I am all for having entries showing scanlators like this having translated chapters even though they keep it externally on their own site, since that means it will be easily seen that chapter gaps are not actual gaps (so you know that you should head to the external link, or even another aggregator if you prefer their ui-layout to the external link's), and the like.
But I hate it when you do things like this where you fill the entire feed with super-spam like this. 170+ chapters just today, mostly centered around this hour... and increasing!? I'll admit I added you to my blacklist because of that, just to get the feed to be useable again.
If you are uploading a huge backlog library like this, you should either do it piece-meal at a time, or see if you could contact md staff to get them to add a flag in the /chapters route's result's that the frontend then filters out (or the frontend's query even includes as a filter so it doesn't have to then filter it out!).
And worse, you apparently only got 1-3 chapters translated per title? Most of them being ch1-3, but many jsut being randomly 3 chapters late in the manga, like 128-130 or such. So in many cases it's entirely redundant, others it seems like an attempt at sniping, and some it's probably an eternal delay as noone will ever fill in the gap until your chapters?
Honest feedback would be to maybe not have so many titles, if it means you only have 3 chapters each.