The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
A new day, time to own the libs.

Obama is bad.
Biden is old.
The media is biased.
Racism isn't real.

Job's done. See you tomorrow, fellow patriots.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Firstly, they did not "invade" the capital. They were American citizens who were in the American capital protesting, and then entered a building which is owned by the American people. What happened on January 6th has precedent in Elizabeth Warren having protesters brought in during the Brent Kavanaugh hearings. It was not invasion, it was at most a riot, but even that's a misnomer because it did very minimal damage in comparison to riots in recent memory, and as more evidence comes out, we learn that a lot of misinformation was falsely spread about. (For instance, Brian Sicknick seems to have died of an unrelated stroke according to his family and investigators, not a fire extinguisher.)

Like with the BLM riots last summer, I thought that the idea that people were infiltrating the groups to provoke violence was just an excuse, but it turned out that the man who filmed the death of Ashli Babbitt and then sold the video to CNN, John Sullivan, had ties to Insurgence USA and other left-wing causes as well as was seen actively provoking the crowd to commit various crimes, leading me to suspect that there may have been more people like him there.

I go where the evidence goes, my dude. And so far it seems that there's a certain radical faction of politics that does what they accuse others of doing when it's politically expedite for them to gain power.

As per the washington examiner:

As per your other claims:
-No, that stage design is not meant to be Nazi symbol. That's reaching at straws to vilify and demonize your enemies. At most it's coincidence. And they call the right conspiracy theorists. (Not to mention, the SS insignia is two thunderbolts, not an Odal Rune, which was only used by one SS divison (7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen) and one Werhmacht divison (the 23rd SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division Nederland), so it's not like it's as associated with Nazism as the slanted swastika is. (The normal swastika is more tied to Buddhism and Eastern religions, but Hitler appropriated it because of the Aryan migrations he thought were tied to Germany.)

In fact, you could even say the stage looks more like the symbol of a Thunderbird.

Does this mean all tribes that have this icon are white supremacists? No, because it's literally just a diamond with two additional lines, which is pretty ubiquitous. The Odal Rune is a fucking letter in the anglo-saxon and proto-germanic alphabets.

This is what you get when you go looking for witches and start grasping at straws instead of operating in good faith.

The mainstream media needs to stop listening to liars
For once we agree, but it seems all the Mainstream media is these days is nothing but lies and propaganda to protect their corporate and political interests instead of reporting truth.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
>oh no whitey is keeping me down!
>”what no black people are stupid”
>oh no jewey is keeping me down!
>”wow literally me”

This is your brain on /pol/.

I wish the Nazis were as cool as you people make them sound.

Literally just a bunch of conscripted soldiers, politicians, scientists and bureaucrats.
The more you hype them up the more I’ll be disappointed when they don’t come back because I sure as hell wish they’d come back and end me so I don’t have to listen to people like you constantly project your self hatred on to others and cry wolf while wearing wolf’s clothing.

The more you vilify others by invoking the Nazi’s name to slander your “enemies” nonstop the more the atrocities committed by them gets minimized and then you give rise to people like @firelight who realize most of us are just capitalizing on our own tragedies like every other minority group in the US.

But it all makes sense, most liberals are losers who constantly dream about suffering and being oppressed. You guys think being forced to go into the proper bathroom is oppression and discrimination.

>Oh no, the feds aren’t recognizing something that shouldn’t be aired out in the open (who you choose to sleep with) that means I’m literally a Uighur and being raped by my countrymen and being forced to bear a child that isn’t my husband’s.

>Oh THE OUT OF OFFICE PRESIDENT isn’t being “being charged from ambiguous crimes” yet?
>Time to burn down neighborhoods after claiming to take the moral high ground for four years.
Do you shitheads want to live in Russia? You know, the country who’s entire history is nothing but political purges and political violence.
Your side threw a tantrum over Trump and Hillary’s emails being looked into. But suddenly you’re in the right when it comes to Trump supporters’s own autonomy? Jesus fucking Christ, you guys are as dumb as rocks sometimes.

>Oh no people who worked harder than me and who had the drive climb the corporate ladder are making more money than me?
>Wow I literally live in a third world shithole! How could capitalism do this to me?
This is your brain on a faulty education.

All of your problems in life are your own doing. Quit forcing other people to recognize you or bail you out of your stupid mistakes.

You’re nothing but a bunch of regressive authoritarians claiming to be “progressive” and “open minded.”

“Wha those aren’t liberals! They’re, uh, someone else’s problem.”
They hide under your umbrella, they advocate on your behalf and you constantly bend over backwards to defend them.
This sounds quite similar to a man you spent five years slandering endlessly and dragging through the mud via constantly digging shit up from his past due to ORANGEMANBAD syndrome. This was all done simply because he called out illegal immigrants, said politicians and corporations are in bed with each other via the news media and had the audacity to think about putting OUR OWN COUNTRY ahead of others for once.

Clowns on all sides, but at least my clowns are honest about their intentions.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
at what point can we say that 2spitchoker up there is a bot? it never replies to anyone, spams links, and makes statements and images that are never related to the conversation being had at the time those are all bot actions right?
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
She does reply...if you hit the right buttons.

She can be found commenting on manga about non-binary and autistic stuff. She’ll occasionally appear in other threads outside of general.

Sadly, she’s not a bot.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
@wowfucktron But how do we know you're not a bot that covers for its kind?
As someone said, nothing and no one can be trusted. Government controls everything, they must have extremely advanced A.I. to steer political discourse on the internet.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
What shitty parents and access to the web does to a person.
I genuinely feel bad for him, his parents were garbage and /b/ just permanently fucked him up for shits and giggles.
Oh and it goes by Christina now.

I’ve met breadboy IRL. He is as unhinged as you’d think he would be.
I mean, even Shadman of all people refused to take commissions from him.

>not mentioning JustinRPG, the mother of all netards
Coach says he needs to see you after class. He mentioned something about you failing the last inspection...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Defaultbro quotes is the closest thing MangaDex has to a Kiwi Farms thread imo.

I’ve met breadboy IRL.
Context? I think I remember him seeing his Facebook or something and he seemed like what you'd expect of a lolcow.

>not mentioning JustinRPG
Why would I? We've all wanted to marry our favorite pokemon at some point, right guys? Guys? Guys, come on, back me up here. ...Guys?
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
A not so long, not so long time ago in a galaxy right in front of you, I met the insufferably schizophrenic retard known as murrlogic1.

Anyways shortstory long, I was channeling my inner white woman by touring vineyards in Santa Rosa. I got bored and ditched my stupid train tour full of wealthy out of touch boomers and went down to Oakland for no reason beyond being a dumbass. Got bored and came back to Santa Rosa and was wandering around one of the bigger malls.

That’s when I saw it: there was a guy who was getting out of a beater car and it had a sticker on it that hit me like Truck-kun: a large wonderbread sticker on the hood.

Later that night I went on r/4chan and pinged him in a thread and asked if that was him, it was.

Organized to meet him and, fuck, was that ever a mistake. Guy is the average /pol/ user dialed up to eleven. He would not shut up about Soros and the like.

I very quickly made up an excuse to leave but the whole experience was...something.
Active member
Feb 13, 2021
Ngl, been reading a lot of this recently and it's amusing af.

Is it Rein time yet? 👀
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