Binged this after starting and dropping it for a while, so far:
Kaho is probably not a love interest. This would be the most surprising ending. A small part of me wants the author to do crack and make it happen
Dating Satsuki was a fun arc, but I don't think it goes further beyond those two weeks. She's been cosplaying with Kaho though, so maybe there's gonna be a development there? I hope if she's not in the running for Renako that we kind of see her doing sidequests in the background.
Ajisai is best girl and it's really gonna suck when Mai wins over Renako. I am hoping to be wrong. She's the most relatable character, at least for my situation, and I want to see her happy. Other than that, her relationship with Renako is one where both want to be with each other and make the other happy.
Mai is okay I guess. She's proven herself reliable and Renako clearly likes her, but she's also the reason this had the "sexual violence" tag at one point. I'm not confident that the current Renako can be in an equal lover relationship with Mai.
As for Renako herself, I like her more than most MCs. She does things and it moves the plot. She's an active member of her story.