Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru. - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

Dex-chan lover
Sep 19, 2018
isnt she a grown woman in a kids body? she should be quite aware that if shes being abused she can contact the proper authoritiesz
Sep 29, 2018
If anyone is hoping this will be resolved soon, It doesn't look like it,
It most likely will be resolved
in the fourth volume
but even that isn't certain,
I bought the raws just to see if it gets resolved, and I was disappointing that nothing happened until around chapter 23-24
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
@chibit damn, that's a long way to go to see any continuation to that situation.

Honestly I'm always hesitant to read this story... I want a good ending for it but I don't even know if I can agree with myself on what a "good" ending is. Maybe her husband (and her) moving on, and her being able to live a new life? But now that the actual family seems like a bag of dicks, I'm more inclined to hope they can rescue her from that mess. If I was the husband and learned what was happening to my reincarnated wife, regardless if I got attached to her again or simply wished her new life well, I would genuinely lose my shit.

@semon_demon Sure, she knows that. But it's still her mom. Even if it's her "second" mom, she's still the person that birthed her. I doubt she genuinely hates her mother enough to want her carted off by the popo.
Active member
Mar 14, 2019
1. She can't hope to be adopted old family because it would complicate matters of her husband thinking their adopted daughter as his 'wife'.

2. She is trying to play the role of a 10 year old? With her adult knowledge, she could be seen as a genius. So I would think she is playing it down or maybe her memory regressed.

3. She feels intimidated by her new mother. It seems her 'adult' memory doesn't stop her from perhaps her childhood memories. I mean biologically, this is her real mom.
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2018
like holyshit that mom though smh i knew it was about to be bad by my god did the whole part with her mom annoyed the shit out of me

but now to wonder how she's gonna get out of this and how they're gonna deal with that bitch of a mom

anyway looking forward to the next ch
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
The mom doesn't seem that super bad, she isn't that good either, look at that mess in the house even if she is busy that's way too much trash, she's seems very controlling and has trust issues.
She does gives her daughter money for food though and I'd be mad too if my elementary school daughter lied about staying home then went out somewhere and took a bus far away with the money she's been secretly saving up and then she didn't come home until evening time and I wouldn't have known about it unless I happen to come home early.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
I'm kind confused right now...
Is the mother abusive or not?
That seemed very normal with the continuation of the situation and yet a little over the top...
The only problem I have here is that the "adult in a child body" did not acted as an adult in the situation, it was very badly dealt with there even though she was shown to be way more mature and composed than that.
Power Uploader
Mar 11, 2019
@mahtan So far, whenever she is around her mother the Marika persona seems to be the dominant one, and conversely when she is with her previous family the Takae persona is the dominant one (even her speech pattern changes), I think that’s the author’s way of saying that the original Marika is still inside her and it generates a certain behavioral conflict, and depending in her environment one personality tends to be more dominant than the other.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
@semon_demon yeah.... i'm sure that will work out with no clear signs of abuse. the japanese authorities cant actually do much if there are no actual signs of abuse.
Feb 4, 2018
What a shitty mom.
The worst kind, who want to control EVERYTHING about their child.

No wonder she can't get a happy life family, she probably can't wait to be 18 and get the hell out of here .
Aggregator gang
Jan 18, 2018
I agree, mothers should stay completly out of their daughters lives and let them go and make bentous for old dudes who want to marry them.
The mother is abusive, but as far as controlling goes she isn't watchfull enough.
Active member
Nov 10, 2018
@semon_demon funny story actually, it's only until relatively recently that child protection services was something taken seriously in Japan. Though I can't find the link now, I do recall someone doing an essay on child services in Japan as part of the official English release of Higurashi's third chapter, Tatarigoroshi, which actually has child abuse as a plot point and is extremely scathing towards the child services that did exist in-story... Because Japan's child services largely was actually that bad in the time period Higurashi took place in, and while things have gotten better since then... It's still something of a work in progress even now.

So it's understandable why contacting the authorities might not be someone's first thought if they've spent their entire life in Japan.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Her anger is understandable
But she is not a good mother.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
This manga give me feelings. Like, "I want to go inside of this world and slap the mother to Oblivion" kind of feeling.

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