This Time I Will Definitely Be Happy! - Vol. 4 Ch. 24

Active member
Mar 9, 2019
Hmm… I have a solution for that 1 wish—her soul gets split into the number of forms that it previously occupied and bodies are created for each of her lives that were prematurely taken. Each hero who is currently alive via the Demon King (including Marcus) gets to have their lives and Bodie back, and they all get to live the lives stolen from them due to tragedy.

Either that, or "Jun, et. al." will have to end up with a Harem of Heroes (HoH).

Either works, though I think the latter would be more amusing. Imagine the MC having freed her past fiancés whom she all equally loves, but whom were taken from her & her from them via tragedy—each one has holy powers and each she loves like Graham and in turn love her like Grahamcracker. To assume that they can go on their merry little ways without their respected beloved is nuts and the same goes for the MC's past lives. So either they all somehow learn to "get along" and have a hilarious adventure together, or they share a collective consciousness & the slated number of bodies necessary to keep the boys in line.

That way, the story doesn't end on a tragic note—be that her with Marcus leaving for Earth for her original time or staying with Graham and leaving Marcus and all the rest of the abandoned husbandus to suffer in isolation.

Gotta work some ideal solution out that doesn't screw over folks. Isn't that what duce ex machina in a literal sense is for? I mean, in this case, they have a literal goddess, so why not use her for the betterment of her past tragedies and get the happy ending that they all deserve? 🤔
Active member
Mar 9, 2019

If by "fault" you mean "should be explicitly punished", then maybe so, but by your own description, by failing to complete their "duty", something terrible happened.

By legal standards of "fault", if I followed your logic, then if I know someone made a mistake on a bridge design and failed to report it, and the bridge later collapses (catastrophic failure) and kills people, then the person wouldn't be liable for gross criminal negligence. Unfortunately, that's not how "fault" actually works. If we use standards of practice, Jun would be "at fault", but there's a difference between "being at fault" and "should be emotionally scarred and punished for all eternity, and should be destroyed, or tortured in this life with unending self-doubt and self-criticism". That likely won't help her undo the mess.

It's not the fault of the hypothetical D&D party that they are "scared" and want to be cautious (that is in their natures), just as it wasn't the "fault" of Jun for being scared. However, we are responsible for our own actions and a reasonable portion of the results of those actions. If we aren't, then people who abandon their posts & watch as others needlessly die have no fault, and humanity as a whole has no collective responsibility to one another. We can pollute or destroy without concern that our actions leave us "at fault" because we would by definition have none.

Reductio ad Absurdum (Reduced to the Absurd).

Therefore, I see it reasonable that Jun & Marcus both hold responsibilities in this, along with the others—primarily at this point, responsibilities for how they can undo their gigantic fuckups.

Now, perhaps, punishing the King & all of those complicit in the murder of Jun wasn't unreasonable if the whole society was at such a parasitic level of bad that they made the Demon King look neutral at worst by comparison. Does that necessarily mean, though, that unleashing the Demon King's soul by consuming it with utter despair was the most effective option? Did Marcus have another option? And what about that pesky goddess?

Unless death is beyond her reach, then the goddess's failure (read: fault) could reasonably lie in her failure to provide Marcus with another viable option.

Her failure to do so would be enormous, about as much as the responsibility that Jun has, if not more so, because she is in a position to lessen the pain of Marcus directly as well as solve a problem that is her ultimate responsibility.

Free will only gets you so far in terms of a "hands off" policy. Jun's powers (and that of the others) are direct intervention by the goddess (why she couldn't join the party herself and directly interfere is left unclear; if it isn't apathy, and instead is a fear of unbalancing the order of things—unduly screwing with people's lives, that would be one thing; ergo, she herself is an overpowered, yet overly cautious hero—but, if she simply lack empathy enough to use her powers to help mortals when they are at their limits, even if it would be as acting as a shoulder to cry on—would Jun have failed as easily if the goddess availed herself more to the needs of Jun emotionally and gave her the guidance she needed, as opposed to sticking her hands in her pockets when Jun was all alone?) to their collective world, and the fact that she gave Jun that power without following up, shows this goddess to be rather negligent.

Imagine giving a 16-year old an unlimited supply of nuclear weapons and telling them to go hunt down some murderer. Don't you think that it would be absurd? For one, it would traumatized the crap out of the kid who is ALREADY terrified at being snatched from their own world (see the fan film short for Power Rangers that shows just how dark & f-ed up such a scenario would actually be) and even if it was the best case scenario, the lack of follow-up by the goddess shows the same level of negligence that is shown in a similar (albeit somewhat lesser situation) by Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia when in Prince Caspian he tells Lucy at night what she must do, despite her fear; this is worse because Lucy by that point should have had the tools in place having ALREADY lived several lifetimes in Narnia (assuming those memories didn't fade; that would be Aslan's fault, then) as a Queen where she would have had the means to stand up to her siblings and go it alone if necessary, and they in turn should have had experience to listen to her and to Aslan.

It's effectively dumping responsibilities onto her without comfort or support. You don't simply give a 16-year old a nuke and say, "go figure it out" unless the is, quite literally, no other choice, and you die with MAJOR regrets. Doing otherwise is to burden the crap out lf that person.

So, in this sense, I think it reasonable to hold the goddess at least reasonably accountable for her failures to mediate the situation on an ongoing basis. She only seems to show up when it comes to releasing the MC's past lives & memories, but beyond that, she'd an absentee Merlin/guide.

Reasonably, she should at least have been more emotionally available or given her something to help her along the way more than simply power.

Even the strongest people can lockup under pressure (fear is a fundamental component of the human condition) and not having the means to stop it would be reasonable.

As for the D&D analogy, for the town to fully depend upon others without taking any actions would be itself a responsibility (assuming this wasn't some apocalyptic BIG-BAD showing up). As for the D&D players failing to act, well, if they are cautious, it's because they can die & have no do-overs just like life (life is HARDCORE Mode only). But, the DM is also supposed to balance the game and not make things unnecessarily challenging unless the players "ask for it." Of course, if the players wipe, they can ALWAYS start the mission over again.

If reincarnation with memories intact was really an option for Jun in case that she failed, then one would think that the goddess would mention that. "Yeah, while I can bring you back from the dead, if you do happen to die, I can reincarnate you with your memories intact. Basically, Groundhog's Day it."

Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
I mean i kinda saw that coming. Each of the previous heroes suffered the loss of their loved ones just like marcus. Of course they would hold a grudge.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019
Fuck the manipulative goddess and her bullshit rules.

She is the cause of misfortune. She is the literal goddess of this world. Why everyone is pushing their hate at the wrong targets is beyond me.
Mar 16, 2019
@wilddeath Yeah, it was kind of, just kind of, obvious.
Also, love the Grahmcracker at the end. Amazing nickname. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Oh god, I'm laughing so hard here...

Anyways, thanks for the chapter!
Oct 12, 2019
Haha... yeah, no. I'm with the "villian" side this time. Go Marcus, eliminate the "heroic" side.
Oct 2, 2018

"By legal standards of "fault", if I followed your logic, then if I know someone made a mistake on bridge design and failed to report it, and the bridge later collapses (catastrophic failure) and kills people, the person wouldn't be liable for gross criminal negligence."

now I don't know about Laws since A) I ain't a lawyer and B) I'm not using Laws as the basis of my argument. I'm using Responsibility=/= fault.
if that person you are talking about has a supervisor or a person responsible for checking all the safety regulations. The fault is on the person who made the mistake and didn't say anything, but the responsibility and punishment go to the one who was supposed to check the work and make sure it was up to standard. This is why the CEO and Manager get fire when the employees fail the quota for X reason.

"It's not the fault of the hypothetical D&D party that they are "scared" and want to be cautious (that is in their natures), just as it wasn't the "fault" of Jun for being scared. However, we are responsible for our own actions and a reasonable portion of the results of those actions. If we aren't, then people who abandon their posts & watch as others needlessly die have no fault, and humanity as a whole has no collective responsibility to one another. We can pollute or destroy without concern that our actions leave us "at fault" because we would by definition have none."

I agree at that they aren't at fault part, but fault=/=Responsability, if I leave my post unguarded I have failed at my responsibility and I am at fault for all the consequences but if I leave somebody else (like Jun did) then the one who is at fault is that somebody else, but I was the one who left their responsibility/Duty and now I have to pay the price of guilt, it's not my fault that he messed up but I am still guilty of leaving my job to somebody else, so to speak

"Now, perhaps, punishing the King & all of those complicit in the murder of Jun wasn't unreasonable if the whole society was at such a parasitic level of bad that they made the Demon King look neutral at worst by comparison."

No, I think the king and the whole fucking royal/noble court all deserve the Axe, they killed gods angel and their savior just to save face, fuck them and their lives. The peasants too, but I draw the line on just the capital and the people who killed Jun, you know those who did wrong, not the whole world as Marcus wants.

"Unless death is beyond her reach, then the goddess's failure (read: fault) could reasonably lie in her failure to provide Marcus with another viable option.

Her failure to do so would be enormous, about as much as the responsibility that Jun has, if not more so, because she is in a position to lessen the pain of Marcus directly as well as solve a problem that is her ultimate responsibility.

Free will only gets you so far in terms of a "hands off" policy. Jun's powers (and that of the others) are direct intervention by the goddess (why she couldn't join the party herself and directly interfere is left unclear; if it isn't apathy, and instead is a fear of unbalancing the order of things—unduly screwing with people's lives, that would be one thing; ergo, she herself is an overpowered, yet overly cautious hero—but, if she simply lack empathy enough to use her powers to help mortals when they are at their limits, even if it would be as acting as a shoulder to cry on—would Jun have failed as easily if the goddess availed herself more to the needs of Jun emotionally and gave her the guidance she needed, as opposed to sticking her hands in her pockets when Jun was all alone?) to their collective world, and the fact that she gave Jun that power without following up, shows this goddess to be rather negligent.
ok this whole section is mostly speculation on why the goddess can't/won't intervene, I really don't care the why of the goddess, the fact is she just can't, and since we can't read the goddesses mind, any and all guesswork of her personality and motives are just theories and headcanons. I don't want to enter the realm of subjectivity or theory crafting as much as possible so I say the goddess can not and will not act for reason X, hence why her only viable move, from what the story has told us, was to call Jun.
Jun is the only one who can defeat the demon king, there are no if or buts about it, she is the hero and only option until the story tells us otherwise, as in they tell us that the goddess did have another option and chose not to do it. But until then I will be in the camp of if the goddess directly intervened she will destroy the universe or something worst would happen by just her mear presence.

"Reasonably, she should at least have been more emotionally available or given her something to help her along the way more than simply power."

she literally gave her Plot armor, she was told by the goddess herself that she would be strong enough to kill him with no problems, it's like telling a 16-year-old, press this button and you win. Jun was just scared which is understandable and I can't blame her for it. But she still accepted the responsibility and chose to push it to somebody else. Hence the whole mess. Also, they provided her emotional support in the form of her helpers and Marcus, I ain't saying it was the goddess who did it, but the fact is she had emotional and physical support in the story, but instead of using it to grow stronger she just pushed it all to the support.

"It's effectively dumping responsibilities onto her without comfort or support. You don't simply give a 16-year old a nuke and say, "go figure it out" unless the is, quite literally, no other choice, and you die with MAJOR regrets. Doing otherwise is to burden the crap out lf that person."

they tell us that to transfer a person they need various conditions to be met by that person, Jun is the only choice from what the story/goddess is telling us. So yeah Jun is the only choice. Now is it perfect? of course not, she's just a 16-year-old girl I can't blame her for being scared, but she choose to do it and she chooses to push it onto somebody else.

"But, the DM is also supposed to balance the game and not make things unnecessarily challenging unless the players "ask for it." Of course, if the players wipe, they can ALWAYS start the mission over again."

oh, the DM should not make it too challenging?
like how the goddess gave Jun the power to kill the demon king and even the option of transferring it to somebody else and letting them do all the work?

from what the story is saying the goddess gave Jun the power to finish this, Jun decided not only to transfer this power but actually stay behind from fear, again not blaming her for it she is only 16, but even the actions of a 16-year-old have consequences and this story is her consequences, should she feel guilty for it, oh yes she should cause all of this could have been avoided if she had just gone to kill the demon king by her hand or with Marcus doing the deed. But she didn't, she choose to stay behind.

"If reincarnation with memories intact was really an option for Jun in case that she failed, then one would think that the goddess would mention that. "Yeah, while I can bring you back from the dead, if you do happen to die, I can reincarnate you with your memories intact. Basically, Groundhog's Day it.""

I don't know if the goddess is reincarnating her or if it's a quirk of their world, like how if you curse the world it will curse you back, I think it was the rules of the world but I can't remember. But even if it's the goddesses doing I can't say why she wouldn't mention it since I ain't a mind reader.

TLDR(Damn this was a long ass comment); I believe that this whole mess is Jun's responsibility, not her fault but she is guilty of negligence, she chooses to be the one to do it, she could have said no to the goddess but she didn't. She chooses to give Marcus the power, effectively pushing her duty and responsibility to a third party. She chooses to stay behind waiting for Marcus to return instead of following him to the demon king and making sure the deed was done, effectively she failed as a supervisor for the job.

the Goddess told her explicitly, you will be safe and are the only option for the job, she would even reward her with a wish, like forgetting absolutely everything if she was too traumatized.
The demon king can only and will only be killed by Jun's hands.

also yes the goddess has responsibility, her responsibility is to get Jun to do her job, since, from what the story has told us, Jun is the only one who can do it.


Active member
Mar 24, 2019
I just feel really sorry for Marcus and the other heroes. I hope a lame excuse doesn't get shoved down their throat on "why they were wrong" when things done to them were x1000000 worse.
Active member
Jun 1, 2018
Tbh goddess stuffed up, this is just a tragedy all around yikes
Active member
Aug 20, 2019
jun and marcus got fucked over by the entire kingdom but now the goddess is saying its THEIR fault for cursing them back because "karma"??????? this victim blaming lmao... cant wait for this story to just finish already
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
@stannct i mean yeah, she is at fault/responsibility specifically and only for cursing others because she did it but of course, you can't rlly blame her for cursing everybody and etc
The entire marcus situation isnt her fault and the only thing shes responsible is for cursing them
I do wish the goddess was more understanding though like she literally threw in a teenager to save the world as if that in itself is anything heroic or justifiable + she kind of spoke as if her thoughts and cursing were the cause of demise
i think jun is innocent and that many ppl in her position would do the same but yeah, her cursing did have an effect

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