But he turned into a different person in the later chapters, where he just lost all those traits, and he now becomes a much more carefree guy.
Nah. You are right on that, that he mellowed out and became more friendly, but that began and already happened way before the invasion of the Ukraine. He might still have said ideologic and strategic things later on, but you also can't pinpoint them back to Putin. Those seemed more like being taken from a general hodgepodge of maxims fitting to respective situations. We don't know Putins real personallity, only his image. And even that doesn't fit MC. There have had been similaritiees to Putins image in the beginning (as a story hook), but those melted away as soon as he could ride on magical beasts and fantastic creatures.
But yeah, even if there might be some similarities left (Not clear ones, you mind. That hairstyle can be said to be simlilar to Trump's.), there are really no reasons for the author left to keep them alive.
Never f*** with a watermage at a huge waterbody, is what I learned today. That huge seamonster. Ripped into shreds. Damn, she IS powerful.