nonsense I align myself with, but it’ll be via a faux single party system with a side party that is nothing more than controlled opposition.

In a roundabout way you’re just proving @ezweeb right, that nowadays the Republican party exists as nothing more than controlled opposition. It’s completely undemocratic as this promotes the false choice criticisms I have of democracy.

Maybe I should support this idea....🤔
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
Republicans historically never surrendered on social issues and eventually it worked out for them. slavery? illegal. women voting? legal. segregation? illegal(for now). heck with the return of segregation in leftist circles that just shows all the more that surrendering on a social issue isnt a good idea because who knows when it will make a sudden comeback
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
@wowfucktron you know I walked through basically the entire country and it’s just a single city which is honestly quite wealthy and is just Iceland bu Asian. The country isn’t Asia Mexico. There isn’t gang violence if there was it would basically the entire country. I feel like your just convinced that Asia is still backwards. Still higher standard living their lower class is our low middle class. Their current major problem is sex trafficking which is already being dealt with in general I mean sure it’s not perfect but it’s not the desperate rat race that is America.
Jan 4, 2021

Australia slowly becomes more like china. Don't give up your guns
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