The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

Nov 4, 2019
@Senshiluna People like you are the ones that baffled me to the moon and back..

Readers what? Readers support is a huge "motivator"..
So you don't translate if there's no comments??
You straight-up dropped titles if it didn't garnered enough "attention"?

So where is the concept of we do scanlations because we love that work?
Out the window i see.

Yeah mate.
Idk why i even bothered to reply to your entitled stance.

Last thing i want to said, i'm starting to get sick of people "sniping" term.
For me, that term never exist.
So there's no such thing as "we'll see what you'll do when your translations got sniped".
People can translate what i translate and post it whenever they want.
Seriously, who are you and i to think they can't?
Dec 25, 2019
Thank you thank you so much because you spend your time by translating this manga, i'm so grateful and sorry at the same time. I'll always support you!
Nov 4, 2019
@uMoonlight Yeah i agreed. They should have start from chapter 1 if they so love this title and sincerly want to work on this out of their love for it.

But i'm giving them the benefit of the doubt it could have been because they thought it would be "meaningless" since it's already translated.
With other chapters they translate quite chronologically i guess? Well at least they release chapter 9 instead of hiding it.
And i think it compliment my benefit of the doubt thing i personally gave.

But you know what?
If that's people problem that's what they will said.
But instead they talk shit about sniping thing and must ask permission thing.
Had they translate from chapter 1, i don't think it will be that different.

Just saying.
Also, just saying if you really care maybe you should reach out to that translator. I'm doing the same.
So don't just talk here and that's all.
If you've done that, greatt
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 24, 2018
Can't we just once, focus on the plot of the manhwa instead of, you know, translators and scan groups'feud?
May 29, 2019
I understand you went for chapter 9 since it wasnt updated by the snipers at the time but please upload the previous chapters as well when you get the chance. been waiting for your updates and I cant read this chapter without having to read the sniper's chapters to understand what was going on.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
Thank you for spending your precious life time translating this gem for us, just like the other group. I will gladly read your chapters over theirs, if you release em first, it is.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2019
Funny, how only after getting sniped they began to translate THIS project as fast as possible.
I would say that getting sniped was the best that could have happened to this manga.

"Honor among thieves" doesn't exist.
Jul 30, 2019
Ah, just saw that the snipper deleted theirs chapters, so I hope you can add the latest chapters soon!
Apr 9, 2019
i dont care the quality. i dont even care if its redrawn nicely. i just want fast release. its free. in popular shounen title, there would be at least 2 group releasing a chapter. people can choose
Sep 25, 2018
Tbh, i see sniper group as a backup scanlation team in case the first team one day decide to pack their shit and leave with their project. I don't see the point in this drama, you do your version and they do theirs. Leave it to the reader to decide which version they'll read (usually the first one to come out).
Apr 27, 2019
We are all pirates, but even pirates have rules.

Thank you for keeping translating this, honestly the creatures are adorable !!
Apr 29, 2019
@gelas I see your point, I just want to say that faster is not better. While it is nice to get fast updates, The other team's quality just isn't the same. The No Named Group doesn't clean the small text/SFX or even bother to translate it. A few swooshes here and there can be understood, but there can be a surprising amount of information and personality in those small texts. Cleaning and redrawing all those SFX can take a lot of time which is part of the reason DnAS is slower. If the NNG was at least on par with DnAS, then I might see your point. However, they're not. Plus, it's just rude to snipe. You probably don't believe in this but I, and probably many other people, prefer quality over quantity.
Feb 4, 2018
Btw, yeah i'm against sniping too, except if well, it's not sniping because the group didn't release anything since a year or more , but don't do this on a active serie, they're so much good mangas to translate (i'm still waiting for someone to TL kamisama drop :-( ).
Apr 13, 2019
I don't usually get involved in sniping drama, but the ignorance in the comments is intolerable.

Imagine you are working on something for free in your spare time to benefit others and then someone comes along and releases the very same thing you were working on, but lower quality and so many grammatical errors that the actual meaning of some of the sentences is lost.

I'd be pissed too. It does feel like a waste of time, which is why many original groups then drop the project, because so many people will just read whatever is released first so why waste one's free time for nothing?

And all this 'we are all pirates' thing so no one can complain is BS.
Jan 22, 2019
@gelas well yeah I haven't posted any bad comments on their updates. I simply didn't read it (out of consideration for the group that was translating it first). And I think all these fights and drama could be easily avoided. I just answered back to some people pointing out stuff I felt would be right. I also haven't used any type of insults towards people while disagreeing.
I just wished both groups would've talked things out before it reached this stage. And I don't like people talking for everyone like saying that fast updates is what people like reading best. Some people do some people don't there's no need to put down someone just because they're slower than the other... this is not a marathon.

Anyway thanks to everyone who's keeping it civilized while expressing their opinions. It makes it easier to see from different perspectives.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 21, 2018
It's funny to see people bickering about sniping this and sniping that meanwhile out there in the real world, there are true snipes in the marketing world. You can get a tacos from more than 2 different places for example, the recipe wouldn't even be different, heck even the price, only changing thing could be the taste but then again take mcdonald's and burger King, literally the same shit, we are buying tons of similar things from toilet papers to Pens. Imagine if there was only ONE company in this world allowed to sell toilet papers and nobody else could sell it because they'd be labeled as snipers? Some countries would obviously be deprived of it. The only difference is the money involved originates from different sources.

So come on don't be ridiculous and just keem putting out your value on the market. If you truly cared about your work and the manhwa, you would only focus on them and not what others do.

I currently see a chapter released 23 days ago (maybe ch 3 or 4), then the next one 5 days ago and then another 24 hours ago, why was there such a gap between ch 3 or 4 to the next? Would the 2 weeks gap have been the same if that other TL didn't show up? Or were they "rushed"/"pressured" to release their own version of the chapter? Or did they already have it ready but didn't release it? It's all about competitiveness, who your audience is and how you want to "sell" your product. Some people want to read everything and be up to date to move to the next manwha or manga, some others are fine waiting x days for releases. Why is there a need to make a problem out of it?

This is my neutral statement and stand on this whole childish "drama"

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