The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 32

Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
This doesn't even make sense, in the first place that questioning was terrible. Why start off by telling the accused exactly what they are accused of, so they can make up lie? And then the emporer already knows how they were treated why would they suddenly miss that and want to go back if they were fine before this brat came
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
I have never seen such a poorly executed example of the "missunderstanding"trope IN MY LIFE!!!

Normally this trope works because either they have no real reason to talk to each other, they are so angry they avoid each other, or someone is actively interfeering.

The twins evedropped on a conversation and instead of talking it out with ANYONE just start mopeing and closing themselves off.

The emperor not only doens't realize their attitude shift was after he talked about killing them but lets A GOD DAMN CHILD con him into seperating himself from the twins.

THere is no reason they wouldn't talk things out at this point but they are doing so anyway. TO make it worse they are making wild leaps in logic just to make the missunderstaing worse.

The writing for this story just seems to get worse and worse. It doesn't seem like the writer had even a single damn clue how to progress the story and is just beating it along hoping it just starts rolling on it's own at some point.
May 10, 2020
all of these misunderstandings are really annoying. it’s like the author doesn’t know what to do with the story now but just create unnecessary misunderstandings
Apr 12, 2020
Ok, apparently having 3 kids before the twins doesn't teach you shit about raising kids. I'd understand if he's a shitty father to the others, but no — they have a good relationship. So why does he act so clueless towards the twins? Alright, I'm out. This is just a case of bad writing so I'm dropping this.
Jul 18, 2020
The twins eavesdropped on that conversation, and knowing they don't have ANY ALLIES in the Imperial Palace (the head maid included). They were bullied since young with a drunk mother, neglected, physically and mentally harmed. Had the two of them not experienced another life before and had been mentally mature, they would've been dolls at this point. They have serious trust issues that are well founded, seeing as people out of the blue that had once abandoned them and openly admitted to forget about them through the years suddenly come back in their arms and try to treat everything as if nothing bad actually happened. You're not gonnna be talking about that with ANYONE at all. I'm surprised they didn't even go bipolar at this point.

The Emperor is a poor father figure. He's trying to ease into the role of being a father but is indeed failing for the majority of it. So, he tries to make amends with them by being overly protective and supportive, without actually taking into consideration what the kids actually want. You can see with all their interactions, it is mostly one-sided because he has not only years of experience governing and controlling people, but had also raised three kids who came out well, not considering the needs of the twins to be very special given what he had done. And now the attempt to come close became swiftly undone after the talk with the duke's kid. His ego can't take it, and thinking he wouldn't want to make it worse for the kids, goes get the story from the other side, with NO POSSIBLE WAY of verifying the veracity of what the kid said, since it was just him and the twins, and he with his pride and ego, can't simply talk to the twins.

The story seems worse and worse because you're looking at it like an armchair general. As a reader, you can SEE what's happening on all sides, so you can tell what's going on, what failures of logic the people take.
The characters are well made, psychologically-wise. They all have their reasons for doing the things they do.
If you think they are making misunderstandings because "no sane normal person" would think like that, then you need to change your viewpoint. The twins had serious trauma, serious trust issues. They are NOT normal people. The emperor is also NOT a normal person either, with his seat of power, confidence, and ego.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
yall forgetting that these twins were only teens in their last life, therefore, not having much of a maturity or...???
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2019
Wowsers emperor didn't even ask the children themselves. Can't blame him though, he's trying his best
Jul 3, 2020
arjen is the best isekai brother, everybody else can go home. i said what i said and i aint taking it back no matter what.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
Readers: We've already had a misunderstanding.

Author: We've had one, yes. But what about a second misunderstanding?

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