Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - I went to an aquarium twice to write this aquarium date chapter. I didn't go with anyone though.

Jan 21, 2018
Why's Ib in the date section? Does Hata also think Gary is a pedo?
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
@ToddSama One, Baki is a shounen title and it shows people's faces getting ripped off and limbs detached. There's even graphic cannibalism, and yes, people have sex - including the main character. Also males repeatedly attempt to assert dominance by pissing huge amounts of urine. There's even a scene where you can see the shadow of a man's massive erect dick. Again, all in a Shounen title.

No one is asking for this to become a hentai, or even any more ecchi than it is already. We simply want them to act like normal humans and for the manga to let the married couple advance to the point where they're acting like a MARRIED COUPLE and not like shy middle school students on their first date. It can fade to black after a kiss for all I care - my point is that they need to consummate the marriage.

@cyreader They've gone through a significant length of time. They've had multiple outings, they've gone on trips, visited her family, gotten used to married life together, had their house burn down, stayed with other people for quite a while, then moved into a new place... the minimum time frame at this point is a month. From what it felt like to me, they were together at his place for at least several weeks before it burn down, at the new place for a few weeks before they moved into their new (temporary) place, and it'll be a month before their new place is ready. (which btw is a ridiculously short time to build a new apartment building - doesn't seem grounded in reality at all).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2019
@LysandersTreason It's actually only been 11 days (I've been counting).

Hata always packs so many things into each day. You basically have to look at how light the sky is.
Double-page supporter
Apr 16, 2018
And I mean, they basically had no proper relationship before marriage, so honestly jumping right into it would seem kinda weird to me...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
So by the end logic of see something tasty, want to eat something tasty, they should want to eat each other by now right? 😀
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 4, 2018
@LysandersTreason Well no, they are married but they still haven't gotten past the dating phase because they never had it to begin with so now they are doing that. When they are comfortable enough with each other, we'll see them do whatever married couples do.

Also, RIP Hata-sensei for that title lol
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

I don't think you understand how marriages are supposed to work.

After you get married, no matter whether you've been dating for 10 years or you met your bride 20 minutes before the ceremony, you have sex on your wedding night. It is tradition. It is known. This is normal. What's abnormal is NOT having sex after getting married. And this abnormality does happen in Japan -- they're called sexless marriages, dead bedrooms. There are reports of some women who have married their husbands and after 20 years, still virgins, still never had sex even once, instead they've basically been assigned to be his substitute mother, cooking his meals and doing his housework, etc.

If you love your wife, and desire her, it is a man's goddamn duty to fuck the shit out of her so that she knows how you feel about her -- that she's wanted, she's attractive, she's desirable, etc. Fucking your wife is what will make her happy. Not fucking your wife will make her unhappy and insecure, and she'll begin to question herself, her value, your manhood and your relationship.

Every day that goes by that Nasa doesn't mold Tsukasa's pussy to the shape of his dick brings that couple one more day closer to breaking up, to infidelity, or to irreversible sadness. If you love this couple, you should want them to bone ASAP.

Judging by how Hata-sensei had to go to the aquarium twice by himself and neither time had anyone to bring, despite being married... I'm beginning to question whether he's ever fucked his own wife.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@LysandersTreason For all the chapters of this manga, I've been thinking Nasa is in some way autistic. He's a genius, but there's a wall between him and the reality surrounding him. So, unless Kaname convinces him to attack Tsukasa like a hungry wolf or Tsukasa herself takes care of it, I don't find it strange he does nothing of the sort. At least he's not utterly hopeless since he did enjoy holding hands and, if memory serves, imagined (literally) sleeping in the same bed. It's just that his emotional and instinctual maturity isn't where a young man's should be. If Tsukasa really is Kaguya, or something, she might not personally care for obvious reasons.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
@kaarme I think it's more the author's reflection of himself in Nasa to be honest. Author is an herbivore, so his characters are herbivores.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@LysandersTreason why do you keep expecting the manga to be rooted in reality? That's boring as fuck and not what the demographic wants, otherwise this would get axed in the first chapters
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

I love stories with fantastical elements, but CHARACTERS -- even supernatural, fantastical ones -- have to be grounded in reality. Nasa is a human, he should act like a human. If Nasa does not act like a human, then it's BAD WRITING.

Nasa is NOT acting like a normal human right now. Now, that's not a dealbreaker. There could be any number of reasons why a character would do something abnormal -- but a good writer would have a reason, and that reason would be part of the story.

For example, Nasa is a healthy adult male, but has apparently no sex drive.

He could be impotent and incapable of getting an erection. He could be gay. He could find his wife ugly. He could have taken a vow of abstinence, like a priest or monk. He could be an alien, and have either an abnormal physiology or grew up in an alien culture. He could be a ghost. These are all realistic ways in which a healthy adult male would be uninterested in sex, but if it's the case, the author must TELL THE READER, or at least give us some reason to believe there's a reason why Nasa does not act like a healthy, human male.

But Nasa's seeming ambivalence to fucking his wife is completely unexplained. Nasa isn't an idiot. He has parents, they're still alive, and he grew up with them. He knows how a married couple acts. He knows what married couples do. His disinterest in sex goes completely unexplained, though. That makes his character NOT REALISTIC and UNREALISTIC characters are BAD WRITING.

Now, on the other hand Tsukasa's character is MUCH more mysterious. The author has hinted multiple times at her supernatural abilities and background. She could be a normal, 16-17 year old human. She could be a 1,500 year old immortal. She could be a moon princess. She could be an alien. We don't know, but the author has at least given us those as possibilities, so we have some basis to at least go "Well, Tsukasa doesn't seem that interested in sex either, but the author has given us a plausible reason why that might be."

Well-written characters - even supernatural ones, even fantastical ones - are still grounded in reality.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 4, 2018
@LysandersTreason Well, no. I don't know why you are so obsessed with sex so much but my last comment is very much reasonable, your comment is the one that's very unrealistic. There are a lot of people who aren't comfortable with sex even if they are married so they wait till' they are ready so it can be proper. Not everyone's gonna be a horny animal like you described and have sex right after they marry. Honestly, what's with herbivore this, herbivore that? What, is holding hands and kissing not considered good enough, but you gotta have sex to prove her "manliness"?

Kinda stupid of you to focus on sex in a gag manga that's already good enough from all the kissing and what not. Also, your example of Baki being violent while being a shounen is mute because there's a clear distinction from sexual stuff and violent stuff for Japan. Basically, violence: ok, sexual: no, limited to kissing or hand holding. You want sex right after marriage, you go to porn or hentai websites.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

I feel I could comfortably stake my life on the guess that you're a virgin.

Pretty much everyone is a 'horny animal' and has sex right after they marry. According to a survey by lingerie company Bluebella, 91% of married couples had sex within 48 hours of the wedding.

And yes dude. If you don't fuck your wife, you are less of a man, in my opinion. And if you're not fucking her, before long someone else will.

And about Baki: As I said, it was violent, but there were also sex scenes. Like, the main character entered into a sexual relationship at the age of 17 with a classmate. It was not explicit, it was very much a fade to black thing (although later, the author did go and draw out those sex scenes, showing nipples and such, but he published them in a hentai magazine). Also, it's called a 'moot point' not a 'mute point.'

And again, no one is talking about how we need to have like, hentai-style sex scenes (although let's keep in mind that this HAS already shown some ecchi bath scenes). All I'm asking for is that a married couple acts like a married couple. And no, holding hands and kissing isn't enough, that's the kind of shit you'd expect from couple of 12-year-olds.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 6, 2018
okay that's it
brb calling for fille o'fish delivery from WgD
Jan 28, 2018
"We were lovers before we got married... or I think we were..."
No, no you weren't. In many respects, you're still not.

Right? You'd seriously expect to see at least some development by now. Any development at all would be welcome. I also really liked this story, it's cute and enjoyable, but it's starting to become uninteresting.

It's been months. There's no way it hasn't been months with all that's happened. Are you actually trying to claim that the days in the story don't change if you don't see light change to dark and back to light again specifically depicted within the manga's art? Stories don't work that way. Also, you have WAY too much free time if you're actually keeping track of minor details like that.
Mar 22, 2018
I feel a little sad for the author that he had to go to the aquarium himself. Couldn't even drag the editor with him.
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
Let's give credit where it's due, Kaname's support is 10/10 as Nasa's Cupidon. She is the main reason all the boorish developments we always see in other romcoms are subverted here.

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