We Shall Now Begin Ethics

Nov 5, 2019
This is one of the few manga for which I pause to read each word and actually think about the message being sent.
Sep 27, 2019
The first chapter made me want to be a classy woman. I now consider the author my sensei.
Dec 2, 2019
This manga is a masterpiece on it's own i've never read something quite like it, and it makes you reflect on every single aspect of your life, and sometimes you see yourself in one of those students that are struggling and you truly live through their hardships and learn from what their teacher says.
Jan 6, 2020
The girl's exclamation " adults are dirty" was just slander? I don't understand.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
@krippr Philosophy and Ethics are inherently pretentious. You could make an argument that the manga relies overly on quotes from famous philosophers to make its point, but I think it does a pretty good job given the constraints placed on it both by page length, format, and target demographics.

Much like Takayanagi's students, I imagine this has inspired at least a few people to look deeper into these subjects. That's a win in my book.
Jan 15, 2020
the author's reductionist explainations of socialism and communism is a bit annoying but it addresses the more fundamental concepts of philosophy and ethics just fine
Active member
Nov 26, 2018
One thing to keep in mind (something that the west always fucks up) is that this is written by a Japanese person. Eastern thought differs greatly from western thought, enough that even things that we take for granted is not true in their cultures and vice versa. Examples include: rights, individuality, creationism, ethics, morals, death, afterlife and others that i wish i knew more.

Because of globalization, western thought (philosophy) has spread everywhere and has affected eastern people whereas westerners never felt any need to understand eastern thought (or any others for that matter). Because of their background, keep in mind that the author is writing this in a manga.

And because of it, Im always questioning about the worth of the manga. What is the point of it? He made it clear, to study ethics. But the way the story is construed and how the teacher helps the students... it sure as hell isnt philosophy. Its therapy. Which is not bad, but not philosophy. Eastern thought focuses a lot on how to live well, whereas western thought is more focused on what is ’right’. If it was philosophy, we should question and criticize these quotes that the teacher says. After all, there isnt a “right” way to live well... right?

Or im full of shit, thats also a possibility. 😦
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
I love this manga.
The subject interpreted are all so interesting and make me think and argument with myself, the characters are flawed but as the manga explain it, it's part of being a human, which make them more interesting and unique.
I wanna see so many more subjects discussed in this classroom, more stuff like the classroom debate which made because of an actual situation happening instead of theoretical ones like I used to do.

This is definitely getting a spot in one of my favorite manga, it has that GTO feeling but with a more phylosophical and modern realism feel to it.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 6, 2019
I have never felt truly powerful until i changed my rating from 8 to 10 and saw that the average went from 8.99 to 9.00
Nov 10, 2018
I personally liked the more 'unpretentious' chapters a lot more than the ones where the teacher rambles about philosophy (with the persona chapter being one exception, probably because I enjoy the subject a lot). That was especially powerful in the second chapter. Just when I expected the teacher to give some meaningful speech that would save the girl and close the chapter with fanfare and a cool Jojo pose, he gave in to his emotions and blurted the lamest thing possible.

"We shall now begin ethics" is also an incredibly badass title. Damn.

@miramira I'd say it's modern western philosophy that's so obsessed with right and wrong. I don't think it's a coincidence that the manga focuses so much on ancient greek philosophy, which was actually preoccupied with how to live a good life and has a lot of resemblances with the Japanese way of life. Marcus Aurelius' Meditations reads a lot like modern Japanese thought and culture.
Sep 2, 2019
Most of people say it was a good manga but tbh I don't understand what the good things about this manga, I also didn't understand what is ethics and what is the thing that the teacher trying to say

Maybe I will read it 3-5 times till I understand it

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