Souls also classify as undead in some RPG, so he still classify as an undead being. I am really digging the story and enjoying. But it is a rule in most RPGs that undeads are immune to mind afflictions, some poison, life drains(if you drain life from undead, it hurts you instead), confusion and other stuff. Even the player character in World of Warcraft can break charm and mind control with a racial. You can't Provoke undeads in Ragnarok Online. And if he was more the "soul inhabiting a skeleton" he wouldn't be killed if the skeleton is destroyed. Of course, I am comparing this to a game because he has access to an UI but, in honestly, I also think that a conscious being is susceptible to any mind affliction of magical nature because it has awareness.
BUT that is extreme nitpicking. As I said, I am really enjoying the story, just this little detail that bothers me, and, tbh, I admit that is more than it should, so the fault is on me