The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

Biden says we won't be out for another year. I think they'll just keep us locked down indefinitely because it keeps power centralized in the government.

There's nothing more permanent than a temporary measure, and at this point our constitution is being used as toilet paper.

I just hopes we don't keep being extended because Fauci wants another fat paycheck


It's okay, that info won't reveal who I am or where I live, so it's fine.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh. Sounds a little far fetched but not impossible.

Senator James J. Barns: I propose giving emergency powers to chancellor President Biden
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Politically charged Wikipedia articles on current topics like this read like Huffpost thonkpieces. The fact that nearly all of the references listed at the bottom of the cultural Marxism page are highly opinionated books and articles written by refutisutsu in the past five years speaks volumes about what are considered appropriate sources on the FreeTM EncyclopediaTMTM.

(Also, you've named your state in the past I'm pretty sure.)


...I am based.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
I'm not forgetting it at all. But there are people who decide what stays up and what doesn't. You can see if an article is locked from public editing in the top right.
Wikipedia's administrators protect some pages from direct editing if they believe they are regularly subjected to "vandalism" - the addition of abusive language or falsehoods.
Source: Richard Pedia, creator of Wikipedia.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Still, there are never enough people in power to supress everything in every language, some of it will inevitably go unnoticed for too long.

I was going to read about the cultural marxism thing in spanish to see if it was different, but nope, it's pretty similar to the english version except shorter, less detailed and unprotected (from what I can tell, there's been some sort of edit war between a couple of randoms and some regular editors)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
Can someone explain to me this whole dr Seuss company deciding to stop printing some books and republicans throwing a shit fest?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
These are predominantly topics pertinent to majority-English-speaking countries though. Edit wars in other languages are ineffectual, and it wouldn't be much of a stretch to call them effectively irrelevant to the backing of the narrative at hand.

And even if the page of another language got out of hand, there'd be nothing stopping the wikimods from locking that page.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
I don't think @tamerlane realizes how much info he's given out in regards to geolocating his city just from the supposed "throwaway" details he's spewed.
Observe this autism:

>temperature from that one thread
>large asian population
Near the Great Lakes, huh.
>college town
literally doxxing himself
>bradbury center far from where he lives
Found it.

Honest to Goodness, you can't keep a secret for long.

The Mountain of God, huh?
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Basically a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Dr. Seuss wrote a children's book mocking racists but it had some very not okay imagery in it. Long story short, wokers can't think beyond surface level thoughts and they successfully pressured the printing company to end publication of his book.

Republicans are mad because they're pointing out that this kind of behavior never ends well once its tolerated, Democrats are appealing to morality in order to shame Republicans, etc. the ride never ends.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020

And what is this said book?

Um not sure who to laugh at because both sides are being unbelievably stupid. I’ve stopped believing the words Democrats got mad after the whole doom eternal trailer fiasco
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Fine! I'll make my OWN wikipedia with TRUE FREE SPEECH that will not be DESECRATED with LIES, it shall only contain the TRUE FACTS AND LOGIC of the REAL events that DEFININTELY HAPPENDS!!111!1

hahahahaa. wtf am I doing here? I guess just wasting my time while waiting for something else to be uploaded.
Active member
Sep 24, 2020
Who cares? It's a kids book. They go out of print all the time. What is Suess some kind of pinnacle of children's literature so advanced it MUST be preserved? Pfft

Ah yes the great cultural symbols, Motzart, Da Vinci and... Suess
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Basically, six Dr Seuss books will no longer be published due partially to depictions of other cultures.

Most of them use the term "eskimo" instead of "innuit," which is considered offensive to them (There's a common misconception that the etymology comes means ""eaters of raw meat" when it actually means "someone who laces a shoe.") and conflating the Innuit with other polar tribes like Yupik and Aleut. Others are stereotypical displays of African tribes and Chinese people.

The six books:
"And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”
“If I Ran the Zoo”
“McElligot’s Pool”
“On Beyond Zebra!”
“Scrambled Eggs Super!”
“The Cat’s Quizzer”

Really, I feel that it's destroying a piece of Americana because a small minority of people potentially could be offended, which I believe is morally wrong as it's erasing culture more or less, and I feel it's more important to keep them for the sake of remembering our history and preserving literary merit, instead of projecting our modern values onto the past. Reminds me of Ampleforth in 1984 being sent to The Ministry of Love because he couldn't change the word "God" because of the rhyme scheme.


And thus the Spainish Civil War continues in spirit


I've literally said I'm from Indiana my dude, it's just that my college is really far away from my hometown and I don't ever plan on living where my college is because I've come to miss nature.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020

The few people who are likely made about this are absolutely fucking idiots probably looking something to be mad about, republicans are people with nothing left in their lives for attempting to stop a private commapy for ceasing production of their own product claiming it’s destroying culturetm. I mean it’s a bloody private business choosing out of its own free will to stop production of a few books. I can’t imagine the kind of people who are that desperate to be triggered they go to FUCKING CHILDREN'S BOOKS.
Active member
Sep 24, 2020
Would personally prefer my children to at least read books with decent art
Suess-sensei really doesn't bring out the true eroticism of the Cat in the Hat
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Spainish lmao

smh my head why dont suezcanal books not look like one punch man? that is literally the pick of human art and will never be done better ever agian forever
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