Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu! - Vol. 5 Ch. 26…

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2018
i like this zombie girl especially when she tilts her head.
I bet she would also feel really good to sleep with on a hot night.
I wonder if she has a decaying smell tho, that would absolutely kill it, but if i recall, Jiangshi/Munaks did not smell, as when they appeared no one would comment about the scent of rotting flesh.

Also couldn't mary just wreck the hell out of her factory, seeing how she is supposedly the most stupidly OP demon in this series yet.
Sep 25, 2019
God this artist is too good to be drawing shitty manga like this he should just do hentai
Sep 17, 2019
>literal slavery caused by unrestrained capitalism
well, there's no politics anywhere in sight, so I guess its fine
Mar 2, 2020
Am I the only person who thinks that Mary is the author's favorite? She gets all the significant lines and observations, she's the most powerful demon evah, and she regularly gets much more focus than Seruria, who I originally thought was going to be the FMC. I don't think she has half the charm or appeal as Seruria.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
@darkmatter923 Seems accurate, personally I'm in favor of that fact though.
Honestly I'm not sure if Seruria even gets #2 spotlight in the most recent half of the series.
Mar 2, 2020
@Fari I believe Seruria deserves the most attention and focus out of all the girls. After all, she is the MC's familiar (though that doesn't seem to have much significance lately) and she has the best romantic chemistry with the MC.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Page 27 is right.
The larger any group gets (and I'm talking about populations of humans, not merely profit-generating organisations), the less the welfare of individual members or even individual clients becomes. It doesn't take many people acting together for individuals to be regarded as completely disposable.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
So you’re telling me the country has no laws against a system that literally decreases potential economic growth? If the undead were paid that’d increase the consumer population which would increase spending. Also by allowing undead workers to work for free there’s the issue of decreasing jobs for any wage earning population (less spending). Plus mass produced low quality items do the exact opposite of encouraging product and civilization growth through competition in the market. It sounds a lot like slavery which was NEVER sustainable economically. As a civilization/society/nation advances it becomes costly and a roadblock on economic growth. I’m getting the feeling this country is REALLY bad at economics (which would make sense if they didn’t have literal magic; I get it’s a trope (magic in medieval times) but their magic is basically our industrial revolution at this point, it should be pushing development more). Also not getting how the undead slave company is doing better. For one, there’s a certain limit where having more labor won’t increase production anymore (because you also need to invest in capital, and training, and a billion other things). Then it really doesn’t matter how much of a low quality item you make if it’s so low quality there’s no demand for it (or it’s so easy to make there’s a million billion other companies in the market making the same product). That’d be like apple and samsung losing to some cheap $100 phone. And again this world seems pretty advanced with their uses of magic, her company really should have gone under by now with workers that can only do simple tasks.

@The5thSeraph Yeah that’s just wrong (well at least for good companies that plan to last and make a profit for as long as possible). Though yes bigger companies (and populations) lose that “I eat dinner with the company owner every Saturday” for all employees, but most companies still the IDEA behind that mentality BECAUSE they have more employees. It becomes the job of every manager and team leader or department head to care about the welfare of their employees and create a strong relationship. There is a reason why big companies will celebrate parties or milestones And companies do this because even with more employees they still NEED a good relationship. A bad work environment makes for a less efficient worker (as does stress), companies also want you to stay working with them for a long time (more experienced workers are better), it’s also really competitive (if a company chooses to hire you it’s because they WANT you to work for them, which you won’t do if you can get better benefits or pay or treatment else where). It goes double for customers. Again the owner can’t personally shake the hand of every customer, but they can (and do) push down training that tells their employees and sales reps to focus on building lasting relationships with every customer they interact with. They can also do other things to achieve the same (send out coupons, email birthday notices, engage with he community, get philanthropical, promise in their commercial you’re family). Now admittedly a lot of this will be due to an advancing civilization (with more skills and knowledge laborers are more fluid and competitive) and the internet (a lot of the interaction is done through social media and what not), but really all of that is a result of gradual economic growth which has also led to growth in technology and civilization overall. If you’re civilization isn’t advancing, but your population is growing, you have a whole different problem.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Didn't you ever learn to paragraph properly? The enter key exists for a reason, and it isn't just submitting things.

Anyway, I'm not wrong. I would even say obviously not wrong, and that it is laughably stupid to claim otherwise.
But I guess you fucked up because you completely missed the point in the first place. What was all that obsessing over dinner with the boss and shaking their hand about? Do you have a crush on your boss or something? I'm guessing you just completely misunderstood what I was saying, somehow.

As I said, concern for individual needs diminishes with the size of any group of people.
That is to say as the proportional representation of individuals decreases, the more they will simply be pigeonholed into rough collective categories. It is an absolute inevitability.
That means that whatever the group got together in the first place for, their priorities will shift with increasing numbers to something more abstract and generally less compatible with any given individual.

With companies in the capitalist sense, they might initially start out of the creator's interest in a topic, or a desire to help with something, or do something right that others aren't doing... BUT the more successful they get, the more the focus will simply shift towards the company's own survival. It shifts away from "what do people need?" to "how can we make more profit regardless of what we need to sacrifice?"... Employees become regarded as disposable labour while clients become regarded as walking moneybags to be drained.
Even the concept of PR plays into that exactly. The point isn't to be good for people, but to pretend to be good for people so as not to hurt profits. Bread & Circuses, so to speak. A company that was still focused on serving people rather than exploiting them wouldn't NEED PR, as that would take care of itself.

If you want examples, take a look at Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Electronic Arts. Plenty of others too. Started small, got big, went from being a trusted company to a bunch of tyrannical arseholes.

Microsoft scrapped all their personal versions of Windows for a "service model" that allows them to keep greater personal control over everything users do. Lots of personal customisation ability was scrapped in favour of spyware, forced updates, and other resource-hogging crap that only exists for Microsoft's sake and not the user's... on something they ostensibly already purchased. Heck, they were already hated before that, but it didn't really sink in with me until Windows 10. But if one plays games on a computer at this point, other operating systems simply aren't as compatible.

Google used to be a good search Engine. But now if you aren't searching for what they WANT you to find, you won't find it. All searches are normalised so if you want to try and find something vague that sounds a bit like something else, there will be no relevant search results whatsoever, and only a stream of false positives. And adverts litter absolutely everything trying to forcibly sell you things you don't need nor want, spamming up your entire online experience in the hopes of parting you with your cash.

Facebook. Where to even start? Every single Facebook update has made it worse. The chronological order of posts which made tracking them important was scrapped in favour of showing what Facebook wants people to see in order of popularity. Adverts appeared and gradually ran rampant. Meatspace names became mandatory and enforced. Tagging became automatic. The design of everything became gradually more and more childish over time. And what started as purely a social networking tool became a collection tool for personal data to sell it for profit. A meat-market where humans were the product, essentially. And that is without even starting on the enforced political agenda.

As for Electronic Arts, I don't even remember a time when they weren't complete scum. I only learnt they might not have been from a few videos a couple of years back. Apparently they made good games themselves once. But by the time I was aware of them, they were already buying out smaller 3rd party developers and making them just pump out endless cash-cow franchise products until they ceased to be useful any more. Remember the days when Bioware made games that weren't Mass Effect or Dragon Age? Heck, remember a time when Bioware were still making games on a semi regular basis? EA ruined that. Hard. They only recently consented to put their games on Steam, but it turns out even that is a ruse as it STILL installs a form of Origin on the computer to function. More back-doors into forcing their own way on people. Just enforcing mediocrity and destroying potential for the sake of personally hogging all the money they can.

It is simply an inevitability that success will turn companies into complete scum. And sure, they will keep trying to pretend they aren't as being actively hated is bad for profit, but they will only do as much as is necessary to fool the idiots out there and part them from their money.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
Damn, that kinda reminds me about the guy who was wrongly put as legally dead, without the slave working part. Just the part where the dead have no rights.

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