Tricks Dedicated to Witches

Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2020
this is pretty nice, we'll see how it developes
but for now i'd say give it a try
Aggregator gang
Jan 5, 2020
Its alright, pretty much a battle manga. MC is distinct, supporting cast is BAD, villains are generic

The MC stands out with a great design, notable character quirks and an interesting thought pattern. Where he suffers is that his motives and goals, which are so loose. There is nothing noble about him, which is great!!!, but don't fail to define a decent reason for him to act righteously. He constantly risks his life to selflessly help random women, which he would have no reason (which line up with his morals) to do. Even when he falls in love with magic again it isn't his primary motivation, the plot is seeming dragging our MC along.

Supporting cast sucks dick, worthless unless the MC helps and explains everything. Really disappointing since this was a perfect manga to introduce strong FMCs who are accused of witchcraft for being good at something. Prime example of patriarchal society and the opportunity is wasted.

Villains are pretty bad as well we get the con-artists, evil people and nut jobs. With religion we could of had so many cool characters exploring piety and internalized misogyny and got nothing instead.

They planted a great MC in a great environment to explore and we got a decent battle manga instead. I'm not mad just disappointed...
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
> “The MC stands out with great design”

As soon as I saw that I knew your comment was satire lol

And if it wasn’t his design is 1% different than all the other mangas the artist has drawn. It's practically a copy paste.
Oct 22, 2019
Well its upsetting, they should kill the bad guy.. other than that its a good read
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 3, 2018
My experience with this author has always been their high density of plot holes. Always some kind of glaring issues that were not addressed, usually every chapter.

Only read them because I still like the premise and want to skim over these holes. But if you’re looking for a critical acclaimed manga, avoid this author.
Sep 21, 2020
This could have been really cool. Could you imagine slight-of-hand being used to unveil "holier than thou" hypocrisy and religious occultism in the medieval catholic church? I jizzed myself. There are cool bits like when the inquisition fakes miracles and witch testing using slight-of-hand. But, the series is painfully shounen. The MC is nonsensical, the female leads are harem fodder, and worst of all the villains are not allowed to be villainous. Why are these girls getting framed? Let's see the corruption and dogmatic ignorance. Let the torture be really torturous. Don't let the female lead break her legs and then just walk it off. Show us how corrupt and cruel and worth fighting the church is in this story. Unfortunately, it's just really disappointing. I dunno, angry neckbeard goes "REEEEE"
Aggregator gang
May 7, 2018
this is way better than any dumb overhyped battle shounen series out there. I just hope it gets a high quality, high budget anime adaptation.

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