The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 18

Nov 13, 2019
here's the thing.. some of manwha scanslator already done the translation up to raw, yet releasing it to the public at period of time.. so for someone who cant wait to read it more usually go to their discord and pay to read the unreleased translation.
so when someone snipe the manwha since it's so slow when there's a ton of raw chapter already out for free, they got mad and stop posting it on public..
Group Leader
Apr 13, 2019
@criver Sure, do whatever u do, but then stop whining as to why the group dropped as series, because guess what? Scanlators also do whatever they want. We're not getting paid, and readers are not entitled to get chapters. if you think that's ok to go read someone else's release even though they're just ruining the hard work scanlator did, and when it gets dropped by the serious team they also have the right to blame them. "Yes I don't even read what you do, but you can't drop it, work on it even if no one reads it." What a fucking jokes. 80% of readers are just entitled brats.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2018
Oh no, one person or a group decided to translate the same work as we did but with equal quality or an inferior one. What could we possibly do?
I know! Let's drop the project, that ought to show em'.

Jokes aside, thanks for your work. I guess.
Group Leader
May 6, 2019
Thank you for the mass release and quality translations! It's unfortunate that your group has decided to drop the series
Group Leader
Apr 13, 2019
@InariChi I'm not asking anything, and actually I don't care what you read or not, what I care about are brat readers who blame the team that dropped a series because no one was reading their releases. Some readers think that we have to keep scanlating the entire series for them, even though some chapters barely gets read because they get sniped. We can't police you? fine, you can't either. If you're loyal to the team, they will never drop anything, but if readers only care about getting chapters, and not even a bit about the work behind, then we also don't care about dropping or not a series. my point is, **you have no rights to complain about a series that gets dropped** if we can't make you read us, you can't make us scanlate for you. Cya ;)
Mar 8, 2019
Thanks for the mass release.

Love your work. A bit sad but understand why you drop.
Jul 17, 2019

So what you're saying is...they already have these chapters translated and etc. However, instead of posting them right away, they withhold them for payment. Let me make sure I understand because that...that is absolutely distasteful. This isn't originally their work. We are all holding hands and dancing around the illegal act of piracy. Translators charging anything for works that do not belong to them, sounds utterly wrong on so many levels, unless it is an official release.
Jan 21, 2018
So much animosity towards people putting effort into scanlating works for the community. The rabid attacks against NG are disappointing and show the state of the scanlation community.
Thanks for the mass release and the early efforts in bringing this webtoon to everyone's attention, A&D.

P.S. It's pretty gross to see people claiming Agathafk and the others are trying to "sabotage" this project on purpose after they've released a dozen chapters, or that they'll drop off of the face of Earth right after this, not to mention the quality of their translations has tremendously improved between the earlier and latter chapters.
This herd mentality is cancer. Scanlation isn't a zero-sum game. There's no "loyalty" or turf wars involved. Grow up.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018

Sure, do whatever u do, but then stop whining as to why the group dropped as series, because guess what?
The only one I see whining is you, about "sniping". They have the full right to drop it, I am not bothered by that, if anything it seems you're the one bothered by it.

We're not getting paid, and readers are not entitled to get chapters.
By all means, I agree.

if you think that's ok to go read someone else's release even though they're just ruining the hard work scanlator did
Yes, it is ok. Readers are not in an exclusive relationship with group A or B, get that silly notion out of your head. Not to mention that by scanlating the same manga you are not ruining anything - ruining would be actually taking your .ps files and destroying those. DA can choose to interpret it however they like, the fact is, they stopped translating this on their own volition just to try and play the blame game. And no, they do not have exclusive rights on the series, so they are not justified - if they want to blame someone for dropping it - they only need to look in the mirror.

What a fucking jokes. 80% of readers are just entitled brats.
It's also pretty entitled to believe that you hold exclusive rights over a series you do not, and try to rile up readers to try and enforce your ideas about what constitutes "fair". GTFO with those asinine ideas.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
Given that I haven't read all the comments, so I don't know what they wrote before me.
Thanks for the chapters
The other team will likely improve over time as other teams did.
I don't know if you have abandoned this manga for the sniping question, but I want to say the same on this point.
The sniping question is useless, you are not (I speak in general and not just you) 5 years otherwise your parents would not allow you to access the internet and unless you are a genius you would not be able to use these programs, if the reason you have abandoned this manga and sniping then I'm glad you did it.
Be mature and stop with this story of "the toy I found before and it's mine".
This manga is not yours indeed you are the first thieves because you do not have the author's authorization otherwise you would not be afraid of being discovered.
I hope that the mangadex staff will insert some rule that will make the teams and users who complain about sniping stop being able to complain, perhaps censoring the complaints.
The situation is ridiculous and it does no honor to anyone.
As far as I am concerned as long as the translation is understandable I am not complaining because there is no "original group", there are only thieves who take the work of others without the author's authorization and translate it to be read by readers who are at they turn to thieves.
Let me be clear, it is not my intention to be offensive, but it is true that those who complain of sniping are childish.
If you want to correct it, just do it but please read my comment carefully without misunderstanding it, I just said my point of view.
If sniping bothers you then stop translating, so you get even less stressed and don't start yet another useless discussion about sniping.
I wish you a good life (and I say it with sincerity as always) and less stress on something that should be taken lightly. :)
Dec 26, 2019
I was actually waiting for the readable scans, & now they've dropped it...guess I won't be able to enjoy this series anymore. Too much dirty drama.
Jul 17, 2019

I'm failing to understand that you don't think people are reading your releases, when they are. I'm not here to bash or take either side but to tell you facts and if you can't handle that, then yes this conversation can close, but I have some remarks.

It's not as though I can tell you what to do and how to do it. But, you also can't expect everyone to conform to your way of thinking, and then punish those who stayed faithful in the end by dropping and expect it to blow over well.

Saying this most likely will not evoke change if those who scanlate can not appreciate competition within itself. Competition is to elevate not discourage and monopolies are truly a consumers nightmare. Yet, scanlation groups like to be the sole distributors instead of trying to compete to sharpen and advance their craft. People will read what looks better in the end, and if you're already in a position where you are doing better than the other group, I see no logical reason as to why you should drop it.

And thus, I'll leave with this. I appreciate scanlation groups. They are very nice people and want to share works that we as English only speakers wouldn't be able to read otherwise. But, I dont appreciate the actions taken here with the spoiler page when it could have been dealt with in a better way.
Sep 26, 2019
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Thanks for all the translations so far! And for the mass release! And yeah, I think it's a good thing to drop this series and the drama all together, it's what's good for ya heart lol.

Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
I agree with @marchessa

D&A have the right to work in what their want and stop it either.
But no one is the owner of one translation.

I'm French and I see a drama like that once, a website like mangadex but the owner of it was a big translation group.
Their etablished rule like "other group can start what they want but if their snipped, their banned".
One day a little one snipped a serie of the big one who litterally abandonned this serie for 3 years.
The big one banned the small one but the other group and the reader said "it's not just ! You didn't work in this serie anymore"
The person who actually start this serie say he haven't time to continue and were glad someone did but the rest of his group don't care.
The big group do not want other group steal their translation even if it's drop one.
The drama continue and the big group said "your not happy with our rules ? Well our website desn't accept any other translation from no one".
Now their alone in their website and their lose pratically all of their reader because now the website have only one piece, naruto, fairy tail, etc...

For not thinking I praising sniping I relate another story
This time is a web novel, their are one translation for this web novel and one day, another translation group sniping his work with a massive upload of 50 chapter. The first group didn't say anything about that. He stoped the serie and I start reading the new one but I have quite difficulties to understand what happening.
I read in comment section that the translation are bad and it was basically google translation (what a joke XD, now I understand why it's difficult to read). I continue to read until the end of the arc because my head was "OMG what happening next ! [FANGIRL MODE ON]" and one month later the first translator upload a new chapter without say anithing like he never left. And you know what, I read a second time the new chapter because I prefer this translation. He didn't loose his readers.
The second one, well he died for as long as he take for the first to catch up the 50 chapter and release another massive update.
But I didn't read it because I don't like it. I wait for the first one so I don't care for the second ^^

There are not the same story here I admit, but that it's anti-sniping culture exemple

sniping is no good or evil, it can resurect a drop serie or kill one.
two group can work in the same translation and the reader have the liberty to choose the fastest or/and the quality
the reader are not responsible if a group drop a translation, it's D&A choice, please do not blame any of them. (not the other group too)

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