Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! - Vol. 6 Ch. 59 - Kouhai and the Horror Film

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
Uzaki's attempt to take revenge on Sakurai for not piledriving her loins to the Nether-realm backfired spectactuarly. Who could have seen this coming?
It's time for the Sakurai family shenanigans to begin.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
Oh, so we will maybe have some drama (and not necessarily the kind of forced one) with his family. Interesting.

But yeah, this chapter is show exactly why I think this manga, while not bad at all, is not that great on the "romance" part: Uzaki can be really, REALLY petty, while Sakurai keep being a nice guy with her. I mean ,yeah, he can be cold sometimes, but she always deserve it.

And, after all those chapter, the dynamic didn't change. It's even worst: now, everytime she's doing something embarassing, she's lashing out on him, and she doesn't always get a karmic retribution.

I got no problem with jealousy and stuff like that, but damn, she can be downright mean way too often, and all the "Look i'm funny and cute" of the world won't excuse that.
May 5, 2020
Genre : Comedy , Romance , Slice of Life .

It's in the tags ... if you aren't here for it, watching it once won't hurt you. Almost every chapter you get isn't romance why are complaining about the possibility of having it in a manga that should have it ... ?
This is an aspect that should be targeted by the authors, because he put all the elements needed for a romance manga earlier in the manga. And he seems to not want to tackle that subject before the end.
Group Leader
Jul 16, 2018
@KafukaPalazzo Lashing out at him? She bought a horror movie and wanted to scare him for fun. It's only mean if the movie has him literally crying or reliving some kind of long-lasting trauma. The dude forgets it about it 2 panels later. He's fine.

Petty for me would be her tracking mud through his house because she's mad at him and then harassing him while he cleans it up. That's my definition of mean and petty. Wanting to watch a scary movie with him to see him scared? Good fun, and if it really is bothering him, he has the option to just walk away or say no whenever he wants.

I don't understand these comments. Enlighten me.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
@dotawolfbrother: Foorcing someone to do something they don't want, and forcing someone to do something with the goal or scaring them for "revenge" is petty. Yeah, it's a "prank", nothing serious, but seriously, doing that to a friend is being a dick. It's not because it didn't work that it wasn't a dick move to plan it. (I mean, even the narration say it's cruel...)

Also, i'm not talking about just this time, but she did this kind of things (planning a mean prank just for shit and giggles or for "revenge"; and forcing Sakurai to do things she know he hate) a lot. I'm not gonna reread all the chapter just to pinpoint exemples, I think you see what kind of moments I'm talking about.

About what you're saying "He just has the option to walk away". Yeah, I agree, but it's not that simple: she's pretty good at forcing him to do things, and in this case, he agreed because he saw she was mad at him, and didn't want her friend to be mad, so he accepted her condition because he think he did something bad to her. But he did not. And she know that. But she's still going to guilt trip him into a thing he don't like.

But, I agree that "petty" can be a lot of thing, and maybe the word is too strong for what I meant. English is not my first language, so it's possible that i'm lacking vocabulary here. Same for "Lashing out", maybe it's not the right term to use.

Still, she does a lot of things that are not really nice, and get often forgiven a bit too easily.
Group Leader
Jul 16, 2018
@KafukaPalazzo Ah, I think you're right about me thinking "petty" is too strong of a word here. I would say she's being more "childish" then petty.

Childish is that she's refusing to admit why she's mad and so taking it out on him. Petty would be him apologizing but her still not forgiving him because he didn't realize what he did wrong fast enough -- That's petty -- but since we know she's really just lashing out in embarrassment over her love and it's not really him, it's really her just being childish.

So yeah, I think your use of "Lashing out" was great there, but I wouldn't use petty here because it's use is so situationally specific. It's usually someone being completely uncompromising for some stupid, inconsequential reason that's akin to "being mean to be mean" like "I was one minute late to work after years of perfect attendance, but even after I told my boss about the unexpected traffic I encountered, he still docked my pay for the day. Why? Because by being late, I'd made the columns on the attendance sheet look ugly."

I keep going, so I spoilered it.
"Childish" actually fits your final description pretty well too. Wouldn't you forgive a child more easily for doing things that aren't nice?

Another option would be "immature". I'd say guilt-tripping and taking your feelings out on other aren't things you'll see most mature people would be doing.

And if none of that's convinced you, pretty much the only time I see "petty" used nowadays is in combination with asshole as in "petty asshole". So unless you're ready to call someone an asshole, I wouldn't call them petty either because it has that much of a negative connotation(unless maybe playfully between friends).
Jan 22, 2020

Not an excuse, it's just what the author wants... if you don't like it don't read it, but he's obviously purposely dragging it out so we have more content of these two flirting.

Yes those other examples are great mangas, but the premise of those is different from this one, it all depends on what the author wants and if you don't like it don't read it./complain

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