The Villainess Is Adored by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Kingdom - Vol. 5 Ch. 20

Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
I hope he is only doing it to show her how much aqua likes her. ntr is no good.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 30, 2020
Traumatized? how?! She already changed the story once, Aqua rejected the power to rule over other kingdoms for her! Confronted her rival who then admitted defeat and even got her by her side. Suddenly a 14 y/o girl is shattering her world, what will be next?! Her insecurities are TOO much. Unless she is suffering some fucked up illness I'm too stupid to figure out like depression which I don't think it's like that at all.

And wtf? Why am I rapie if I don't like a permanent damsel in distress character?! Fuck, idk anymore, maybe I'm really a twat and everybody is right, poor Tiara, Keith is a hero and Aqua is a bland cuck.
Oct 1, 2019
Everyone talking about how Tiara needs to struggle more with Keith needs to remember that A) she was raised to be the perfect lady aka passive and unlikely to use force, and B) Keith is the King of the Forest Fairies. She outright wouldn't even if it was in her nature because he could pull a similar move to what the Water Fairies did years ago. She is trapped and can't do much about it besides telling him to let her go.

On that note it doesn't look good on Aqua that he is so willing to get into a fight with Keith. Yeah the guy is an asshole, but at least try being diplomatic before pulling out the sword. Then again Keith did try to kill him on the way here so idk.

This whole arc is kind of annoying. I need Tiara and Aqua to sit down and talk to each other while Keith just becomes a friend to Tiara whom she can depend on. His affection for her is starting to get creepy.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Is everyone else forgetting the foreshadowing when they left tiara's kingdom of the sky fairy king and the forest fairy king (keith) wanting to test Aqua now that he had a fiance? It was like.... 12 or so chapters ago i think? any way as much as keith is being a jerk here he is very clearly testing not only keith but tiara as well since he is considering giving to her what the sea fairy king has already given to aqua, his royal fairy blessing. That is a powerful blessing and is not to be given lightly.
Mar 6, 2020
Except for Prince Aqua and his knight, everyone else is annoying as fuck lol.
Like can the Fairy King just...just no, lol.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@laurencevanq the rapie thing was def uncalled for, but she didn't change the story, the story changed unexpectedly. It wasn't through her machinations that it ended up this way. Hell, she didn't confront anybody, she was consistently confronted and then protected. In fact, in spite of her (admittedly small) attempts to change the story, game events still occurred. She's been relatively passive all through the first part really, so her not suddenly being the type to just punch a god for getting handsy is not all that surprising. I def agree she should have a little more faith in her man though.
May 30, 2018
lmao why is tiara so freaking useless... girl if you wanna be an asset and find happiness you gotta make it happen yourself instead of just going along with other people and brooding all the time
Aggregator gang
Aug 9, 2018
You guys do realize that things go Aishira's way because the kingdom fears the backlash of the sea fairies behind her right? Keith is the one whimsically doing whatever he wishes. How would the backlash from an angered Keith be any different from the sea fairies. People keep praising and pitying Aqua yet he is the one who fails to realize the importance of Tiara. Aqua keeps trying to placate Aishira because of his responsibility to protect the kingdom but he doesn't offer the same amount of concern towards his own fiancee who also has a similar relationship with the forest fairies. Aside from the fact that Tiara is also his fiancee, if you live on land, should your immediate concern be the sea or the forest?
Double-page supporter
Jun 30, 2018
Everyone is so annoying. Prince Aqua and Tiara are full of jealousy and Tiara is always hella stressed and shit and then she calls herself a burden and Keith contradicts that but to be honest she kind of IS a burden. It seems that she became so accustomed to this world and their culture that she became useless just like their women (aside from Aishira she actually seems cool) and let's be honest in a world like this men obviously take the stage if we're being logical here, there's no way they're socially advanced enough to put men and women on equal footing so that's my reasoning behind the "useless like their women" comment lol. The only ones I like right now are Keith and Prince Aqua's assistant.

And I do understand that Tiara is traumatized by her past relationship but you can't live your entire life being this way and at some point she'll have to find a way to cope with this and move on before it ruins her current relationship.

But the art for this is super beautiful and eventually I do wanna see Tiara and Aqua happy together without the jealousy and anxiety factors that keep causing pain to them both.
Double-page supporter
Jun 10, 2019
@laurencevanq you are gonna be so mad when
Tiara gets amnesia and out the window goes 2 year of in story character growth until she gets her memory back
Dex-chan lover
Mar 30, 2020
Huh, now I'm mad... cause you're right! I'm remembering things differently, she didn't confront Akari at all! Damn, am I building her with a personallity I want her to have...?? I think I'm getting too used to characters like Raeliana from The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion.

Ugh, should I read the Spoiler and risk dropping this for good?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019
I don't even read the chapter anymore, but i can already tell what's going on from the comments... and just waiting for the ending because the art is pretty... :')

Talking about trauma tho... The story "Milady wants to relax" have it much worse since she truly love her fiancee.. but although it's still haunting her, she didn't suddenly get really passive nor dumb.. :')
Apr 25, 2020
@Umbrecola ahhhhhh fuck I just know Imma hate this story in the upcoming 20 chapters (but I'm gonna be patient)

literally everyone in this story pisses me off in one or another except some of the minor characters
Apr 21, 2020
I don’t what to feel anymore for this story, especially with the amount of hatred in the comment section. I just want them to talk it out and hammer some sense to Tiara’s and Aqua’s head. This misunderstanding trope is dragging tbh.

I’m going to chill this time and wait for the next chapter *sips tea*
Dec 27, 2019
I should just read comments from now on, they load faster than the chapters and are twice as interesting lol.

I agree with the hate of 1-dimensional, redundant characters, not just with this isekai but many others. I really do feel relieved when I see others that feel the same way.

The art here is redeeming at least.

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