I am not used to people being so open about their emotions in manga. Damn, we can solve all our relationship issues by talking??? Whoda thunk?
Next Day:
"Why did we go to city hall?"
"Stop asking questions and sign this paper. No one's taking my man from me."
The path of truly harnessing the "Reiwa Energy" is frightening to most manga writers. What do you mean rom-com's
don't have to have impossible chains of misunderstandings for 500 chapters and then end directly after the confession? How can relationships be not a "finish line of ever after" but instead closer to a joint partnership for two humans to work together on? WHAT FOUL SORCERY IS THIS? [Insert
Shonen Jump editor shrieking in pain from romantic progress like a vampire recoiling at a cross]
But yes, turns out that humans (teenagers especially), for all our fancy thinkin' brains, are still emotional creatures who jump to conclusions and
can't read minds, so talking things over quickly and directly (and with added apology hugs, headpats, and smooches, even in public) can indeed quash problems before they start to fester.