Then you should probably read Kingdom. It has nothing at all to do with the americas or vikings but there is quite a lot of violence and senseless darkness, especially in the Great General Kanki, who is one of my personal favorites.
Throw away swords? That's idiotic. You still need swords to defend yourself even if you think they are no enemies. Also, you need swords against wild animals.
allowing swords in vinland would be the antithesis to thorfinn's stated goal since his awakening in denmark though?? They're still going to be using axes, it's like you've forgotten what you've been reading lol
For those saying they need their swords its as if you have all been reading this in hebrew....
To defend from animals they have other tools. And Thorfinns goal is NEVER to fight with the people in Vinland aka America if he were to fight with them regardless of them (natives) harboring ill will he will see it as a failure if he's only able to fight them and not resort to other options.