Tou no Kanri o Shite Miyou - Ch. 35 - The 35th Floor: God’s Blessing

Active member
Dec 4, 2018
@elhessan Hard day much? Did someone step on your foot or why did you call Lonewolf an idiot? Your pointless direct personal attack overshadowed any credibility or truth in your comment. That is no way to make an argument, it’s a way to be an ass for no reason. No wonder others tried to troll you after you went batshit crazy over sth that could be explained normally. You even failed to recognize someone who is clearly trolling you, it’s really hilarious.

Oh well, next.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
@Dragonfirewings nah, it's fine. @Maala was on point though about the rough day. But well, what irks me is that the statement about

a god must be an almighty being if not then that just plain human

It's just that, what if I worship the non so almighty god? Like just one god that i pray to give me luck? Was I just praying to nobody?

But, i guess, the mods too would just flag this comment without even looking at the root of the issue.
Oct 10, 2020
to TL, i just realize that in every volume last chapters there's a nude/boobs artwork like this at the ending pages

Vol. 2,3,4,5 have them, but vol.1 and 6 doesnt have them. So i've been wondering does vol. 1 and 6 artwork exist or did you guys just didn't include it? If it's exist could you share it? thanks
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
When you thought the most outrageous thing that would happen today was the MC summoning a God and then he just becomes one. A part of me just really wishes he’d record this moment to show at a another ceremony and shut everyone up permanently

Also, I just randomly found an argument about “what is a god” in a fantasy isekai manga comment section. Wasn’t expecting that today. Anyway, I’m not tagging anyone because I don’t care that much, but a word of advice the whole bases of the argument is a rabbit hole. For one, this is fiction any and everything is pretty much whatever the author wants (they set the rules), and gods in fantasy somehow manage to be more confusing than in the real world (mainly because most authors refuse to follow their own set rules (or never establish them (or both, idk how they manage that one, but they probably do))). In some stories Gods are just immortal, in others all powerful, in other they just have be worshiped (in some you become a god by being worshiped; in others you’re worshiped because you’re a god). Gods in the real world still aren’t grounded in reality. They’re grounded in faith and beliefs and differ greatly between different groups of people (even within the same religion/mythology). And if they or any singular one does exist they aren’t exactly in a realm where any of us can sit down and analyze the criteria needed to be a god (at least not while we’re alive). It’s just so... pointless. There are better uses of your time.

For example, take Doctor Who. The Doctor and the TARDIS. The TARDIS exists throughout all space and time (omniscient) and takes the Doctor where he needs to be to save the day. His feats put him in the all powerful range (rebooting the universe, kickstarting civilizations, ending civilizations, mass genocide, bringing people back to life and making them immortal, freezing a planet in another dimension...) and he’s immortal. As a bonus he’s pretty widely worshiped in the universe by those he’s saved and feared by those that have faced him or heard rumors. That sounds like a God to me (pretty sure he’s been referred as one in the show at least once), but I wouldn’t call him one. At the end of the day he’s still just a person... er alien with his own species, home, and faults. And then we get into really trippy areas concerning what a “god” is as we reach to really advanced technology and other species. I mean, the entire thing is just so subjective and with “God” we get into the territory of definitions that we invented, keep changing, and don’t really have a clear consistent image of (as in the entire human race). And just so we’re clear, I will take any chance to talk about Doctor Who. That is the best use of my time always.

All that said, if you really don’t want to call a group of fictional characters gods, you can just refer to them in your head as “Celestial Beings” which basically means gods, but not really, but kinda

@KwonJiMebs Okay that profile picture and your comment are a perfect combination. Just needed to say that.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
What is a god?
That's a good question and you provide several elements of answer.

But the main point is that there have been multiple definitions and ideas of gods throughout history. The Christian God is a rare example of "perfect god" (very debatable though), where examples of "more human gods" are numerous (basically, super powerful and often immortal beings, with the same kind of intellect and emotions as humans).

The two most common traits are immortality (in terms of lifespan; some gods can be killed) and very powerful magic powers (from creating things out of nothing, to curses, to controlling some aspect of the world). Often anthropomorphic, but that is not a very large majority.
There are even myths of humans ascending to godhood.
Setting aside the fact that gods are fictional, they are not necessarily bound by faith either. This part is only used in the context of organized religion, where you need to believe blindly when there is no evidence that gods even exist. Faith is a matter of accepting and following a god that never interacts with you directly. So this is essential to the definition of god.

By this definition, the MC here can fit the bill.
Not the "absolute god" type that christians profess their god is, but the more general definition.
Assuming he would not age and die of natural causes, he is now a powerful immortal being that brought and mostly controls a whole new concept to this world: "status" as something measurable. And he has vastly superior control over "divine power"than the mortals around him. (Some of whom have pretty high divine power themselves by now.)

If you're not stuck to the idea of "capital-G God", three is no problem at all here.

Also of note, in Japan, the definition of god is way broader and nuanced, and they have several words that we can only translate into this same word "god" because we lack those nuances. I'm curious what exact word was originally used here.

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